lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Publicado en Variable not found
- Sevilla (España), 27 de Mayo
Revisando los principios del manifiesto ágil – ¿cómo de ágiles somos?
Javier Suárez
- Happy 25th Birthday, VB!
Anthony D. Green - Operator Overloading in C#
Abhi Jain - Using Westwind.Globalization to edit loose RESX Files
Rick Strahl - Asynchronous Programming. Getting to grips with Async and Await
George Swan - Docker and .NET Core CLR Release Candidate 2
Mano Marks - .NET Core, a call to action
Mark Rendle - Introduction to Roslyn and its use in program development
Sergey Vasiliev - The week in .NET – 5/16/2016
Bertrand Le Roy - Announcing .NET Core RC2 and .NET Core SDK Preview 1
Rick Lander
- SignalR - Difference Between Broadcast To All and Group Message
Rajesh Londhe - Image Resize In ASP.NET MVC Using Image Resizer
Sandeep Singh Shekhawat - Encrypt And Decrypt ConnectionString In Web.Config File
Sibeesh Venu - MVC Application Security Issues: Cookie Security & URL Attacks - Part One
Ashish Aphale - Server Paging In Kendo Grid With AngularJS And ASP.NET Web API
Gowtham K.
- How to debug .NET Core RC2 app with Visual Studio Code on Windows
Simone Chiaretta - ASP.NET - Writing Clean Code in ASP.NET Core with Dependency Injection
Steve Smith - Announcing ASP.NET Core RC2
Jeffrey T. Fritz - ASP.NET Core: Watching Code
Shayne Boyer - Create A/B Tests with ASP.NET MVC Core 1.0 TagHelpers
Jonathan Danylko - Upgrading from ASPNET Core RC1 to RC2 Guide
Steve Smith
Azure / Cloud
- Deploying and Schedule Azure WebJobs from VSTS to Azure Web App (With bonus CRON Scheduling)
Manigandan B - Microsoft Bot Framework, .NET y Microsoft Azure App Service
Gisela Torres - Modificar el balanceador de carga de Azure Cloud Services
Gisela Torres
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Semantic logging: entre el logging y la analítica
Juan María Hernández
- Entity Framework Pitfalls: Migrations and DbContext Construction
Ricardo Peres - Updating to RC2: Changes to EFCore, ASPNETCore, PostgreSQL driver & XUnit
Julie Lerman - Migrating On-Premise SQL Server Database To Azure SQL Database
Abdul Rasheed Feroz Khan - Announcing Entity Framework Core RC2
Rowan Miller - Replication in SQL Server: Part Two
Akshay Phadke
- Understanding The CSS Property Value Syntax
Russ Weakley - The PostCSS Guide to Improving Selectors and Media Queries
Pavels Jelisejevs - All or Nothing
Jonathan Snook - Angular CLI Helps Spin Up Angular 2 Projects and Components
David Iffland - A Taste of JavaScript’s New Parallel Primitives
Lars T Hansen - Lazy Loading Images? Don’t Rely On JavaScript!
Robin Osborne - ARIA tabs, UI problems and standards
Chris Coyier - Using CSS’s object-fit and object-position Properties
Asha Laxmi - AngularJS From Beginning: Localization - Part 12
Debasis Saha - Tips for Aligning Icons to Text
Geoff Graham - A cool way to use natural language in javascript Wow!
NLP Compromise - Handling whitespace in ES6 template literals
Axel Rauschmayer - Angular 2 ngFor
John Papa - Poor Mans jQuery
Timmy Kokke - La manera correcta de añadir y quitar clases CSS a elementos mediante JavaScript puro
José Manuel Alarcón
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Add Using command for misspelled types using"fuzzy" matching – Visual Studio 2015
Abhijit Jana - ReSharper – Our Favourite Features
Gary Tuohy - Windows10 – Edge ahora con soporte para extensiones !!!
Bruno Capuano - Announcing MSBuild Structured Log: record and visualize your builds
Kirill Osenkov - Depuración con Visual Studio II: Puntos de interrupción con traza o Tracepoints
José Manuel Alarcón - Build Your Own Chrome Extension Using Angular 2 & TypeScript
Michaela Lehr
- Electron 1.0
Jessica Lord - Xamarin Master-Detail Page
N. Podbielski
- Programming the ENIAC: an example of why computer history is hard
Len Shustek - On Convex Polytopes, Collision Detection, and the Simplex Method
Andreas Michael Kreuzer - Reducing JPG File size
Colt McAnlis - Curso de Delphi
Miguel Montero
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