lunes, 1 de abril de 2019
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Adivina, adivinanza: ¿por qué no compila este código?
José María Aguilar - Inicializar a null propiedades sin tipo
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Accepting Partial Resources with Newtonsoft.Json
Florian Rappl & Manuel Römer - AutoMapper's Design Philosophy
Jimmy Bogard - Using .NET PInvoke for Linux system functions
Tom Deseyn - Hosting DI Container with .NET Core 3.0
Christian Nagel - C# Multithreaded Resource Access – Locks, Monitors and Mutex
John Demetriou - Migrating Delegate.BeginInvoke Calls for .NET Core
Mike Rousos - .NET Core Workers as Windows Services
Glenn Condron
- Securing ASP.NET Core in Docker
Muhammad Rehan Saeed - gRPC Bi-directional streaming with Razor Pages and a Hosted Service gRPC client
Damien Bowden - Keep Configure Methods Clean Using Extension Methods
K. Scott Allen - Accessing Configuration Settings from Multiple Sources
Jeeva Subburaj - Slack Slash Commands
David Pine - Getting Started with .NET Core and Docker and the Microsoft Container Registry
Scott Hanselman - Re-reading ASP.Net Core request bodies with EnableBuffering()
Jeremy Meng - Use Your ASP.NET Core App as an Executable
K. Scott Allen - Using FluentValidation for Forms Validation in Razor Components
Chris Sainty - Logging in ASP .NET Core
Shahed Chowdhuri - Blazor: Implementing Client Side Search As You Type Using bind-value-oninput
Scott Sauber - Managing Page Layouts in Blazor
Peter Vogel
Azure / Cloud
- AWS SDK for .NET now targets .NET Standard 2.0
Steven Kang - Returning HTTP Status Codes from Azure Functions
Jason Roberts - Azure Functions con docker
Fernando Escolar - Azure Blob Storage lifecycle management generally available
Yuan Zheng - High-Throughput with Azure Blob Storage
Claus Joergensen - Top 13 Cosmos DB Features Coming Soon as of March 2019
Chris Pietschmann - Azure AI Enhanced with Cognitive Services Updates
David Ramel - Generar las imágenes de Docker desde Azure Container Registry
Gisela Torres - End-To-End Testing in Azure Pipelines using Nightwatch.js
Florian Rappl
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- C# Design Patterns - Decorator Design Pattern
Marinko Spasojevic - WTF is Big O Notation?
Rob Conery - La importancia de las convenciones de codificación: PascalCase, camelCase, snake_case y kebab-case
Jorge Serrano - Storing UTC is not a silver bullet
Jon Skeet - Cómo ser mejor programador (aparte de programando)
Manuel A. Lores
- Using NodaTime with Dapper & Using Noda Time with Entity Framework Core
Dave Paquette
Machine learning / IA / Bots
How to optimize and run ML.NET models on scalable ASP.NET Core WebAPIs or web apps
César De la Torre - Image Classification With TensorFlow.js
Nikola Živković - Three Popular Clustering Methods and When to Use Each
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- visibilityEvents.js: detectar cuando un elemento se muestra o se oculta en una página
José Manuel Alarcón - Understanding Event Emitters
Charles Peters - Tips for Debugging Your Angular Applications
Christian Nwamba - Vuex—The Deep Dive
Nosa Obaseki - Push Notifications in ASP.NET Core Angular Applications
Tomasz Peczek - Breaking CSS Custom Properties out of :root Might Be a Good Idea
Kevin Powell - Tracking changes in Chrome DevTool Sources
Christian Nwamba - Creating a Vuex Plugin
Shawn Wildermuth - An Illustrated (and Musical) Guide to Map, Reduce, and Filter Array Methods
Una Kravets - Responsible JavaScript: Part I
Jeremy Wagner - How To Align Things In CSS — Smashing Magazine
Rachel Andrew - The shortest way to conditional insert properties into an object literal
Andrea Simone Costa - Announcing TypeScript 3.4
Daniel Rosenwasser - You probably don't need input type=“number”
Brad Frost - Creating a Reusable Pagination Component in Vue
Mateusz Rybczonek
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Herramientas de desarrollo: Azure Pipelines (CD)
Jorge Turrado - TRUCO: mostrar en línea la definición de un método en Visual Studio y Visual Studio Code
José Manuel Alarcón Visual Studio Tips: View Uncaptured Exception & Evaluate a Function Without Side Effects & Source Map in the Scroll Bar & Solution Explorer Search
Jeremy Hutchinson- Visitor pattern navigation support with ReSharper
Anders Malmgren - How to Test Live Services with Fiddler AutoResponder
Miroslav Shtilianov - Visual Studio Tips - Breakpoints
Jeremy Hutchinson - Recommended VS Code Extensions for Angular Developers
John Papa - Ejecutar contenedores de Docker en Kubernetes
Gisela Torres - F7 is the greatest PowerShell hotkey that no one uses any more. We must fix this.
Scott Hanselman
- Java 12 lanzado: versión descafeinada sin soporte a largo plazo
José Manuel Alarcón - Calling Conventions
Michal Franc - What does the N in nmake stand for?
Raymond Chen
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