lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
- The week in .NET – On .NET on MyGet – FlexViewer – I Expect You To Die
Bertrand Le Roy - Fun with the HttpClient pipeline
Thomas Levesque - Here's how to detect installed 'Antivirus' software name (using C#)
Kunal Chowdhury - SmartFormat.NET /2 - Enhancing string.Format to new levels
Axuno - Performance of different lock methods in .net
- In-memory testing using ASP.NET Core
Joseph Woodward - Introducing the ASP.Net Async OutputCache Module
Lanlan Lee
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- Fat Controller CQRS Diet: Vertical Slices
Derek Comartin - Migration to ASP.NET Core: Considerations and Strategies
Scott Addie - Applying the RouteDataRequest CultureProvider globally with middleware as filters
Andrew Lock - View Components as Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core
Anuraj P. - Basic Steps to Migrate HTTP Handlers and HTTP Modules to ASP.NET Core Middleware
Srinivasa Dinesh Parupalli - Notes from the ASP.NET Community Standup – November 29, 2016
Maria Nagagga - Using ASP.NET Core Javascript Services to Play Nice with Client-side Frameworks
Rion Williams - Bye-Bye Project.json and .xproj and welcome back .csproj
Talking Dotnet - Config transformations in ASP.NET Core
Thomas Ardal - Using Automapper in ASP.NET Core project
Anuraj P. - Error Logging Middleware in ASP.NET Core
Thomas Ardal
Azure / Cloud
- Query Store ON is the new default for Azure SQL Database
Borko Novakovic - Deploying Azure Functions Automatically
Adrian Hall - AWS Lambda Supports C#
Amazon - NoSQL .NET Core development using an local Azure DocumentDB Emulator
Scott Hanselman
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- ¿Por qué deberíamos abandonar REST y empezar a usar GraphQL en nuestras APIs?
Txema Rodríguez - Los Patrones de Diseño Hoy: Patrones Creacionales
Juan María Hernández - Entities vs Value Objects in Domain Driven Design
Abhi Jain - Code review in remote teams
Sean Hammond - 10x speedup utilizing Nagle Algorithm in business application
Ayende Rahien
- Programación Funcional en JavaScript: La currificación
José Antonio Dongil - Introduction to Angular 2 Components
Dhananjay Kumar - Announcing TypeScript 2.1
Daniel Rosenwasser - Prerender on hover?
Chris Coyier - The Firebug extension isn't being developed or maintained any longer
Firebug - margin-bottom or margin-top
Chris Coyier - Angular 2.3.0 Now Available
Stephen Fluin - TypeScript 2.0: Even Better Data Typing and Class Discriminants
Peter Vogel - How to create constants in JavaScript?
Dhananjay Kumar - jQuery.parseJSON vs JSON.parse
Learning jQuery - El factor "x" en CSS: alineación vertical de elementos inline
José Manuel Alarcón
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- VS2017 – Mejorando el tiempo de carga en nuestras soluciones
Bruno Capuano - Step by step Macros for Visual Studio
Iris Classon - Boost your Debugging Speed with OzCode
Johnny Graber
- How can I reset a PC if I forgot the administrator password?
Raymond Chen - FRIKADAS: ¿Cuál es la resolución de un ojo humano en megapíxeles?
CampusMVP - Rarezas (2), primera vez que se mencionó waterfall (cascada)
Javier Garzás - Improve Code Skills? Consider Blogging
Dirk Strauss - Last weeks ‘Tip of the Day’
Iris Classon - Here's 1.4 billion records from Have I been pwned for you to analyse
Troy Hunt
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