Una semana más, comparto la recopilación de enlaces a contenidos que me han parecido interesantes.
De esta tirada, me quedo con "Las interfaces describen qué, las implementaciones describen cómo", un gran título para el artículo de Steve Smith sobre conceptos que todos deberíamos tener claros.
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo crear componentes Blazor usando directamente C# en lugar de la sintaxis Razor
José M. Aguilar - Obtener la última excepción producida en ASP.NET Core
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- (Non-)Nullable Reference Types in C#
Paulo Zemek - Conditional compilation symbols in C#
Bart Wullems - FSZipper in C#
Mark Seemann - Preparing for .NET 9
Mattias Karlsson - A Better Way to Handle Entity Identification in .NET with Strongly Typed IDs
Anton Martyniuk - Boosting Loop Performance in .NET: The Simple Trick of Caching Array Length
David McCarter - Mastering C# 12: New Features and How to Use Them
Cosmic Meta - .NET Terminology
Rockford Lhotka - Interact with Ollama through C#
Bart Wullems - Service Discovery in .NET
Ricardo Peres - Tired of other developers?
Stanislav Nedelchev - Implementing Blocked Floyd-Warshall algorithm for solving all-pairs shortest path problem in C#
Oleg Karasik
Publicado por José M. Aguilar a las 8:05 a. m.
Etiquetas: enlaces
Vamos con la recopilación de enlaces de la tercera semana de septiembre, donde, como es habitual, podemos ver un poco de todo: algunos lanzamientos, características de C#, uso de herramientas de telemetría y monitorización, rendimiento en ASP.NET Core, frontend, y más.
Como reflexión, es curioso ver que la IA está presente en cada vez más áreas del desarrollo. Y aparte, me quedo con lo poco que se suelen usar los operadores implícitos de C#, cuando realmente pueden hacer nuestro código más limpio...
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Atributos genéricos en C# 11
José M. Aguilar - Cacheo de porciones de vistas en ASP.NET Core MVC
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Join the .NET Smart Components ecosystem
Daniel Roth - TUnit, new testing framework for .NET 8 and up.
Tom Longhurst - Disabling Recording of an Activity (span) in .NET OpenTelemetry Instrumentation
Steve Gordon - How to run .NET apps natively on Arm64 devices
Mark Downie - Understanding the behavior of the XAML Designer with abstract base classes
Peter Spada - A Modern Way to Create Value Objects to Solve Primitive Obsession in .NET
Anton Martyniuk - Using Polly For Retries
Scott Galloway - Managing TaskCancellationTokens in a central service in ASP.NET
Steven Giesel - C# 11.0 new features: ref fields and the scoped keyword
Ian Griffins - Use the implicit operator to reduce noise in your code
Josef Ottosson
Tras unas semanas de merecido descanso, volvemos a la carga con el blog, inaugurando lo que, más o menos, debería ser su temporada número 18. Como de costumbre, intentaremos seguir la serie semanal de enlaces de interés y escribiendo sobre trucos, novedades y características de C#, .NET, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, JavaScript, o cualquier cosa que se ponga por delante y que considere que puede ser de utilidad para la comunidad.
Y para empezar con buen pie, lo haremos con la recopilación número 576 de enlaces que, como de costumbre, espero que os resulten interesantes. Especialmente destacable, además del lanzamiento de .NET 9 RC1, es el esperado post "Performance improvements in .NET 9" del gran Stephen Toub, todo un clásico cuando se va acercando una nueva versión del framework. Sencillamente imprescindible si queréis estar a la última.
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Creación de enlaces con tag helpers de Core MVC
José M. Aguilar - Restricciones de ruta personalizadas parametrizables en ASP.NET Core
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Analizando tu código sin morir en el intento
Adrián Díaz Cervera - .NET 9 Release Candidate 1 is now available!
.NET Team - Performance Improvements in .NET 9
Stephen Toub - The Best Way To Validate Objects in .NET in 2024
Anton Martyniuk - Back to Basics: Await a Task with a Timeout
Rick Strahl - Working with tar files in .NET 8
Andrew Lock - Why is F# code so robust and reliable?
