lunes, 28 de febrero de 2022
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Tipos referencia anulables en C# 8
José María Aguilar - Concatenando un string multilínea en C#
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Introducing C# 10: Structs parameterless constructor and instance field initializer
Anthony Giretti - Improve C# code performance with Span<T>
Patrick Smacchia - The pain points of C# source generators: February 2022 Update
James Turner - Early peek at C# 11 features
Kathleen Dollard - Requiring two-factor authentication on
Claire Novotny - Please stop lying about .NET Standard 2.0 support!
Andrew Lock - Devs Sound Off on C# 11 Preview Features Like Parameter Null Checking
David Ramel - Using RestSharp To Consume APIs in C#
Marinko Spasojevic - Cancellation, Part 1: Overview
Stephen Cleary - Recommended container limits for dotnet-monitor
Mark Downie - Convert Country Name To Flag Emoji in C# & the .NET ecosystem
The First Prototype - Getting Started With .NET 7.0
Satya Karki - How to Upload a File to Azure Blob Storage
Claudio Bernasconi - Alias: An approach to .NET Assembly Conflict Resolution
Bruno Garcia & Simon Cropp
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Adding Tailwind CSS v3 to a Blazor app
Chris Sainty - Diagnosing an ASP.NET Core hard crash
Jon Skeet - Implementing authorization in Blazor ASP.NET Core applications using Azure AD security groups
Damien Bowden - Demystifying the Repository Pattern in ASP.Net Core Web API
Nzekwe Emmanuel - Upgrading an ASP.NET Core Web API Project to .NET 6
Christian Nagel - Blazor Custom Components
John Peters - Rate Limiting in ASP.NET Core Web API
Marinko Spasojevic - Testing ASP.NET Core 6 Apps
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Customizing $filter for spatial data in ASP.NET Core OData 8
Kennedy Kangethe Munga - Implementing an API Gateway in ASP.NET Core with Ocelot
Anuraj Parameswaran - Build APIs for the Web INSTANTLY with ASP.NET Core 6
Jeffrey T. Fritz - Introduction to Minimal APIs in .NET 6
Claudio Bernasconi - Model Validation Using FluentValidation in ASP.NET
Andrew Kulta - Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core
Elisenda Gascon
Azure / Cloud
- Desplegar código en un App Service con private endpoint desde fuera de su red
Gisela Torres - How to mount an Azure Files share in Windows
Michael Crump - An Introduction and Tutorial for Azure Cosmos DB
Phil Factor
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- A type-safe DI Container as a functor
Mark Seemann - Semantic Versioning is overrated
Derek Comartin - Slow, Deliberate Refactoring Tips
Matthew Jones
- EF Core 7 Finally Divorces Old .NET Framework
David Ramel - Tune and Optimize SQL Server Queries
Eduardo Pivaral
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Cómo instalar Python para Machine Learning (IA) y Ciencia de Datos
José Manuel Alarcón
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- What's New In DevTools (Chrome 99)
Jecelyn Yeen - You Can throw() Anything In JavaScript
Ben Nadel - The Art of Image Processing in CSS
Yang Zhou - What are wrapper objects for primitive values?
Axel Rauschmayer - Don't try this at home: CSS as the backend
Pascal Thormeier - How Google Crawls Pages With Infinite Scrolling
Matt G. Southern - 4 Ways to Handle Async Operations in Javascript
Mohamed Mayallo - A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers
Miriam Suzanne - How Fast is WebAssembly Versus JavaScript?
Ashley Peacock - Create better CSS forms with these design principles
Josh Collinsworth - A Web Developer's Guide to Caching in Javascript - Part 1/3
Reha Santiago - Explain the First 10 Lines of Twitter's Source Code to Me
Anand Chowdhary - When to Avoid the text-decoration Shorthand Property
Šime Vidas - How To Develop A Text Editor For The Web
Ilya Medvedev - CSS Database Queries? Sure We Can!
Chris Coyier - Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page
Alex MacArthur - How to Implement the Singleton Pattern in JavaScript ES6+
Sajal Soni - How To Benchmark And Improve Web Vitals With Real User Metrics
Átila Fassina - 9 popular JavaScript frameworks (and how to choose one for your project)
Eric Goebelbecker - Can you get pwned with CSS?
Scott Helme - Three Ways to Configure Modules in Your Angular App
Alisa Duncan
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Update all Visual Studio instances from the command line
Gérald Barré - .NET 💜 GitHub Actions
David Pine - Windows 11 Notepad
Murray Sargent - PSReadLine 2.2 GA
Jason Helmick
Xamarin / .NET MAUI
- Advanced Databinding Part 4 – Bind .
Jesse Liberty - Create a Hyperlink UI in .NET MAUI Preview 13
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan - App Configuration Settings in .NET MAUI (appsettings.json)
James Montemagno
- Thoughts On Markdown
Knut Melvær
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