lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020
Probablemente os habréis topado algúna vez con el error HTTP 415 "Unsupported Media Type" mientras hacéis pruebas de APIs. Este código se reserva para que el servidor indique al otro extremo que los datos enviados en la petición no se encuentran en un formato soportado (por ejemplo, hemos enviado datos XML cuando sólo se soportan JSON, o algo similar). El servidor puede determinar la falta de soporte examinando los encabezados Content-Type
o Content-Encoding
, así como el propio cuerpo de la petición.
Y ahora, van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo modificar la convención de nombrado de controladores en ASP.NET Core MVC
José María Aguilar - Publicación self-contained y single-file en .NET Core
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- C# 9.0 – Specification: Init-only Setters & Pattern Matching Enhancements & Target Typing & Target-Typed Conditional Expressions & Target-Typed Conditional Expressions & Covariant Returns
Jorge Serrano (¡Vaya serie, amigo! :)) - Introducing DotNet.SystemCollections.Analyzers
Kevin Avignon - IConfiguration does not contain a definition for GetValue
Paul Michaels - Don't Let Your .NET Applications Fail: Resiliency with Polly
Dmitrij Kovaliov - EnsureSuccessStatusCode as an assertion
Mark Seemann - A Subtle Gotcha with Azure Deployment Slots and ASP.NET Core
Phil Haack - A simple pattern for using System.CommandLine with dependency injection
Carmel Eve - C# in Simple Terms - Primitive Types, Literals, and Nullables
Matthew Jones - Automatic factory with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection and Castle DynamicProxy
Thomas Levesque - .NET 5.0 App Trimming and Potential for Future Progress
Patrick Smacchia - ArrayPool vs MemoryPool—minimizing allocations in AIS.NET
Ian Griffiths - Getting rid of array bound checks, ref-returns and .NET 5
Konrad Kokosa - Streamline .NET Dependency Management with NuGet Meta Packages
James Dawson - ILogger and Null Object Pattern
Christian Findlay - .NET Framework Connection Pool Limits and the new Azure SDK for .NET
Pavel Krymets - Programmable text (and JSON) formatting for Serilog
Nicholas Blumhardt - Using Hangfire and MediatR as a Message Dispatcher
Derek Comartin - Serialize Interface Instances With System.Text.Json
Khalid Abuhakmeh - How to use .NET module initializers in a concrete real use case
Daniel Cazzulino - C# in Simple Terms - Casting, Conversion, and Parsing
Matthew Jones - Creating C# Enums from a SQL Database using T4 Text Templates
Matthew Jones
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Don’t Launch a Browser Running ASP.NET Core Back-end Created from Web Template Studio
Eric L. Anderson - Should you unit-test API/MVC controllers in ASP.NET Core?
Andrew Lock - Use Attributes & Middleware in ASP.NET Core for Logging, Telemetry, and Anything Else
Michael Shpilt - ASP.NET Core 5 Route to Code: Taking advantage of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http json extensions
Anthony Giretti - Streaming an HTTP response in Blazor WebAssembly
Gérald Barré - Setting environment variables for ASP.NET Core apps in a Helm chart: Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Kubernetes - Part 5
Andrew Lock - Building Your Next Web App with ASP.NET Core
Galdin Raphael - How to Adapt Your .NET App for SameSite
Franco Tiveron - Read request headers as an object in ASP.Net Core
Michał Białecki - Render diagrams on the fly in your Blazor apps
Jon Hilton - Blazor Guru Details Best Performance Practices
David Ramel - Blazor vs. Silverlight: Is Blazor Silverlight 2.0?
Claudio Bernasconi - Validating an input on keypress instead of on change in Blazor
Gérald Barré - Ignite UI for Blazor – The Official Release
Brian Lagunas - How to Build Securely with Blazor WebAssembly (WASM)
Heather Downing - Read And Convert QueryCollection Values In ASP.NET
Khalid Abuhakmeh
Azure / Cloud
- Manage pre-releases Azure Services using Azure Preview Features
Abhijit Jana - Create a Website Scraper for Azure Functions
Jason Gaylord
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- SOLID menos mola (L)
Fernando Escolar - Debouncing v/s Throttling: What's the difference?
Afraz Momin
- How not to pass parameters in Entity Framework Core 5
Michał Białecki
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- ML.NET September Updates
Bri Achtman
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- El operador de encadenamiento opcional en ECMAScript/JavaScript: evitando errores por nulos
José Manuel Alarcón - Deep Dive Into JavaScript Functions
Jin Vincent Necesario - Playing with Vuelidate Alpha with Vue 3
Shawn Wildermuth - Dynamic Favicons
John Letey - Top 5 CORS Issues You Don't Want To Run Into
Tulsi Prasad - Implementing Drag and Drop in Vuejs
Sunil Joshi - Using Access Token to Secure Angular Calls to Web API
Marinko Spasojevic - The Flavors of Object-Oriented Programming (in JavaScript)
Zell Liew - Physical Simulations in Vanilla JS
Yury Yuhno - Immutability in JavaScript
Leonardo Maldonado - Angular Lazy Loading Syntax Under the Hood
Joe Eames - Async Await JavaScript Tutorial – How to Wait for a Function to Finish in JS
Fredrik Strand Oseberg - Shoelace 2.0: A Forward-thinking Library of Web Components
David Walsh - Javascript ||, aka Why Doesn't This Work?!
Laurie - Vest, a New Javascript Form Validation Framework
Guy Nesher - Achieving Vertical Alignment (Thanks, Subgrid!)
Cathy Dutton - Understanding TypeScript Generics
Jamie Corkhill - React Hook Form Cross-field Validation
Carl Rippon - A Complete Guide to CSS Media Queries
Andrés Galante - Parsel: A tiny, permissive CSS selector parser
Lea Verou
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Mejorando la calidad del código con NDepend (con sorteo de licencia!)
Jorge Turrado - The Dark Secrets of Fast Compilation for Kotlin
Andrey Breslav - Bringing the browser developer tools to Visual Studio Code
Chris Heilmann - Publishing an ASP.NET Core App to Azure App Service Using Visual Studio
Marinko Spasojevic - Create and use Code Snippets in @code, and create custom snippets just for your workspace
Bruno Capuano

- [Evento] Monkey Conf 2020
Javier Suárez - Replicating Sneakers UI in Xamarin Forms
Leomaris Reyes - Xamarin.Forms 5 Preview: Advanced UI Controls for Beautiful Apps
David Ortinau - How to create a custom pop-up in Xamarin with MvvmCross in the right way
Denys Fiediaiev - Hunting Xamarin.Forms Shadows leaks on Android
Jean-Marie Alfonsi
- The Future of IdentityServer
Dominick Baier - There's a good reason why experienced devs say "it depends" so often
Jerod Santo
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