Akunyili Chukwuma - What are partial classes in C# and why do we use them?
David Grace - Optimizing Hash Code Generation in .NET: A Performance Comparison
David McCarter - Thread-Safe Singleton in C#: A Guide to Double-Checked Locking and Lazy<T> Approaches
Antonio Ripa - Intersperse Values for Enumerable Collections
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Alternate Lookup for Dictionary and HashSet in .NET 9
NDepend Team - Autofixture and IOptions<T> - A Winning Combination
Adam Storr
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Inyección de dependencias en ASP.NET Core(actualizado)
José M. Aguilar - Añadir al routing de Blazor páginas definidas en otros proyectos o ensamblados
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Flexible PDF Reporting in .NET Using Razor Views
Milan Jovanović - MemoryCache in C#: A Practical Guide
Metalama Team - Local Functions vs Lambda Expressions in C#
Bozo Spoljaric - Creating hashes in .NET
Damien Bowden - How to find a client's geolocation in .NET with IP lookup
David Grace - Publish a console app as a single executable
Bart Wullems - How to output a SARIF file from a .NET project
Gérald Barré - An immutable priority collection
Mark Seemann - Exploring the generated code: the spread element
Andrew Lock - Readonly, Immutable, and Frozen Collections in .NET
NDepend Team - How to Read appsettings.json in a .NET Console Application
Matheus Dasuke - Scan HTML faster with SIMD instructions: .NET/C# Edition
Daniel Lemire
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Miembros de inicialización obligatoria en C#11 (required members)
José M. Aguilar - Tag helpers en ASP.NET Core MVC: Introducción
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Primary constructors
Mark Downie - Proxy Design Pattern in C#
Ahsan Ullah - How to Generate Large Datasets in .NET for Excel With OpenXML
Artem Rudiakov - Exploring the generated code: T[], Span<T>, and Immutable collections
Andrew Lock - When to create a new .csproj?
NDepend Team - ReadOnlySet<T> in .NET 9
Steven Giesel - C# Tip: Path.Combine and Path.Join are similar but way different.
Davide Bellone
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- ¡No uses ToLower() o ToUpper() para comparar cadenas en C#!
José M. Aguilar - El archivo _ViewImports en ASP.NET Core MVC
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Refactor your code with default lambda parameters
David Pine - Cancellation Tokens in C#
Rasheed K Mozaffar - When does the try, catch and finally blocks run in C#?
David Grace - Collection Performance: Introducing FrozenSet in .NET 8: Benefits and Benchmark PerformanceCollection Performance
David McCarter - Privacy and security improvements in .NET modernization tooling
Mike Rousos - How to Cast an Int to an Enum in C#
Chris Pietschmann - Exploring the generated code: List<T> and fallback cases
Andrew Lock - How to Ignore a Property in AutoMapper
Żaneta Borowska - C#: Read Text and JSON File Contents into Variable in Memory
Chris Pietschmann - How to Use FakeLogger to Test Logging Code in .NET
Osman Sokuoglu - How to Use C# to Properly Follow OAuth Authentication Flows
Peter Smulovics - C# 13 params collections
NDepend Team - What Does the null! Statement Do?
Januarius Njoku - Announcing Third Party API and Package Map Support for .NET Upgrade Assistant
Marco Goertz - The Best Way To Map Objects in .Net in 2024
Anton Martyniuk
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- El nuevo modificador "file" de C# 11: tipos visibles exclusivamente en el archivo en el que se definen
José M. Aguilar - La carpeta wwwroot en ASP.NET Core
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Retrying Failed HttpClient Requests in .NET Using Polly
Gergő Vándor - Does an HttpClient await the Header and the body?
Steven Giesel - Frozen Collections in .NET 8
Sharmila Subbiah - How to Use the LINQ ToDictionary Method in C#
Januarius Njoku - Introducing collection expressions in C#12
Andrew Lock - Differences Between Span and Memory in C#
Bozo Spoljaric - 5 Practical Ways to Add Polly to Your C# Application
Metalama Team - C# Array and List Fastest Loop in 2024
NDepend Team - Weak Events in C#
Satya Prakash - What’s New in C# 13 for Developers?
