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el blog de José M. Aguilar

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Artículos, tutoriales, trucos, curiosidades, reflexiones y links sobre programación web
ASP.NET Core, MVC, Blazor, SignalR, Entity Framework, C#, Azure, Javascript...

¡Microsoft MVP!
domingo, 14 de enero de 2007
Sí, sin duda incluir fotografías o imágenes en los mensajes de correo publicitario supone un importante impacto visual, y puede ayudar a vender los productos o servicios ofertados.

Sin embargo, cuando, además de las imágenes, se incluye texto en el mensaje, las probabilidades de que una herramienta de filtrado de spam lo detecte como spam son enormes, por lo que entonces simplemente estaremos haciendo los mensajes más pesados y la efectividad seguirá siendo nula... ¿Cuál podría ser la solución al problema?

Efectivamente, prescindir de los elementos textuales en los correos publicitarios, o usarlos simplemente como elementos de despiste, e incluir todos los mensajes dentro de las imágenes enviadas a las víctimas. Un ejemplo se muestra en la imagen adjunta, tomada de un correo no deseado que he recibido recientemente.

En el mensaje se incluía esta imagen, acompañada de un texto enorme que con toda seguridad dejaría fuera de juego a un sistema de detección de spam basado en simples estadísticas de aparición de textos:

had a guess of what was coming. I saw I must speak soon before my strange after the wind rose, for at first it was dead calm to see the tempted to lend him a round sum, and see the last of him for good; but like a peal of bells, her face gay as a May morning; and I own, He told you to. she cried. It is no sense denying it, you said He heard the business out with a great deal of eagerness; and when it constancy upon my studies; and made out to endure the time till Alan never have been so troublesome as make the offer. But when he as good door. I made my disposition, and paid and dismissed the men so that yours from the first day, if you would have had a gift of me. she of a prospect, where there stood out over a brae the two sails of a with her head down, looking constantly on the sand, and made so tender forth. My mind misgives me, it will be some ill to Alan. Open it, know you have had more since you were here in Leyden, though you where was no man to be seen, nor any house of man, except just Bazins By your leave, Miss Drummond, said I, I must speak to your father by what a mercy had befallen me; and sitting over against her, with her out of Scotland and prompted by the same affair, which was the death of side, there is no objection to the marriage, but I have good reason to faithfully expended on my daughter, who is well, and desires to be I bid you beware. I will stand no more baiting, he broke out. I am unfit to come into a young maids life, and perhaps ding down her She shook her head at me with that same smile I could have struck her The which we did until the girl returned, and I must suppose would have no more let a wife be forced upon myself, than what I would let a The door was opened so quickly, even before I had the word out, that I streams of water running down, I would scarce think shame to weep hillock. Scarce any road came by there; but a number of footways position, where she had been entrapped into a moments weakness, and Alan smacked his lips. An unco lonely bit, said he, and I thought by For it was of course in my own rooms that I found them, when I came to Silvermills. But cheer up, my dear. yere bonnier than what he said. before ever I saw her; God knows I can be happy enough again when I alone in it; for, James More returning suddenly, the girl was changed Well, said I, this that I have got to say is very difficult, and I

La solución a esta nueva técnica ha sido la integración de OCRs y sistemas de análisis de imágenes en las herramientas de filtrado, que son capaces de acceder al contenido de los recursos gráficos y determinar si los textos incluidos en ellos son mensajes publicitarios o no.

No es tarea fácil: si envío a un familiar una foto mía junto a un cartel de coca-cola, ¿es spam?

Aún no hay comentarios, ¡sé el primero!