lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2020
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- ¿Dónde están Application_Start y Application_End en ASP.NET Core?
José María Aguilar - Capturar todos los parámetros enviados a un componente Blazor
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Programación mínima, C# vs Python
Sergio León - Null Checking en C#
Jorge Serrano - What's new in Windows Forms runtime in .NET 5.0
Igor Velikorossov - .NET December 2020 Updates – 5.0.1
Rahul Bhandari - Rethrowing your exceptions wrong in .NET could erase your stacktrace
Niels Swimberghe - C# 9 records as strongly-typed ids
Thomas Levesque - Common Use Cases For .NET Reflection
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Cryptography Improvements in .NET 5
Tomasz Pęczek - Bring lights in Unity into the real-world using Philips Hue
Paul Marsh - New in .NET 5 - Top-level Statements
Bradley Wells - Automate a Markdown links page with Pinboard and C#
Dave Brock - Add Configuration to a .Net Core Console Application
Paul Michaels - C# in Simple Terms - Dates and Times
Matthew Jones - Using .NET and PowerPoint to generate cover images
Gérald Barré - No recompile, no redeploy, managing features flags in .NET Core, locally and with Azure
Chris Noring - Producing Packages with Source Link
Claire Novotny - Use local function attributes with C# 9
Dave Brock - The proper usages of the keyword 'static' in C#
Patrick Smacchia - Making C# More Welcoming
Matt Eland - Simplifying Multithreaded Scenarios With PostSharp Threading
Wade Gausden - C# 9 Records and Init Only Settings Without .NET 5
Brant Burnett - Dynamic Class Creation in C# - Preserving Type Safety in C# with Roslyn
José Manuel Redondo López
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- How to do OAuth2 Authorization in ASP.NET Core for Swagger UI using Swashbuckle
Anuraj Parameswaran - Dark mode for your web applications (using Blazor and Tailwind CSS)
Jon Hilton - Using action results and content negotiation with "route-to-code" APIs
Andrew Lock - User Registration with Angular and ASP.NET Core Identity
Marinko Spasojevic - Displaying your google profile picture in an ASP.NET Core Application
Matteo Locher - Managing SignalR ConnectionIds (or why you shouldn't)
Kevin W. Griffin
Azure / Cloud
- ¿Porqué mi página web por defecto de ASP.NET Core no se vé en mi Azure Web App y me da un 404?
Jorge Serrano - How to configure CSP Headers for Static Website Hosted in Azure Blob Storage
Anuraj Parameswaran - How to run C# notebooks with Azure Cosmos DB
Michael Crump - Remote Debugging for Azure Functions Can Be a Breeze
Simon Timms - Announcing the new Azure Service Bus Client Libraries
Richard Park
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Aventuras de un arquitecto: Por que decidí crear una capa de API Rest delante de un D365 Field Service
Daniel Córdoba Cárdenas - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Caching Patterns
Nicolas Frankel - Branching tests
Mark Seemann - Domain Driven Design in C#
Julie Lerman
- Run EF Core Migrations in Azure DevOps
Anuraj Parameswaran - Trace Dapper.NET Source Code
ITWei - How to handle unique constraint violations
Vladimir Khorikov
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- 4 Key Machine Learning Methods for Prediction & Personalization
Gilad David Maayan - Predicting Die Hard fans with ML.NET and C#
Thomas Ardal
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- [Mis experiencias con Javascript] Desestructuración y su equivalente Deconstruction en .NET (C#)
Juan Luis Guerrero - Smart solutions to avoid JS problems and hacks
Faisal Khan - 4 Must-Know TypeScript Tips & Tricks
Sam Piggott - How to Abort a Fetch Request in JavaScript using AbortController
Nick Scialli - A Detailed Breakdown of HTML Form Event Attributes
Deji Adesoga - Migrating Vue 2 to Vue 3
John Papa - CSS Variables are cool (
Leon Bambrick - Speed Up Angular Application Code Splitting
Ashnita Bali - Overlaying Video With Transparency While Wrangling Cross-Browser Support
Maciek Caputa - Styling Comment Threads
Tahmid - Axios.js vs fetch() API
Simran Birla - JavaScript’s Object-Oriented Identity Crisis
Matthew MacDonald - How to Create a Favicon That Changes Automatically
Carlo Martinucci - Next-Level React Performance
Leonardo Maldonado - Recoil.js - State management for React 🔥
Emil Mork - Properly Understanding the DOM
Josh Carvel - The 3 CSS Methods for Adding Element Borders
Stephanie Eckles - Let’s Create a Lightweight Native Event Bus in JavaScript
Carter Li - Using CSS Custom Properties to Adjust Variable Font Weights in Dark Mode
Greg Gibson - Tricky, Tricky—Hidden Migration Tips for Vue 3
Plamen Zdravkov - Web Accessibility: Aria, Focus, Focus Management
Obinna Ekwuno
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Kubernetes elimina el soporte para Docker: ¿y ahora qué? ¿qué pasa con Docker? ¿cómo me influye?
CampusMVP - Kaniko - Construir imágenes Docker sin Docker
Eduard Tomás - Git – Cherry pick
Nacho Fanjul - Container services en Azure Pipelines, Parte 1 y Parte 2
Sergio Navarro Pino - Depix: Cómo depíxelar contraseñas que han sido píxeladas en imágenes
Pablo González - Visual Studio 2019 v16.9 Preview 2 and New Year Wishes Coming to You!
Jacqueline Widdis - Using a custom name for the AKS additional resource group in ARM
Luis Ruiz - You should be customizing your PowerShell Prompt with PSReadLine
Scott Hanselman - How to Reset Ubuntu Password in Windows WSL
Roy Kim
- [Material] Monkey Conf 2020
Javier Suárez - Como implementar transiciones compartidas entre páginas en Xamarin.Forms
Jesús Angulo - 5 Must Install NuGets for New Xamarin Projects
James Montemagno - Meet the RadPopUp Control for Xamarin Forms
Leomaris Reyes - Create a popup using Rg.Plugins.Popup and get a return value
Alessandro Caliaro
- YouTube: Cómo emitir en directo un vídeo grabado sin instalar nada en tu máquina
José Manuel Alarcón - NandGame: un juego de lógica binaria en el que hay que construir circuitos cada vez más complejos
Alvy - Quick Tip: A Keyboard Shortcut to Start a Taskbar App as an Administrator
Sean Killeen - 101 Tips to Make You a Better Developer
Simon Holdorf
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