Vinoth Kumar Sundara Moorthy - C# Version String Formatting
Rick Strahl - Weak Events in C#
Satya Prakash - Creating Custom Attributes in C#
Anton Martyniuk
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- ¿Cómo se llama el operador "-->" de C#?
José M. Aguilar - ¿Se pueden lanzar dos aplicaciones ASP.NET Core desde el mismo host?
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Top 10 C# Recent Improvements
NDepend Team - How to Print a 2D Array to the Console in C#
Ellie Zubrowski - How to use C# async/await for API calls & to stop blocking
David Grace - Refactor your code using alias any type
David Pine - MSTest 3.4 is here with WinUI support and new analyzers!
Amaury Levé & Marco Rossignoli - State Machines, Light Switches, and Space Travel with Stateless and .NET 8
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Fast and Compact Structured Logging in C# Using String Interpolation
Metalama team - Automate your .NET SDK updates for consistent and reproducible builds with global.json and Renovate
Anthony Simmon - StringBuilders magic for very large strings
Steven Giesel - .NET Core–Check if console app is running with administrative privileges
Bart Wullems - New And Proposed Changes For C# 13
Peter Ritchie - Bouncy Castle Cryptography Library for .NET
Alvaro Montoya - Async Await Mastery: Handling Exceptions Like a Pro in C#
Kons Fedorov - IDisposable: What Your Mother Never Told You About Resource Deallocation
Stephen Cleary - How To Write Elegant Code with C# Switch Expressions
Anton Martyniuk
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Personalizar restricciones de ruta en línea en ASP.NET Core
José M. Aguilar - Inyección de dependencias en filtros ASP.NET Core MVC
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- ¿.NET 7 no soportado, pero .NET 6 sí? - Cómo funcionan las versiones en .NET
José Manuel Alarcón - .NET Workloads 101
Miguel Angel Martín Hernández - Introducing links to source code for .NET API Docs
Min Huang - How to test a Roslyn analyzer
Gérald Barré - How to Compare Two Dictionaries in C#
Januarius Njoku - Blocking primary constructor member capture using a Roslyn Analyzer
Andrew Lock - Fastest Ways to Perform Base 10 Conversions in C#
Martin Chege - What's New in C# 13: Enhanced Params, Performance Boosts, and New Extension Types
Almir Vuk - .NET Core Configuration in .NET 8
Dhananjeyan Balaretnaraja - Introduction to the StronglyTypedId Package in .NET
Caleb Okechukwu - Running a Hosted Service in a Console Application
Bryan Hogan - Cancel WhenAny - linked CancellationTokenSource
Steven Giesel - Metadata Consulting [dot] ca: C# dotNet The fastest way to check if a file is a PDF file or not
Metadata Consulting - Lookup in C#
Januarius Njoku - ASP.NET Core Basics: Getting Started with GraphQL
Assis Zang - Using thread-safe classes doesn’t make your code thread-safe
Henrique Dalcin Dalmas - How to Set the Exit Code for a Console Application in .NET
Stefan Cruz
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Los diez mandamientos del egoless programming
José M. Aguilar - Cadenas de texto con ayudas sintácticas en .NET 7 (y anteriores)
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- .NET Announcements & Updates from Microsoft Build 2024
.NET Team - Announcing NuGet 6.10
The NuGet Team - How to use HttpClient correctly to avoid socket exceptions
David Grace - .NET 7 Support Just Ended, Here's How to Upgrade to .NET 8
David Ramel - MemoryCache, DistributedCache and HybridCache
Steven Giesel - Roslyn analyzers: How to
Gérald Barré - How to Deal With NullReferenceException? Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Metalama team - Thoughts about primary constructors: 3 pros and 5 cons
Andrew Lock
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo contar y enumerar los items almacenados en un objeto MemoryCache en .NET 6
José M. Aguilar - Interpolación de cadenas en C# 6, a fondo
