lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020
A veces las expectativas no se cumplen, y el mundo de las peticiones HTTP no iba a ser la excepción ;) El código de estado 417 (Expectation Failed) es retornado por un servidor precisamente cuando eso ocurre: no es capaz de cumplir las expectativas indicadas por el cliente mediante el encabezado
de la petición.
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes y, por supuesto, que vuestras expectativas queden satisfechas :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Tip: desinstalar rápidamente paquetes NuGet en proyectos .NET Core
José María Aguilar - Cambiar el idioma de mensajes del SDK de .NET Core
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Cómo garantizar el soporte a largo plazo de tu aplicación .NET
CampusMVP - Mediator Pattern en C#
Jorge Serrano - ¿Cómo puedo probar .NET 5 y C# 9?
Jorge Serrano - Announcing .NET 5.0 RC 2
Richard Lander - Introducing .NET Live TV - Daily Developer Live Streams
James Montemagno - How to Debug C# 9 Source Code Generators
Nick Randolph - Web Scraping with C#
Pierre de Wulf - Export Bitly Links using C#
Jason Gaylord - C# 9: Partial Methods get more flexibility
Miguel Bernard - Dynamic Queries with Expressions Trees in C#
Michael Shpilt - Async code smells and how to track them down with analyzers
Cezary Piątek - Some helpful extensions when dealing with types in .NET |
Marco Siccardi - C# 8.0 nullable references: prepare today by not misusing 'as'
Ian Griffiths - 4 Awesome Tools for .NET Debugging in Production
Michael Shpilt - C# in Simple Terms - Methods, Parameters, and Arguments & Classes and Members
Matthew Jones - Scaling Hangfire: Process More Jobs Concurrently
Derek Comartin - Ace Switch Expressions in C# 8
Khalid Abuhakmeh - .NET Internals: System.Threading.Channels - UnboundedChannel<T> Part 3 - Steve Gordon
Steve Gordon - Classic Path.DirectorySeparatorChar gotchas when moving from .NET Core on Windows to Linux
Scott Hanselman - How to Upgrade .NET CLI Templates
Kevin W. Griffin
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 5 Release Candidate 2
Daniel Roth - Enrich HTML With ASP.NET Razor TagHelpers
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Microsoft Blazor - Dynamic Content
Euklad - Pushing UI changes from Blazor Server to browser on server raised events
Niels Swimberghe - How to Secure Blazor WebAssembly with IdentityServer4
Marinko Spasojevic - Render Blazor WASM components in your existing MVC/Razor Pages applications
Jon Hilton - Blazor Debugging Boosted in .NET 5 RC 2
David Ramel - Testing Blazor components using bUnit
Gérald Barré - Introduction to Blazor Server
Claudio Bernasconi - Error monitoring and detailed logging of an ASP.NET Core application with PostSharp and
Petr H. & thomas Ardal - Using Blazor JavaScript Isolation with Library Manager
Jimmy Engstrom - How to Add gRPC to Your Blazor App
Richard Reedy - Blazor autofocus
Jimmy Engström
Azure / Cloud
- Add search to an application with the new Azure Cognitive Search SDK
Derek Legenzoff - 5 Tips to save money with Virtual Machines
Michael Crump - Blast Off with Blazor, Azure Functions, and Azure Static Web Apps
Dave Brock - Getting started with Azure Static Web Apps
Michael Crump
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Aclarando conceptos: Inteligencia Artificial, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data y Ciencia de Datos
José Manuel Alarcón - SOLID menos mola (D) & SOLID menos mola (Vídeo)
Fernando Escolar - Architecting .NET Desktop and Mobile applications
Damir Arh - Design patterns in C# - The Decorator Pattern
Carmel Eve
- Announcing Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 5 RC2
Jeremy Likness - Execute Raw SQL Scripts in Entity Framework Core
Steve Fenton - Entity Framework Core SQL Server reverse engineering a.k.a Database First gotchas (and workarounds)
Erik Ejlskov Jensen
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Binary Classification Using PyTorch: Defining a Network
James McCaffrey
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- What is Render in React and How Do You Force it?
Thomas Findlay - What I Am Excited About in TypeScript 4.0
Nwose Lotanna Victor -
ZzFXM - A tiny JavaScipt music generator
Keith Clark - The Most Misleading Part of Angular Forms Validation
Joe Eames - WeakMap in JavaScript - An Easy Introduction
Alex Devero - How to Recreate the Ripple Effect of Material Design Buttons
Bret Cameron - How to Create a Realistic Motion Blur with CSS Transitions
Neale Van Fleet - JavaScript String Matching Methods
Stephanie Eckles - React Event Handlers with TypeScript
Carl Rippon - Typing effect without Javascript
Stokry - The :focus-visible Trick
Chris Coyier - JavaScript Data Structures
Ian Elliot - Formatting a date in JavaScript
Debbie O'Brien
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Announcing npm7
Ruy Adorno - Keeping your WSL Linux instances up to date automatically within Windows 10
Scott Hanselman - Finding Text More Quickly with Go to Text in ReSharper
Maarten Balliauw - A few words on Git
Hadi Hariri - Debugger Tip - Step into a specific method
Mark Downie
- Choose a Time Duration: Telerik TimeSpan Picker for Xamarin
Yana Kerpecheva - 5 Tips to Easily Use the Grid for Layouts in Xamarin.Forms
Leomaris Reyes - Query & Interact with Apps in Android 11 with Package Visibility
James Montemagno - Adding Dark Theme Support for Xamarin Forms Shell
Mitchel Sellers
- Cómo librarse de Cortana en Windows 10
José Manuel Alarcón - PC and Mac with single Mouse and Keyboard Setup on Dual 4k Screens
Rick Strahl
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