lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Parámetros opcionales: úsense con precaución
José María Aguilar - ¿Aplicar [Authorize] a todos los controladores MVC de una carpeta?
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Is it better to "!= 0” or ”== mask” when working with enums (C#, RyuJIT)
Jiří Činčura - WinForms - Single-File Applications With .NET Core 3
DevExpress Blogs - Default implementations coming to interfaces with C# 8
Gunnar Peipman - Como instalar un servicio Net Core en Linux
Jorge Turrado - Profiling .NET Core Memory Traffic using JetBrains dotMemory
Steve Gordon - The Uri composition mystery
João Antunes - HttpClient: How to remove charset from Content-Type header
Gunnar Peipman - Making Sense of .NET 5
Bill Reiss - Moving from Node.js to .NET Core
Jim Wang - Be careful of lazy dependencies
Nigel Sampson - Null No More
Simon Timms - Cross-Platform Selenium with DotNet Core
Andy R. Blank - Lying to the compiler
Jon Skeet - Analysing the Large Object Heap in JetBrains dotMemory
Steve Gordon
- Swagger con ASP .NET Core (Versionado)
Nacho Fanjul - ASP.NET Core and .NET Core and the Web Development Stack Timeline
Iris Classon - Enabling Pagination in Blazor with OData
Hassan Habib - Tag Helper Authoring in ASP .NET Core
Shahed Chowdhuri - Creating a Quartz.NET hosted service with ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Building Blazor shared components & Building Blazor shared pager component
Gunnar Peipman - The ultimate guide to connection strings in web.config
Thomas Ardal - Live Reloading Server And Client Side ASP.NET Core Apps
Rick Strahl - Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web Forms
Joe Petrakovich
Azure / Cloud
- Nine Performance Tips for Azure App Services
K. Scott Allen -
Visual interface for Azure Machine Learning service
Meng Tang - 404 response code caused by App Services – AlwaysOn feature
Adel Ghabboun - From GitHub to Azure App Service through Jenkins pipelines
Juan Luis Guerrero
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Maybe catamorphism
Mark Seemann - Introducción a Quantum Development (ii)
Fernando Escolar - Unit Testing - Are you asserting too much?
Adam Storr - Technical Debt
Martin Fowler - Trabajando con código legado: Wrap Method y Wrap Class & Sprout Method y Sprout Class
Jorge Sánchez Fernández - Principios de diseño: Making assumptions about usage & Unwrapping an object & Inverted composition as a replacement for inheritance
Iván Reinoso
- Release: Data Migration Assistant (DMA) v4.3
Jim Toland - Quick Tips for Migrating EF Core at Runtime on Azure
Julie Lerman - A open source ORM framework
Aquila Huang
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Image Classification with Tensorflow 2.0
Aniket Maurya - CNNs, Part 1: An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
Victor Zhou - Let’s do some FaceRecognition with 20 lines in Python
Bruno Capuano
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Progressive Web Apps By Example: Part 1 & Part 2 & Part 3
John Tucker -
Getting Started with React Testing Library
Kingsley Silas - JavaScript: from Downloading Scripts to Execution (Part 2)
Ankita Masand - Drizzle para crear el front end de tu aplicación Blockchain
Gisela Torres - The Browser Can Remember Edited Content
Chris Coyier - Brace yourself. Angular 8 is coming
Santosh Yadav - Vue.js And SEO: How To Optimize Reactive Websites For Search Engines And Bots
Paolo Mioni - Using WebAssembly with React
Richard Reedy - Difference between var, let and const in Javascript.
Prashant Ram - Build a Progressive Web App with Angular
John Green - Code as Documentation: New Strategies with CSS Grid
Sally McGrath - Digging Into The Display Property: Grids All The Way Down
Rachel Andrew - Replacing JavaScript: How eBay made a web app 50x faster by switching programming languages
Nick Heath - Si position: sticky; no te funciona, quizá sea por esto...
Pablo Iglesias
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1 now generally available (and 16.2 Preview 1 as well)
Mads Kristensen - Announcing Postman 7.1
Abhinav - Cómo "dockerizar" un entorno de Github Pages
David Gonzalo - Code Reviews Using the Visual Studio Pull Requests Extension
Taysser Gherfal - Updates to synchronous autoload of extensions in Visual Studio 2019
Mads Kristensen - Search in Locals, Autos and Watch Windows - Visual Studio 2019
Abhijit Jana - Debugging Http/Https Traffic using Fiddler for Xamarin iOS, Android and Windows (UWP) Applications
Nick - Conectar tu DApp con Metamask
Gisela Torres - Visual Studio Code Remote Development may change everything
Scott Hanselman
- Welcome to the Shell Era: Xamarin.Forms 4.0 Released
David Ortinau - Lector de huellas en Xamarin Forms
Jorge Diego Crespo - Applying Mask in Xamarin Forms
Leomaris Reyes
- El Programador Estoico
Tinselcity - Github lanza Sponsors, una plataforma para ayudar a que los desarrolladores reciban donaciones por sus proyectos open source
Ricardo Aguilar
Oferta de empleo: Desarrollador web .NET (Barcelona / posibilidad en remoto)
Si tienes más de dos años de experiencia desarrollando aplicaciones web ASP.NET/.NET Core y te gustan los retos tecnológicos, ven a trabajar con
nosotros a un proyecto de escala global que está revolucionando la atención al cliente en plataformas e-commerce.
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