martes, 10 de enero de 2023
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Las 10 cosas que más fastidian a los programadores
José María Aguilar - Valores y parámetros en cascada con Blazor
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Understanding Task and ValueTask in C#
Code Maze - Give your strings context with StringSyntaxAttribute
Steven Giesel - ConcurrentBag in C#
Code Maze - Adding NuGet packages when offline
Mark Seemann - Challenge: what does this code print? & The answer
Oren Eini - C# 11 List Patterns - Create compatible types
Gérald Barré - .NET Tips and Tricks & ValueStringBuilder
Steven Giesel - OpenTelemetry in .NET - Basic Usage With Examples
Phil Broderick - ReadOnlySpan<char> and strings
Steven Giesel - How to Use Change Tokens in .NET 7?
Goker Akce - Why tuples in C# are not always a code smell
Dennis Frühauff - Automating Integration Tests using the “Critter Stack”
Jeremy D. Miller - Avoiding Primitive Obsession in .NET
Assis Zang
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- A first look behind the scenes of minimal API endpoints: Behind the scenes of minimal APIs
Andrew Lock - Building a Blazor Autocomplete Control
Shaun C. Curtis - Testing ASP.NET Core FastEndpoints
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Calling OpenAI GPT-3 From Microsoft Blazor
Michael Washington - Download Files from Azure Blob Storage with Blazor WebAssembly and ASP.NET Web API
A. Yohan Malshika - Protect and call an ASP.NET Core minimal Web API with Azure AD
Mark Heath
Azure / Cloud
- Value cannot be null (Parameter 'connectionString') in Azure App Service: Solución
Miguel Teherán - Implementing Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
David Giard
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Clean Architecture – Incorporating Repository Pattern
Bert O Neill - You Want Modules, Not Microservices
Ted Neward
- Entity Framework Error - Entity Type Cannot be Tracked
Paul Michaels - Injecting Service Dependencies to Entities with Entity Framework Core 7.0
Halil ibrahim Kalkan
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- TensorFlow Is Open-Source, But Why?
Haifeng Jin - Do you want to build a Chatbot?
Matt Eland
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- HTTP/3 Prioritization Demystified
Robin Marx - The Ultimate Guide of Promises in Javascript - Synchronous and Asynchronous, Callback Hell, Promise
Rahul Gupta - Angular Internals: How Reactivity Works with Zone.js
Corbin Crutchley - 17 Compelling Reasons To Start Ditching TypeScript Now
Mahmoud Harmouch - Understanding React Forms, and How to Create a Form in React
MyCodeBlock - Web Page Form Validations with Angular
Han Bo Sun - Document.elementFromPoint
David Walsh - Upgrading to Angular 15: Our Experience and Lessons Learned
Rakia Ben Sassi - Best Practices for Angular i18n
Vyom Srivastava - How to Determine a JavaScript Promise's Status
David Walsh - Understanding useState in React
Andrew Evans
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- HTTPie AI assistant
Jakub Roztocil - Sticky Scroll comes to Visual Studio (preview)
Nick Randolph - Debugger Text Visualizer
Mark Downie - Fix that damn Git Unsafe Repository
Rick Strahl - The Road to Out-of-Process ReSharper: Asynchronous Typing
Sasha Ivanova - 4 Ways to Enhance Exploratory Testing with Postman
Mark Winteringham
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Responsive Flyout in .NET MAUI
Victor Hugo Garcia - Windows Sizing & Positioning in .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes - Create Project Planning and Resource Management Calendar in .NET MAUI
Jeyasri Murugan - MAUI — Playing MP3 Files
Bohdan Benetskyi - Photo capturing options for your .NET MAUI app
Andreas Nesheim - Introducing the New .NET MAUI Text Input Layout
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan
- How Claude Shannon Invented the Future
David Tse
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