lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022
El error HTTP 503 (Service unavailable) lo retornan los servidores para indicar que no están disponibles para responder a la petición. Es habitual encontrarlo al intentar acceder a un sitio web que está en mantenimiento, temporalmente fuera de servicio, o ante un estado de sobrecarga (alta concurrencia, bajos recursos, etc.) El cliente debe interpretarlo como un error temporal, y puede volver a intentarlo de nuevo algo más adelante; para ello, a veces suele acompañarse de un encabezado Retry-After
con la fecha/hora o el número de segundos estimados en los que volverá a estar operativo.
Y ahora, ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo mostrar y ocultar elementos en Blazor
José María Aguilar - 8 curiosidades que quizás no conocías sobre los emoticonos ;-), Parte 1 y Parte 2
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Announcing .NET Community Toolkit v8.1.0 Preview 1
Sergio Pedri - Local functions vs lambda expressions
Steven Giesel - Handling times for an EV charger
Jon Skeet - Deserializing Json Streams using Newtonsoft.Json & System.Text.Json with C# & VB
Graeme_Grant - Advanced LINQ
Alvaro Montoya - Injectio - Source Generator for Dependency Injection
Paul Welter - Encrypt and Decrypt Text Values in .NET
Jamil Hallal - Getting Started With Worker Services
Assis Zang - Just store UTC? Not so fast! Handling Time zones is complicated.
Derek Comartin - Bring WCF apps to the latest .NET with CoreWCF and Upgrade Assistant
Sam Spencer - Marking API's as obsolete or as experimental
Steven Giesel
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Switch tenants in an ASP.NET Core app using Azure AD with multi tenants
Damien Bowden - Lucene + Blazor, Part 1: Basic Search
Thomas Beck - Building Leaner, Meaner, Greener Blazor Components
Shaun C Curtis - Performance improvements in ASP.NET Core 7
Brennan Conroy - Use a recursive Blazor component to render a TreeView
Jon Hilton - Resize images before uploading in Blazor Web Assembly
Mike Brind - Handling CSV Files in ASP.NET Core Web APIs
A. Yohan Malshika
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Desarrollo iterativo e incremental
Fran Iglesias - The Perfect Commit
Simon Willison - The type system is a programmer's best friend
Dustin Moris - Just store UTC? Not so fast! Handling Time zones is complicated.
Derek Comartin - Stop requiring only one assertion per unit test: Multiple assertions are fine
Mark Seeman
- More Efficient Deletes With Entity Framework Core
Khalid Abuhakmeh
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Announcing TypeScript 4.9 RC
Daniel Rosenwasser - Angular Directive composition
Kevin Kreuzer - The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax
Preethi Selvam - Angular Basics: Step-by-Step Understanding the Async Pipe
Dhananjay Kumar - CSS Flexbox Explained – Complete Guide to Flexible Containers and Flex Items
Oluwatobi Sofela - How to Extend Prototypes with JavaScript
David Walsh - Angular 15: Using The Directive Composition API
Henrique Custódia - The Difference Between Web Sockets, Web Workers, and Service Workers
Aisha Bukar - A Couple Changes Coming in Chrome 108
Geoff Graham - How To Create Advanced Animations With CSS
Yosra Emad - JavaScript Local Storage: All You Need To Know!
Ifeoma Imoh - Routing in Next.js
Ifeoma Imoh
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Cool features in Visual Studio 2022
Mads Kristensen - Slaying Zombie ‘No Repro’ Crashes with Infe
Matthew Jin - Pasting text without formatting
Gérald Barré - Preview: referencing public code in GitHub Copilot
Ryan J. Salva - .NET Interactive Notebooks is now Polyglot Notebooks!
Claudia Regio
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Organizando elementos con ZIndex en .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes - So You Want to Migrate a Xamarin.Forms App to .NET MAUI
Walter Aguilar - .NET 7 Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI
Jonathan Peppers
- Designing The Perfect Mobile Navigation UX
Vitaly Friedman - How does the dialog manager calculate the average width of a character?
Raymond Chen
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