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- .NET: Eligiendo el framework de Interfaz de Usuario más adecuado para crear aplicaciones de escritorio
José Manuel Alarcón - Read and Write Azure Blob Storage with C#
Chris Pietschmann - What’s new in Orleans 8 for Scalable Distributed Applications
Mike Kistler - C# .NET 8 — MediatR Pipelines
Gabriele Tronchin - How to Find the Latitude and Longitude of a Location in C#
Ellie Zubrowski - An introduction to primary constructors in C#12
Andrew Lock - Mastering Exception Handling in C#: A Comprehensive Guide
Anton Martyniuk - Modeling: Date vs. DateTime
Oren Eini - How to avoid conflicts when testing your dotnet templates locally
Gérald Barré - Scheduled Message Delivery with Wolverine
Jeremy D. Miller - The .NET Generic Math Library
NDepend Team - How to Generate a Random Color Name in C#
Ellie Zubrowski - Collection Performance: Exercise Caution When Using Take() with a Basic Count
David McCarter
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo modificar la reason phrase en una respuesta HTTP de ASP.NET Core
José M. Aguilar - 101 citas célebres más del mundo de la informática (¡505 ya!)
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- C#: How to Enumerate over Enum values and names
Chris Pietschmann - .NET Core - View outdated packages
Bart Wullems - .NET 8 — Frozen Collections
Henrique Siebert Domareski - 7 Most Common Mistakes in C# Programming
Konstantin Fedorov - How to check if a DLL and an exe is a .NET assembly
Gérald Barré - Serialization and Deserialization with YamlDotNet
Muhammad Afzal Qureshi - C# Discriminated Union: What’s Driving the C# Community’s Inquiries?
NDepend Team - String Performance: Checking for a Character
David McCarter - Refactor your code with C# collection expressions
David Pine - Enforce architectural constrains using NetArchTest
Dennis Frühauff - .NET 9 LINQ Performance Edition
Steven Giesel - General Performance Tip: Type Conversion
David McCarter - Generate QR Codes With QRCoder in .NET
Ryan Miranda - Fast Search and Replace in Large Number of Files: A Practical Guide
Brian C Hart - Support Corner: Dotfuscator and Strong Named Assemblies
Ben Nettleton
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Validación de servicios en entornos distintos a "Development" en ASP.NET Core 6
José M. Aguilar - La nueva directiva @inject de ASP.NET Core MVC
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Adventures serializing absolutely everything in C#
Isadora Sophia Rodopoulos - Switch expression for void methods
Bart Wullems - Introducing OpenSilver 2.2 with LightSwitch Support
OpenSilver - Creating a .NET AsciiMath parser and using it in a Markdig extension
Andrew Lock - Secure your container build and publish with .NET 8
Richard Lander - Working with Rust Libraries from C# .NET Applications
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Some more C# 12
Tom Deseyn - How does a List know that you changed it while enumerating it?
Steven Giesel - Checking your solution for NuGet vulnerabilities or deprecated packages
Steven Giesel - Generate Images in C# Using ImageMagick & Generate Images in C# Using ImageSharp
Emmanuel Adom - General Performance Tip: Choosing Between Conditional Statements – If, Switch, and Switch Expression Performance in C#
David McCarter
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Retornar archivos estáticos desde una carpeta distinta a "wwwroot" en ASP.NET Core 6
José M. Aguilar - Filtros asíncronos en ASP.NET Core MVC
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Getting Started with Primary Constructors in .NET 8 and C# 12
Anton Martyniuk - Don't Do This With Extension Methods
Adam Storr - C# 12: Collection expressions and primary constructors
Tom Deseyn - How to Convert a String to Byte Array in C#
Nick Cosentino - Using type aliases to make code clearer with generics
Gérald Barré - XML External Entity Attack and .NET Core
Bart Wullems - Hacking together an AsciiMath parser for .NET
Andrew Lock - C#: How to iterate over a dictionary?
