lunes, 15 de abril de 2019
Como entretenimiento para la Semana Santa, ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante los últimos siete días. Como siempre, espero que os resulten interesantes :)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Indicios de que tu interfaz de usuario fue creado por un programador
José María Aguilar - ¿Dónde está la directiva @helper de Razor en ASP.NET Core?
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Best 20 dot Net Core Libraries Every Developer should know
Shehryar Khan - C# 8: indexes and ranges
Olivier Giss - string vs. String is not a style debate
Jared Parsons - Why You Should Prefer a Single Line for C# Properties
Thomas Claudius Huber - Using, using, using with C# 8
Christian Nagel - Tuesday Quickie: When closure bites (or how not to configure Newtonsoft.Json)
Joel Hammon - Using strongly-typed entity IDs to avoid primitive obsession Part 1 & Part 2
Andrew Lock
- Troubleshooting Common ASP.NET MVC Problems
Jennifer Marsh - Add Authentication to Angular 7 App using ASP.NET Core 3
Talking Dotnet - Using ASP.NET Core Identity users in integration tests
Gunnar Peipman - Using Vue CLI Inside an ASP.NET Core Project
Shawn Wildermuth - .NET Core 3.0, VS2019 and C# 8.0 for ASP .NET Core developers
Shahed Chowdhuri - Getting Started with TypeScript for JSInterop in Blazor
Chris Sainty - Implement Middlewares using Endpoint Routing in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Jürgen Gutsch - File uploads in ASP.NET Core integration tests
Gunnar Peipman - Introducing Syncfusion's ASP.NET Core Blazor / Razor Components
Ajith R. - Debugging ASP.NET Core with Visual Studio and Docker Desktop
Nick Randolph - Accepting payments with Stripe and ASP.NET Core
Kristoffer Strube - Integration Tests in ASP.NET Core SignalR
Luis Ruiz
Azure / Cloud
How Skype modernized its backend infrastructure using Azure Cosmos DB: Part 1 & Part 2 & Part 3
Parul Matah - Getting Started with Azure Front Door
Michael Crump - Microsoft Graph: Webhooks
Fernando Escolar - Introducing the App Service Migration Assistant for ASP.NET applications
Calvin Keaton - Determine available runtimes on Azure App Service
Jerrie Pelser - Instalar una clave SSH en Azure DevOps
Gisela Torres - Terraform: Dando forma a nuestra infraestructura
Jorge Turrado - Trabajando con Azure DevOps, presentación
Daniel Córdoba Cárdenas
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Principios de diseño #8: procedural polymorphism
Iván Reinoso - C# Design Patterns - Strategy
Marinko Spasojevic - What Web Developers Need to Know About Content Security Policy
Shao Voon Wong - From dependency injection to dependency rejection
Mark Seemann
- Designing Highly Scalable Database Architectures
Samir Behara - Updated: Implementing Missing Features in Entity Framework Core – Part 5: Getting the SQL for a Query
Ricardo Peres - Entity Framework Core 3.0 and SQL Server Performance Optimization, Part 1: Parameters Sniffing
Bassam Alugili - Domain modelling and persistence with EF Core
Scott Logic - Code review #1 - dapper and varchar parameters
Michał Białecki
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with TensorFlow
Marco Peixeiro - Machine Learning with JavaScript and TensorFlow.js Series
Nikola Živković - How to build your first Neural Network to predict house prices with Keras
Joseph Lee Wei - Machine Learning with ML.NET in UWP: Recommendation
Diederik Krols - Random Forests for Complete Beginners
Victor Zhou - Preguntas naturales: un conjunto de datos con 300.000 entradas para entrenar inteligencias artificiales
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Native image lazy-loading for the web!
Addy Osmani - Creating a custom HttpInterceptor to handle 'withCredentials' in Angular 6+
Rick Strahl - Digging Into The Display Property: The Two Values Of Display
Rachel Andrew - Type of Undeclared Variable in JavaScript: What is it?
Dhananjay Kumar - An Overview of Popular CSS-in-JS Libraries for React
Christian Nwamba - Using a Mixin to Take the Math out of Responsive Font Sizes
Martijn Cuppens - Understanding Subresource Integrity
Drew McLellan - Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data
Rick Strahl - Vanilla.js — Getting Started
Jeremy Likness - Squeezing Angular Directives
Aleix Suau - Under-Engineered Toggles
Adrian Roselli - Edge Goes Chromium: What Does it Mean for Front-End Developers?
Ollie Williams - Using the Web Speech API for Multilingual Translations
Steven Estrella - Get a CSS Custom Property value with JavaScript
Andy Bell - Inline SVG... Cached
Chris Coyier
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- View Clipboard Ring History in Visual Studio 2019
Abhijit Jana - Intelligent document tabs grouping in Visual Studio 2019
Sergey Vlasov - 5 Top, No-Cost .NET Core Extensions for Visual Studio 2019
David Ramel - Visual Studio Tips: Test Explorer
Jeremy Hutchinson - New features for extension authors in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1
Mads Kristensen - Azure Kubernetes Service: tu clúster manejado en la nube & Acceder a tus aplicaciones en Kubernetes a través de Ingress & Usar Port Forwarding para acceder a tus aplicaciones en Kubernetes & Helm: el gestor de paquetes para Kubernetes
Gisela Torres - Configure Visual Studio across your organization with .vsconfig
Heath Stewart - Fixing Intellisense and Go To Definition in Visual Studio 2019
Matthew Jones - Compartir código en Visual Studio: proyectos compartidos o librerías
José Manuel Alarcón - Performance Timing in Chrome DevTools
Christian Nwamba - Advanced Visual Studio search in Watch, Autos and Local windows
Mark Downie - The Git Stash Functionality in Visual Studio 2019 Thomas Claudius Huber
- Cómo resolver el problema MSB4018 CreateAppHost en Visual Studio 2019
Jorge Serrano
- Working with Barcodes in Xamarin.Forms
Gerald Versluis - Share Files as Email Attachments with Xamarin.Essentails
James Montemagno - Adding fingerprint authentication in Xamarin Forms
Enmanuel Toribio - Using Font Icons in Xamarin.Forms: Goodbye Images, Hello Fonts!
James Montemagno - Novedades en Xamarin.Forms 3.6 & Un vistazo a Aurora Controls
Javier Suárez
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019
Stack Overflow - What to expect in the new Microsoft Edge Insider Channels
Jatinder Mann & John Hazen - Windows 10 ha cambiado la forma en la que expulsamos los dispositivos USB, y quizás te interese cambiarla de nuevo
Gabriela González - Odio los framework
Javi Santana
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