martes, 13 de octubre de 2020
Hoy le toca el turno a un código de estado HTTP que no es nada habitual: HTTP 416 (Range Not Satisfiable). Este resultado se obtiene cuando la solicitud de un rango, especificado en el encabezado Range
, indica un valor que no puede ser satisfecho por el servidor, quizás porque son inválidos o porque superan el tamaño del recurso.
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Rutado dinámico en ASP.NET Core 3 MVC
José María Aguilar - Funciones locales en C# 7
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- C# 9.0 – Specification: Partial Methods
Jorge Serrano - Algunas particularidades respecto a la inicialización y validación en setters
Jorge Serrano - Modelo de actores con Akka.Net – II
Joaquín García - MediatR 9.0 Released
Jimmy Bogard - .NET 5: Exploring System.Net.Http.Json namespace
Anthony Giretti - Tidy up your HttpClient usage
Josef Ottosson - 6 Best Practices to Keep a .NET Application's Memory Healthy
Michael Shpilt - Creating a dotnet new Project Template
Rick Strahl - Creating a .NET Core Global Tool
John Smith - Generate INotifyPropertyChanged implementation for MVVM pattern
Kazuki Ota - .NET Internals: System.Threading.Channels - UnboundedChannel (Part 1) - Steve Gordon
Steve Gordon - Changing Serilog Minimum level without application restart on .NET Framework and Core
Niels Swimberghe - Introducing C# 9: Covariant returns
Anthony Giretti - C# in Simple Terms - Code Blocks, Basic Statements, and Loops
Matthew Jones - Calculate the Moon Phase With C#
Khalid Abuhakmeh
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
Blazor Server: cómo funciona por debajo
CampusMVP - When does Blazor decide to render your UI?
Jon Hilton - ASP.NET Core: Building a Robust Authentication and Authorization System using IdentityServer
Vikas Sharma - Update the HTML head from your Blazor components
Jon Hilton - Blazor Form Validation Mechanics Overview
Bogdan Chorniy - Adding health checks with Liveness, Readiness, and Startup probes: Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Kubernetes
Andrew Lock - Building a simple tooltip component for Blazor in under 10 lines of code*
Chris Sainty - From site.css to component styles
Jon Hilton - How to Publish Angular with ASP.NET Core
Marinko Spasojevic - Prerendering your Blazor WASM application with .NET 5 (part 1)
& Part 2: Solving the missing HttpClient problem
Jon Hilton - Bootstrap logging with Serilog + ASP.NET Core
Nicholas Blumhardt - Refresh Token with Blazor WebAssembly and ASP.NET Core Web API
Marinko Spasojevic
Azure / Cloud
- Running ASP.NET Core 5 RC applications on Azure App Service
Gunnar Peipman - Azure Cosmos DB Repository .NET SDK v.1.0.4
David Pine
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- SOLID menos mola (I)
Fernando Escolar - Mass delete via HTTP/Rest how do you do it?
Heiko W. Rupp
- Database Creation with DbUp
Eric L. Anderson - How to configure relationships in Entity Framework Core 5
Michał Białecki
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Back to Machine Learning Basics - Regularization
Nikola M. Zivkovic
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
Encontrar caracteres acentuados y emojis con expresiones regulares en JavaScript
José Manuel Alarcón - Back to JS Basics - Types & Coercion
Poulami Chakraborty - Managing your ReactJS application state with RxJS
Justin Mitchell - Lazy loading components in Vue 3
Justin Brooks - Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid
Josh Comeau - SuperJSON - JSON on steroids
Simon Knott - Using JavaScript to Adjust Saturation and Brightness of RGB Colors
Hugh Haworth - How to Make an Unobtrusive Scroll-to-Top Button
Marcel Rojas - Useful Tools In Vue.js Web Development
Timi Omoyeni - 4 Ways to Create a Modal Popup Box with Html, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript
Deji Adesoga - Two ways you can take advantage of types in JavaScript (without TypeScript)
Rui Figueiredo - Chrome is deploying HTTP/3 and IETF QUIC
Chromium Blog - Balancing on a Pivot with Flexbox
Julian Merkenich - Understanding the Image Component in React Native
Esther Vaati - 10 CSS3 Properties you Need to be Familiar With
Jeffrey Way - How to Detect When a Sticky Element Gets Pinned
David Walsh
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Project tye
Eduard Tomás - Limpiando automáticamente las ramas o branches de un proyecto en Azure DevOps y Visual Studio 2019
Jorge Serrano - Cómo renombrar y cambiar una rama o branch por defecto en GitHub
Jorge Serrano - How to use autocomplete at the command line for dotnet, git, winget, and more!
Scott Hanselman - Git anatomy
Dino Esposito - Interactive Unit Testing with .NET Core and VS Code
John V. Petersen - Cross Platform Managed Memory Dump Debugging
Mark Downie - Using Key Vault certificates with Microsoft.Identity.Web and ASP.NET Core applications
Damien Bowden - How to Docker with .NET: Getting Started
Dave Brock - Llama preview 0.1.2
Eric Sink
- Xamarin.Essentials 1.6 preview: macOS, media, and more!
James Montemagno - When to Use Xamarin.Forms vs Xamarin Native?
Nigel Ferrissey - How to provide negative numeric input on Xamarin.Forms iOS
Steven Thewissen - Xamarin.Forms - Support Dark Mode
Delpin Susai Raj - Shadows and MaterialFrame blur: Performance Updates
Jean-Marie Alfonsi
- 6 consejos para mejorar el plan de formación de un programador
CampusMVP - Windows 10: Solucionar el problema de que la wifi se desconecta todo el rato
José Manuel Alarcón - Azure IoT – Spanish Group
Pep Lluis Bano
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