lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2019
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Los diez mandamientos del egoless programming
José María Aguilar - Crear proyectos usando versiones específicas del SDK de .NET Core
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- El futuro de .NET en 2020: guía para desarrolladores (justificadamente) despistados
José Manuel Alarcón - Repasando Null-Coalescing Operator y Null-Coalescing Assignment Operator y convirtiendo tipos nullable a tipos no nullable
Jorge Serrano - Novedades de C#8: Interfaces. ¿Qué podemos esperar?
Jorge Turrado - Uso de yield en C#, ese pequeño desconocido
Jorge Serrano - Creating Common Intermediate Language projects with .NET SDK
Filip Woj - C# 7 ref returns and locals
Shao Voon Wong - User Secrets in Docker-based .NET Core Worker Applications
Jimmy Bogard - C# 8 Interfaces: Static Members
Jeremy Clark - Fuse.NET: A lightweight zero-dependency C# port of the Fuse.js fuzzy-search library
Conna Wiles - A Quantum Random Number Generator for .NET: The quantum measurement problem and many-worlds approach
Andrew Lock - Vertically Sliced Command Line Tools in C# and .NET Core 3.1
Garo Yeriazarian - C# 8 Interfaces: Static Main
Jeremy Clark - Hitchhiker’s Guide to the C# scripting
Ali Bahraminezhad
- Supporting Custom JWT Signing Algorithms in .NET Core
Scott Brady - ASP .NET Core code sharing between Blazor, MVC and Razor Pages
Shahed Chowdhuri - Integration Testing of Real-time communication in ASP.NET Core (using Kestrel and SignalR)
Dobromir Nikolov - ASP.NET Core Tips and Tricks - Swagger Part 1
Josef Ottosson - Localising Data Annotation Attributes in Razor Pages
Mike Brind - Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Remove the boilerplate
Adam Storr - How to Implement Sorting in ASP.NET Core Web API
Marinko Spasojevic - App Settings in Client-Side Blazor
Jeremy Hutchinson - UseAuthorization() was in the wrong place, really?
Mark Downie - The ultimate guide to secure cookies with web.config in .NET
Thomas Ardal - Upgrading the Blazor HTML Table with FlexGrid
Alvaro Rivoir - Using Razor Components in Razor Pages or MVC Views
Matteo Locher - ASP.NET Core: when environments are not enough, use sub-environments!
Thomas Levesque
Azure / Cloud
- Moving an ASP.NET Core from Azure App Service on Windows to Linux by testing in WSL and Docker first
Scott Hanselman
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Common Mistakes That Engineers Make During The Designer-Developer Hand-Off
Ben Nadel - Getting error handling right
Yan Babitski
- An Introduction to DataFrame
Prashanth Govindarajan - Fear database changes? Get them under control with CI/CD
Jason Skowronski
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Explorando el API de Anomaly Detector
Luis Beltran - Let’s do some image classification with #MLNET Model Builder! (AKA, let’s create an image classifier model without a line of code)
Bruno Capuano
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- What’s coming to JavaScript in 2020?
Daniel Afonso - Domain-Driven Design With React
Adam Conrad - Const Assertions in Literal Expressions in TypeScript
Marius Schulz - Decorators in JavaScript
Rupesh Mishra - Writing JavaScript With Only Six Characters
Erik Wendel - Still Why No HTTPS?
Troy Hunt - The Order of CSS Classes in HTML Doesn’t Matter
Robin Rendle - line-height sin unidades en CSS: ¿para qué se utiliza?
José Manuel Alarcón - How to enable dark mode in HTML email: everything you need to know.
Patrik Krupař - Build Components in JavaScript Without a Framework
Lee Brandt - 6 useful TypeScript 3 features you need to know
Carl Rippon - Is Web Design Easier or Harder Than it was 10 Years Ago?
Chris Coyier - Building an interactive login form with HTML and CSS
Alvaro Montoro
Feature folders con Prism (Xamarin Forms)
Miguel Angel Martín- SwipeView: Swipe All the Things in Xamarin.Forms 4.4
Gerald Versluis -
Xamarin.Forms UI Challenges
Kym Phillpotts - Upgrading Custom SliderView App with Xamarin Forms 4.4 Goodies
Luis Pujols - Firebase Remote Config en Xamarin Forms
Miguel Angel Martín - Xamarin.Forms - Working with Effects
Delpin Susai Raj - Exploring the Syncfusion Essential UI kit
Charlin Agramonte
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