martes, 30 de mayo de 2017
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
.NET/.NET Core
- The week in .NET – .NET poster, Happy Birthday .NET with Jan Kotas, Skyworld
Bertrand Le Roy - Using .NET and Docker Together
Rich Lander - Working with Exceptions Before the Error Handler Does
Peter Vogel - Aspects of Strings in .NET
Timur Guev - .NET Framework May 2017 Cumulative Quality Update for Windows 10
Rick Lander - Experimenting with C# 7’s new features
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan - How to Send Email using .NET Core
Ben Cull - How do I Update a Nuget Package using dotnet CLI
Steve Smith - AsyncLock: an async/await-friendly locking library for C# and .NET
Neosmart Technologies - IEnumerable vs IReadOnlyList
Vladimir Khorikov - El patrón Singleton en C#
Albert Capdevila
- ASP.NET Core 2–Razor Pages
Eduard Tomás - Execute JavaScript Code from ASP.NET Core Back-end Using NodeServices
Fiyaz Hasan - Access the JWT bearer token when using the JWT middleware in ASP.NET Core & Determine a user’s location from their IP Address in ASP.NET Core
Jerrie Pelser - How to use multiple hosting environments on the same machine in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - ASP.NET Core Correlation IDs
Steve Gordon - Using Razor Pages to simplify basic actions in ASP.NET Core 2.0 preview 1
Andrew Lock - Should I Use WebListener or Kestrel or IIS on Windows?
Steve Smith - Using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.HealthChecks Package
Scott Sauber - Self Descriptive HTTP API in ASP.NET Core: HATEOAS
Derek Comartin - Beginner's Guide to Using SignalR via ASP.NET
Roger Deutsch - Razor Pages - Understanding Handler Methods
Mike Brind - Creating simple shoutbox using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Gunnar Peipman
Azure / Cloud
- Exploring the preconfigured browser-based Linux Cloud Shell built into the Azure Portal
Scott Hanselman - Serverless computing: Azure functions.
Leo Micheloni - Getting What You Need From Azure Storage Disks
Christos Matskas - Face Detection and Recognition with Azure Face API and C#
Emiliano Musso - Writing a Recognizer for LUIS
Bot Framework Team - Azure CLI 2.0: Generate SAS Token for Blob in Azure Storage
Chris Pietschmann - Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) – A Walk Through & Fix for 404 ResourceNotFound Error After Uploading to Azure Container
Sibeesh Venu - Ahorrando en máquinas virtuales de Azure
Juan Laó
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- APIs REST: Sobre códigos de retorno
Eduard Tomás - Considering When To Throw Errors, Why To Chain Them, And How To Report Them To Users
Ben Nadel - What is N-Tier Architecture? How It Works, Examples, Tutorials, and More
Angela Stringfelow - Data and Encapsulation in complex C# applications
Yacoub Massad
- Entity Framework Core - Custom Migrations
Ryan Southgate - Announcing EF 6.2 beta 1
Diego Vega - SQL Server Data Access Using R – Part 1
Derek Colley
- El mejor método para vaciar una matriz en JavaScript
José Manuel Alarcón - Snap Animation States
Brian Diehl - The Tools of an HTML Email Workflow
Chris Coyier - Shape Detection API: Detecting barcodes, faces and text inside an image
Dean Hume - Essential Angular VS Code Extensions
John Papa - What is the Future of Front End Web Development?
Chris Coyier - Cómo hacer un menú vertical desplegable con HTML y CSS (con y sin JavaScript)
Pablo Iglesias - VueJS: Interceptores de navegación entre rutas & VueJS: Conceptos avanzados de vue-router
José Antonio Dongil
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Las herramientas de un programador ciego
CampusMVP - Rider, un IDE multiplataforma para .NET
Diego Bersano - The largest Git repo on the planet
Brian Harry - Introducing JustAssembly: A Lightweight .NET Assembly Diff Tool
John Bristowe
- [Xamarin.Forms] Forms Embedding
Javuier Suárez - Staying Up-to-Date in Visual Studio 2017 with the Xamarin Updater
Pierce Boggan
- TOP★BURN: A PICO-8 Jam Game in 1024 Characters (Wow!)
Morgan McGuire - Windows Task Manager – Resolve High Disk Usage
Dirk Strauss - La adaptación a un nuevo idioma después de un año en Canadá
Bruno Capuano - HTTPS on Stack Overflow: The End of a Long Road
Nick Craver - Developer, protege tu cuenta de GitHub que los malos van a por ti
Chema Alonso - Why are hidden files with a leading tilde treated as super-hidden?
Raymond Chen
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