lunes, 7 de febrero de 2022
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo saber si un tipo está registrado en el proveedor de servicios de .NET 6, pero sin necesidad de resolverlo
José María Aguilar - Etiquetado de consultas en Entity Framework Core
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- De runas y grafemas en Unicode y NET6
Eduard Tomás - Celebrate the .NET 20th Anniversary with the Community!
James Montemagno - Dynamic Language Runtime in C#/.NET
Uladzislau Baryshchyk - Using Generated Methods Instead of Reflection
Ricardo Peres - A type-safe DI Container C# example
Mark Seemann - .NET Framework vs .NET Core (.NET 5+)
Sanjay M. - Parallelize test cases execution in xUnit
Gérald Barré - Linq improvements in .NET 6
Bruno Sonnino - Databinding with the OOP Windows Forms Designer
Klaus Loeffelmann - Solving the source generator 'marker attribute' problem - Part 2: Creating a source generator
Andrew Lock - Static Abstract Members In C# 10 Interfaces
Khalid Abuhakmeh - How to Create PDF file in C# .NET – 5 Easy Steps
Sanjay M. - Hello OmniSharp on .NET 6.0!
Filip Woj - World’s smallest C# program (featuring cheating)
Jiří Činčura - Improve Code Quality with BannedSymbolAnalyzers
Max Hamulyák - Automate your .NET project builds with NUKE a cross-platform build automation solution
Laurent Kempé - Pure magic in C# using tuples and relational patterns
Jiří Činčura - 3 Ways To Increase App Reliability With Polly
Stuart Blackler - .NET Basics: DTO (Data Transfer Object)
Assis Zang - This is how Variadic Arguments could work in C#
WhiteBlackGoose - What’s up with TimeZoneInfo on .NET 6? (Part 1)
Jon Skeet
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- DDD & CQRS: Aplicando Domain Events en ASP.NET Core.
Isaac Ojeda - Implement a PWA using Blazor with BFF security and Azure B2C
Damien Bowden - 7 Features of Blazor That Make It an Outstanding Framework for Web Development
Nishani Dissanayake - Use ASP.NET Core hosted services to run a background task
David Grace - Building ASP.NET Core and EF Core hierarchical multi-tenant apps
Jon P. Smith - Integrate ngrok into ASP.NET Core startup and automatically update your webhook URLs
Niels Swimberghe - Authentication in ASP .NET Core
Chris Noring - Localization in ASP.NET Core Web API
Aram Tchekrekjian - Understanding Middleware in ASP.NET Core
Elisenda Gascon - Optimally Configuring Open Telemetry Tracing for ASP.NET Core
Muhammad Rehan Saeed
Azure / Cloud
- Purge CDN in DevOps
Simon Timms - How to use dependency injection in Azure Functions
Michael Crump - Introducing Azure Identity support in the Azure Functions SignalR extension Beta
Josh Love - Design Enterprise Integration Solutions using Azure single-tenant Logic Apps
Liviu Mandra
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Cache invalidation isn't a hard problem
Derek Comartin - What is Blockchain
Gary Woodfine - Pay attention to WebAssembly
Harshal Sheth
- Temporal Tables with EF Core 6
Christian Nagel - Better Exception Handling With EntityFrameworkCore Exceptions
Wade Gausden - Entity Framework Core Inside Rider: UI Way
Rachel Appel - CRUD operations on PostgreSQL using C# and Npgsql
Davide Bellone - Avoid AsNoTracking and Include when querying using Entity Framework in ASP.NET
Paul Hiles
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- CSS Scroll-Timeline With Motion Preference
Chris Coyier - Best Free and Open Source JavaScript Table Libraries
Monty Shokeen - The Relevance of TypeScript in 2022
Mamta Dalal - Dynamically Creating Script Tags With Umbrella JS
Ben Nadel - “Evergreen” Does Not Mean Immediately Available
Eric Bailey - Angular Basics: Router Links and Wildcard Routing in Angular
Nwose Lotanna Victor - Everything You Should Know About React 18
Mydeen S N - Building a Scrollable and Draggable Timeline with GSAP
Chris Coyier - Improving JavaScript Bundle Performance With Code-Splitting
Adrian Bece - Using AbortController To Debounce setTimeout() Calls In JavaScript
Ben Nadel - JavaScript Class Privates
David Walsh - An introduction to IndexNow and why you should care
Niels Swimberghe - 10 JavaScript Naming Conventions Every Developer Should Know
Indrajith Ekanayake - Chrome 99: CSS Cascade Layers, a New Picker for Input Elements, and More
Chromium Blog - Offline-Capable Progressive Web Apps for the Modern Web
Joe Meyer - A first look at React Query
Chris Bongers - How to Create a SPA Router with JavaScript
Akshay Shinde - What Web Frameworks Solve: The Vanilla Alternative (Part 2)
Noam Rosenthal - How to get the optimal image size for web
Joel Hans
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Git: Cómo definir una plantilla para los commits
José Manuel Alarcón - DevSecOps con Azure DevOps
Gisela Torres - A launch.json setting for end-to-end web development
Christian Heilmann - A Look Inside the .git Folder
Eric Potter - West Wind WebSurge 2.0 is here
Rick Strahl - Creating and Using Code Snippets With Placeholders in WebStorm
Andrey Starovoyt - Integrated API Monitoring in Postman
Shashank Awasthi
Xamarin / .NET MAUI / Cross-platform
- Ordering elements with ZIndex in .NET MAUI
Andreas Nesheim - Xamarin Code Quality & Performance
Jaison Roa - Advanced Databinding: Part 0 – BASICS
Rodrigo Juarez - Get Started with Shell Using .NET MAUI Preview 12
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan - Announcing Flutter for Windows
Tim Sneath
- Why does the Windows debugger engine show a bunch of hex digits after one of the DLL names?
Raymond Chen - WebVM: server-less x86 virtual machines in the browser
Leaning Technologies
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