El código de respuesta HTTP 414, "URI Too Long", se reserva para indicar al cliente que la URI indicada en la petición es demasiado extensa. Esto puede darse en varios escenarios, pero quizás uno de os más frecuentes es cuando se produce un bucle infinito de redirecciones a páginas, cuyos parámetros van aumentando en cada iteración (por ejemplo, el clásico /login?returnUrl=/login
Aprovecho para recordaros que el próximo miércoles 30 de septiembre a las 18:30 (CEST, hora peninsular española) estaré con los amigos de SevillaDotNet tomándome un café virtual y hablando de desarrollo web, Blazor, el blog y todo lo que surja ;) Podéis usar este enlace para inscribiros gratuitamente y asistir online.
También está disponible la grabación del evento online de CampusMVP del pasado martes 22, donde José Manuel Alarcón y un servidor charlamos sobre Blazor un buen rato: ¿Qué es Blazor? ¿Qué me aporta? Lo que necesitas saber sobre Blazor.
Y ahora, van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Adivina, adivinanza: ¿por qué no compila este código?
José María Aguilar - Cómo documentar y generar código cliente de nuestras APIs utilizando Swagger/OpenAPI
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- C# 9.0 – Specification: Records & Top-Level Statements
Jorge Serrano - Hacer un FeedReader fácilmente en .NET Core 3.1
Jorge Serrano - Announcing more ways, we’re making app development easier on Windows
Kevin Gallo - Injecting services into Serilog filters, enrichers, and sinks
Nicholas Blumhardt - Building amazing cross-platform solutions for iOS, Android and Windows
Nick Randolph - Comparing .NET Mocking Libraries
Dan Clarke - PEM Loading in .NET Core and .NET 5
Scott Brady - How to generate code using Roslyn source generators in real world scenarios
Daniel Cazzulino - Responding to Phone Calls using Twilio and C#
Jamie Maguire - Using LINQ Expressions In C#
Munib Butt - Moving work Out-of-Process using Brighter and RabbitMQ
Derek Comartin - Automating .NET Security Updates
Muhammad Rehan Saeed - Deploying a .NET desktop application using MSIX
Gérald Barré - C# 8.0 nullable references and serialization
Ian Griffiths - NET Core Releases and Support
Jamshed Damkewala - C# in Simple Terms - The Type System
Matthew Jones - Zero Installer, Zero MSIX, Zero Packaging with .NET Single File Apps
Nick Randolph
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Blazor WebAssembly on Azure Static Web Apps
Scott Hanselman - JavaScript Isolation in Blazor Components
Gérald Barré - Run EF Core Queries on SQL Server From Blazor WebAssembly
Jeremy Likness - Angular OAuth2 OIDC Configuration with IdentityServer4 & Angular Authentication Actions with IdentityServer4
Marinko Spasojevic - Wrapping JavaScript libraries in Blazor WebAssembly/WASM
Kristoffer Strube - ASP.NET Core Localization Jump Start
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Blazor Azure B2C User And Group Management
Michael Washington - Leaving Silverlight: Converting to the Web
Peter Vogel - Securing Azure Functions using Azure AD JWT Bearer token authentication for user access tokens
Damien Bowden - Creating Real-Time Charts with Blazor WebAssembly and SignalR
Marinko Spasojevic - Allow Your Users to Login to your ASP.NET Core App Through Facebook
David Grace - Remember ASP.NET Request Culture Using Middleware
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Blazor FlexGrid - Using Entity Framework Core and an SQL Server
Andrew Paxinos
Azure / Cloud
- Announcing Azure Deprecation Notices
Tom Kerkhove - Azure Static Web Apps with .NET and Blazor
Aaron Powell - Ten Design Best Practices for Azure Applications
Jason Gaylord - Creating and Using an Azure Service Bus in .Net Core
Paul Michaels - Faster Querying with Serverless Materialized Views
Mark Heath - Optimizing bandwidth in the Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK
Matias Quaranta
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- SOLID menos mola (O)
Fernando Escolar - Defend Your Web Apps from Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Andrea Chiarelli - Approval Tests: Write Tests More Quickly
Jason Roberts
- Tips for making the most of EF Core with Azure SQL Database
Erik Ejlskov Jensen
Machine learning / IA / Bots
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Which CSS Framework Should You Learn?
Joe James ztext.js: 3D Typography for the Web
Bennett Feely- Accessible Web Animation: The WCAG on Animation Explained
Val Head - Everything about null in JavaScript
Dmitri Pavlutin - To Rival React: an OverVue
Scott Logic - Remove the Search Input Clear(x) Icon
David Walsh - React Children with TypeScript
Carl Rippon - ECMAScript proposal: Method
for Arrays, Typed Arrays, and strings
Axel Rauschmayer - Vue Components
Scott Logic - The 30 CSS Selectors You Must Memorize
Jeffrey Way - Progressive Web Applications – From Zero to Hero (Blazor, ASP.NET Core, Vue.js, Angular Examples)
Daniel Jimenez Garcia - 7 Javascript Tips and Tricks
Ega Prasetya - Cleaner React: Conditional Rendering
Matti Salokangas - Web Debugging: Watching Element Changes
Eric Lawrence - The failed promise of Web Components
Lea Verou
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Opinión: De Kubernetes y independencia del cloud
Eduard Tomás - Using GitHub Codespaces with .NET Core
Tim Heuer - Running SQL Server Integration Tests in .NET Core Projects via Docker
George Dangl - Using GitHub Actions in Visual Studio is as easy as right-click and Publish
Angelos Petropoulos - New Features in Visual Studio 2019 v16.8 Preview 3.1
Jacqueline Widdis - Source Control in Azure DevOps (Best practices)
Gouri Sohoni
- Scratch View in Xamarin Forms
Charlin Agramonte - Getting Device Display Information Xamarin Essentials
Leomaris Reyes - Dual Screen in Xamarin.Forms
Scott Kuhl
- Novedades presentadas en Microsoft Ignite 2020 (PDF)
Microsoft - GitHub to replace 'master' branch with 'main' on 1st October
Kunal Chowdhury
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