Chris Pietschmann - Does readonly make your code faster?
Steven Giesel - Refactor your C# code with primary constructors
David Pine - C#: Console App that Accepts Command-Line Arguments
Chris Pietschmann - Try Catch in C#: The Basics You Need to Know
Nick Cosentino - .NET JsonElement and Schema Validation
Ian Griffiths - What’s new for .NET in Ubuntu 24.04
Richard Lander - Unit Testing with Semantic Kernel
Sophia Lagerkran - C# 13 Params Collections
Fons Sonnemans - Working with IAsyncEnumerable in C#
Camilo Reyes - Code It Any Way You Want: Comparison of Passing Parameters in Methods
David McCarter - How to Create a Zip File in Memory In C#
Matjaz Prtenjak - C# DateTime Format In A Nutshell
Ndepend Team - Type pattern matching in C# and TypeScript
Bart Wullems
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Omisión condicional de propiedades al serializar con System.Text.Json
José M. Aguilar - Interpolación de cadenas en C# 6
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Automated NuGet package version range updates in .NET projects using Renovate
Anthony Simmon - Improvements in the Using Directive for Additional Types in C#
Georgios Panagopoulos - The New C# Interceptors vs. AOP.
Marek Sirkovský - C# Optional Parameters Explained
NDepend Team - Linting and Code Formatting in .NET Projects
Hamed Shirbandi - 10 Advanced C# Tricks for Developers
Konstantin Fedorov - .NET 8 and C# 12 — Interceptors
Henrique Siebert Domareski - Streamline your container build and publish with .NET 8
Richard Lander - How to Use HttpOnly Cookie in .NET Core for Authentication and Refresh Token Actions
Marinko Spasojević - C# URI Concatenation
Bill Boga - Code It Any Way You Want: Checking Strings for Null
David McCarter - Computing code coverage for a .NET project
Gérald Barré - C# Regular Expression Benchmarks – How To Avoid My Mistakes!
Nick Cosentino - What’s New in .NET 8 for Developers?
Vinoth Kumar Sundara Moorthy - The Difference Between Invariance, Contravariance and Covariance in Generics in C#
Georgi Georgiev - Baseline Styling in BenchmarkDotNet
Januarius Njoku
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Breakpoints temporales y dependientes en Visual Studio 2022
José M. Aguilar - Expresiones lambda en miembros de función de C# 6
José M. Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- .NET 9 Preview 3
James Montemagno - Introducing MSTest SDK – Improved Configuration & Flexibility
Marco Rossignoli - Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities in .NET
Jason Sultana - Creating ico files from multiple images in .NET
Gérald Barré - The Best Way to Assign an Initial Value to Auto-Properties in C#
Kundar Kumar - C# Regex Performance: How To Squeeze Out Performance
Nick Cosentino - How to Retrieve the Number of CPU Cores in C#
Lennart Pries - Handling Circular References When Working With JSON in .NET
Georgios Panagopoulos - Equip 3rd party types with a deconstructor
Steven Giesel - How to Set a Default User-Agent on an HttpClient in ASP.NET Core
Mandar Dharmadhikari
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- ¿No te gusta que tus nuevos proyectos .NET usen top level statements? Pues Visual Studio y la CLI te lo ponen fácil
José María Aguilar - Interpolación de cadenas en C# 6
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Leer mensajes de un buzón de Office 365 con C# & Console application vs worker service
Sergio León - Getting the Method Name from a Task in C#
Bryan Hogan - Fastest Way to Check if a List is in Order in C#
Jeff Shergalis - Collection Initializer Performance in C#
Nick Cosentino - Easily navigate code delegates
Mark Downie - The .editorconfig files for .NET developers
NDepend - Json schema validation in .NET
Gérald Barré - Pattern matching and the compiler can be surprising
Steven Giesel - How to use xUnit to run unit testing in .NET and C#
David Grace - How to Validate a GUID in C#
