lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
- The week in .NET – Cosmos on On.NET, GongSolutions.WPF.DragDrop, Transistor
Bertrand Le Roy - LINQ Debugging and Visualization
Michael Sorens - Implementing a simple retry pattern in c#
Alastair Crabtree - Do not misuse or over abstract AutoMapper
Andriy Buday - Beware of the .NET HttpClient
Nima Ara - Novedades en C#7
Sebastian Henzenn
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- UseStatusCodePages Middleware Problem Resolved
- Steve Smith
- Using FluentAssertions in dotnet core unit tests
Anuraj P. - Corriendo nuestras web apps en Kestrel usando Apache como servidor proxy
Sebastián Henzenn - First steps with .NET Core Tools MSBuild “alpha”
Carlos Mendible - Notes from the ASP.NET Community Standup – November 22, 2016
Maria Naggaga - AddFeatureFolders and UseNodeModules On Nuget For ASP.NET Core
K. Scott Allen - Url culture provider using middleware as filters in ASP.NET Core 1.1.0
Andrew Lock - A simple full stack application with .NET Core and Angular JS
Pierre Murasso - ASP.NET Core Authentication in a Load Balanced Environment with HAProxy and Redis
Tugberk Ugurlu - Selenium with .NET Core
Robb Schiefer - ASP.NET Core: Clean Reusable Front-end code
Daniel Jiménez García - Building Application Insights Logging Provider for ASP.NET Core
Hisam Bin Ateya
Azure / Cloud
- Screen Scraping As A Service with Azure Functions in 5 Mins
Jason Roberts - Visual Studio Tools for Azure Functions
Andrew B Hall - Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer: November update and summer recap
Cristy Gonzalez - Static Website Hosting in Azure Storage
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- How to perform a good code review
Alpha - S.O.L.I.D. Principles, los necesitamos para testear bien (Parte 2/2)
Javier Garzás - Brief lessons on handling huge traffic spikes
Troy Hunt - Bro, do you even map? Map/Reduce demystified
Aurélien Hervé - Avoid these Things When Logging from Your Application
Erik Dietrich - OCP vs YAGNI
Vladimir Khorikov - So I’ve been doing microservices
Piotr Gankiewicz - Rarezas, nuestra colección sobre el desarrollo software (1)
Javier Garzás - Understanding Monads
Ody Mbegbu - Mitos y leyendas sobre métodos estáticos
Juan María Hernández
- EF Core or EF 6. How do I choose? (Slides)
Julie Lerman - ToroDB Stampede, toda la potencia de una base de datos NoSQL en un entorno relacional mucho más eficiente
Txema Rodríguez - Integration Testing with Entity Framework Core and SQL Server
David Paquette
- Loops in CSS Preprocessors
Miriam Suzanne - The Future of Aurelia — Roadmap and Upcoming Features
Rob Eisenberg - Building Vendor and Feature Bundles with webpack
K. Scott Allen - What’s New in HTML 5.1
Pavels Jelisejevs - Introducción a la POO en Javascript moderno: las nuevas clases en ES6
Carlos Benítez - Quiz: Choose the Right Front-End JavaScript Framework for Your Project
Adam Brown - Seven Ways You Can Place Elements Using CSS Grid Layout
Nitish Kumar - Desestructuración de un objeto en otro objeto existente
Carlos Benítez - Pure CSS Horizontal Scrolling
Pieter Biesemans - I totally forgot about print style sheets
Manuel Matuzovic - How to insert an element at the middle of a post using #jQuery?
Kunal Chowdhury
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- 12 herramientas imprescindibles para asegurar la calidad del software (y sus alternativas)
Raúl Hernández - Visual Studio 2017 - 'Lightweight Solution Load' to shorter load time
Kunal Chowdhury - More Productive JavaScript in Visual Studio 2017 RC
Bowden Kelly - Productivity in Visual Studio 2017 RC
Mark Wilson-Thomas
- ¿Cómo crear una aplicación Xamarin.Forms?
Diego Bersano
- The well rounded architect
Pat Kua - Resolvamos las grandes disyuntivas del mundo del desarrollo. Los resultados de lo que nuestros lectores dicen
Fernando Siles - Algoritmos para resolver laberintos
Alvy (Microsiervos) - #Podcast – Novedades desde Connect 2016: Google, Linux, .Net Foundation, Samsung TVs, Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio for Macs y más !
Bruno Capuano
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