martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Interpolación de cadenas en C# 6
José María Aguilar - ¿Se pueden asociar varias interfaces a la misma instancia en el contenedor de servicios de ASP.NET Core?
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Announcing .NET Core 3.1
Richard Lander - .NET Core 2.2 will reach End of Life on December 23, 2019
Lee Coward - Updates to .NET Core Windows Forms designer in Visual Studio 16.5 Preview 1
Olia Gavrysh - C# - la palabra clave volatile
Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco - “Equals” and “==” are not… equal
João Antunes - Check for spammy email addresses when registering users
Jerrie Pelser - Novedades de C# 8: Índices y Rangos
Jorge Turrado - Exploring borrowed annotations in C#
Jared Parsons - How to simulate AutoMapper that works during the build time
Cezary Piątek - IAsyncEnumerable<T> Is Your Friend, Even In .NET Core 2.x
Brant Burnett - Declaring InternalsVisibleTo in the csproj
Gérald Barré - Remote Debugging a .NET Core Linux app in WSL2 from Visual Studio on Windows
Scott Hanselman - Novedades de C# 8: Índices y Rangos
Jorge Turrado - Controla la calidad de tu código con NDepend
Albert Capdevila
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.1
Sourabh Shirhatti - Using HTTP Request Routes, Request Body, and Query string parameters for Authorization in ASP.NET Core
Damien Bowden - ApiBoilerPlate: New Features and Improvements for Building ASP.NET Core 3 APIs
Vincent Maverick Durano - New Razor Pages Project Backed with an API
Eric L. Anderson - Building Custom Input Components for Blazor using InputBase
Chris Sainty - Converting integration tests to .NET Core 3.0: Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0
Andrew Lock - Tenant-based dependency injection in multi-tenant ASP.NET Core applications
Gunnar Peipman - Use Blazor in your existing ASP.NET Core 3.x application
Jon Hilton - Sending an anti-forgery token with Razor Pages AJAX requests
Jerrie Pelser - Localisation in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Mike Brind - ASP.NET Core with GitOps: Deploying Infrastructure as Code
Mircea Oprea - ASP.NET Core: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
Eric L. Anderson - High-order Observables (Angular) y ASP.NET Core
Sergio León
Azure / Cloud
- Announcing Entity Framework Core 3.1 and Entity Framework 6.4
Arthur Vickers - Implementing Query Specification pattern in Entity Framework Core & Readable fluent queries with Entity Framework Core
Gunnar Peipman
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Construyendo un Sistema de Recomendaciones con C# y ML.NET
Luis Beltran - Bot Builder Community – Alexa Adapter Update Preview
Gary Pretty
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Javascript, ES6, ES7, ES10 where are we?
Yann s - Form Validation in Vue Using Vuelidate
Kingsley Silas - Accessibility Tips for Web Developers
Addy Osmani - Having a Little Fun With Custom Focus Styles
Lari Maza - Stop using so many divs! An intro to semantic HTML
Ken Bellows - Masking GIFs with other GIFs
Robin Rendle - JavaScript Promise combinators: race, all, allSettled, any
Saransh Kataria - Dark Mode Favicons
Chris Coyier
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
Pinnable Properties: Debug & Display Managed Objects YOUR Way
Leslie Richardson - What’s new in XAML developer tools in Visual Studio 2019 for WPF & UWP
Dmitry Lyalin - What’s New for Xamarin Developers in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4
Pierce Boggan
- Generando archivos de Excel con Xamarin.Forms
Luis Beltran - Shrink Your Xamarin Apps with Custom Linker Settings
James Montemagno - GIF Support now available in Xamarin.Forms
Gerald Versluis - Healthcare Mobile App Design: Tips and Inspiration
Suzanne Scacca - Xamarin.Forms: Soporte a Gifs & Un primer vistazo a SwipeView & IndicatorView
Javier Suárez - Useful converters in Xamarin Forms
Charlin Agramonte - Setting Android Status Bar Background & Icon Colors
James Montemagno - Añadiendo funcionalidad Pull-to-Refresh con Xamarin.Forms RefreshView
Luis Beltran
- 10 bad programming habits we secretly love
Peter Wayner - Budgets Not Estimates
Steve Fenton
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