Osman Sokuoglu - Enable tab completion for the .NET CLI in your terminal
Anthony Simmon - Testing Your Native AOT Applications
Marco Rossignoli - 24 Essential Async/Await Best Practices for Basic to Advanced C# Developers
Sukhpinder Singh - Just for Fun: A Five-Card Poker Library Using C#
James McCaffrey - Convert Excel to PDF in Just 5 Steps Using C#
Mohan Chandran - Examples of Composition in C# – A Simple Guide for Beginners
Nick Cosentino - Primary Constructor and Logging Don't Mix
Adam Storr
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Añadir filas de datos a Google Sheets desde .NET
José María Aguilar - Expresiones lambda en miembros de función de C# 6
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- .NET 7 will reach End of Support on May 14, 2024
Rahul Bhandari - C# 13: Allow ref and unsafe in iterators and async
Steven Giesel - How to Convert ReadOnlyMemory to a Byte Array in C#
Robinson Small - .NET 9: LINQ Enhancements: A Detailed Introduction
Sukhpinder Singh - Best Practices for Logging With Serilog
Ivan Gechev - Implementing Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes using PriorityQueue in .NET 9
Andrew Lock - Programmatic Html to PDF Generation using the WebView2 Control
Rick Strahl - C# - Tips and Tricks 03 - Use static initialization
Josef Ottosson - Bing on .NET 8: The Impact of Dynamic PGO
Ben Watson
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Entender código imposible mediante troceado y refactorización
José María Aguilar - Mejoras en bloques try/catch de C# 6
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Introducing .NET Smart Components - AI-powered UI controls
Daniel Roth - Working with yield in C#: Enhancing Efficiency and Code Clarity
A. Yohan Malshika - Why Should We Avoid Using Await in a Loop in C#
Anaedobe Nneka - How to Resolve IOptions Instance Inside Program Class in C#
Georgi Georgiev - Difference Between await and Task.Wait in C#
Georgios Panagopoulos - .NET Developers Begging for Ecosystem Destruction
Aaron Stannard - NCronJob - Scheduling made easy
Steven Giesel - Conventional Message Routing in Wolverine
Jeremy D. Miller - Execute the SELECT WHERE NOT EXIST SQL Query Using LINQ
Karthikeyan N. S. - C# 12: Collection Expressions
Thomas Claudius Huber - General Performance Tip: Logging
David McCarter - Generate a Word document in ASP.NET
John Reilly - Building Interactive Blazor Apps with WebAssembly
Ed Charbeneau - How to Convert IAsyncEnumerable to List
Caleb Okechukwu - Benchmark a Method’s Performance on Different .NET Versions
Januarius Njoku
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Constructores estáticos, inicializadores de módulos y startup hooks: tres formas de ejecutar código antes que Program.Main()
José María Aguilar - Inicialización de diccionarios en C# 6
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Measuring .NET Performance: Unleashing the Power of BenchmarkDotNet
Antão Almada - Fastest Way to Get the First N Characters of a String in C#
Januarius Njoku - Understanding System.Diagnostics DiagnosticSource and DiagnosticListener (Part 1)
Steve Gordon - How to Automatically Cast Between Types in C#
Nick Cosentino - Behind the implementation of .NET's PriorityQueue
Andrew Lock - C# 12: Primary Constructors
Thomas Claudius Huber - Mocking HttpClient requests for C# unit tests
Thomas Ardal - Get started with .NET 8 and AI using new quickstart tutorials
Jordan Matthiesen - Fastest Way to Generate a Random Boolean in C#
Matjaz Prtenjak - How to Use StringPool to Reduce String Allocations in C#
Osman Sokuoglu - Plugin Architecture in C# for Improved Software Design
Nick Cosentino - Why I Don't Use AutoMapper in .Net
Grant Riordan - LINQ Query Improvements in Marten 7
Jeremy D. Miller - Async Event Handlers in C#: What You Need to Know
Nick Cosentino - Comparing Performance of the switch and if-else Statements in C#
Michal Kaminski - Activator.CreateInstance vs Type.InvokeMember – A Clear Winner?
Nick Cosentino