lunes, 27 de abril de 2020
Aunque seguimos en el túnel, parece que tímidamente está apareciendo un poco de luz en la lejanía. Y mientras la cosa se ilumina del todo, quizás os entretengan un rato los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada, que, como de costumbre, espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Switch expressions en C# 8
José María Aguilar - Confluencia de ramas en el pipeline de ASP.NET Core
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Como leer programáticamente contadores de rendimiento en .Net Core
Jorge Turrado - Announcing .NET 5.0 Preview 3
Richard Lander - Unit bias against collections
Mark Seemann - The Most Exciting Promise of .NET 5
Heather Downing - Enjoy Local Development with Tye, Docker, and .NET
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Building End-to-End Diagnostics and Tracing: Diagnostic Events
Jimmy Bogard - Nullable Reference Types: Migrating a Codebase – A Look at New Language Features in C# 8
Matthias Koch - Introducing Jasper as an In Process Command Bus for .Net
Jeremy D. Miller - C# 9 – Positional or Nominal Creation
Christian Nagel - Creating and Packaging a .NET Standard library
Sayed Hashimi - Verify User File Uploads With .NET
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Demystifying Memory Profilers in C# .NET Part 1: The Principles
Michael Shpilt - Referencing a Specific Assembly from a NuGet Package
Maarten Balliauw - Finalization Queue Tips
Mark Downie - .NET Core Tab Completion With Zsh
Khalid Abuhakmeh
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 5 Preview 3
Sourabh Shirhatti - Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 5 release now available
Daniel Roth - Blazorise 0.9 release notes
Mladen Macanovic - Swagger UI (OpenApi) with Authorization code flow + PKCE using Swashbuckle ASP.NET Core
Luis Ruiz - Playing Audio Files in a Blazor Application
Carl Franklin - Advanced Blazor Templating
Michael Washington - Blazor Server versus Blazor WebAssembly
David Grace - Cookie authentication with social providers in ASP.NET Core
Thomas Ardal - Custom Response Caching Using NCache in ASP.NET Core
Joydip Kanjilal - Unleash your full-stack creativity with Blazor and Tailwind CSS
Jon Hilton - Telerik UI for Blazor 2.11.0: New Grid Features & Much More!
Maria Veledinova
Azure / Cloud
- Configuring Logging in Azure App Services
Steve Smith - Using Azure Functions Premium Plan to avoid cold-start
Michael Crump - Messaging with Azure Service Bus: The Challenges of Messaging & Introducing Azure Service Bus & Sending and Receiving Messages
Mark Heath - Production Tips for ASP .NET Core 3.1 Web Apps
Shahed Chowdhuri - Local Azure Storage Development with Azurite, Azure SDKs, and Azure Storage Explorer
Jon Gallant - Azure Resource Organization Cheat Sheet
Frank A. Krueger
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Unit testing tips
Fernando Escolar - Qué son los Webhooks, en qué se diferencian de una API REST y por qué deberías conocerlos
José Manuel Alarcón - El Outbox Pattern
Ronny Ancorini - Patterns for Managing Source Code Branches
Martin Fowler - How I Failed to Deal With Legacy Code
Meriam Kharbat - Event-driven integration #2 - Inferring events from EF Core changes
João Antunes
- Announcing Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 3
Jeremy Likness - Change the Primary Key Type in Entity Framework
Paul Michaels - How to pass a dynamic/variable list of values as SqlParameters with FromSqlRaw in EF Core
Erik Ejlskov Jensen - Tempdb – Here’s a Problem You Didn’t Know You Have
Fabiano Amorim - Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases
Jaana Dogan
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Strategies for migrating to TypeScript
Axel Rauschmayer -
98.css: CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 98
Jordan Scales - The Bootstrap 4 Grid Deconstructed
Serge Desmedt - Can JavaScript Detect the Browser's Zoom Level?
Chris Coyier - Creating Playful Effects With CSS Text Shadows
Sarah Fossheim - JavaScript Scope Explained in Simple Words
Dmitri Pavlutin - New MDJS Markup Language Adds JavaScript to Markdown for Interactive Documentation
Bruno Couriol - Does Learning TypeScript Today Make Sense?
Kirupa Chinnathambi - ECMAScript 2020: the final feature set
Axel Rauschmayer - TypeScript Assertion Signatures
Carl Rippon - CSS Only Tooltip for All Screen Sizes
Ted Krueger - 4 Tips to Secure Your Angular Application
Joel Parks - Introducing MVVM architecture. Vanilla javascript implementation.
Volodymyr Kopytin - Limiting input type=”color” to a certain palette (from an image)
Christian Heilmann - Dark mode and variable fonts
Robin Rendle - The Most Important New JavaScript Elements for Basic Programming
Gerd Wagner - Will It CORS?
Http Toolkit - How to Make a CSS-Only Carousel
Robin Rendle - @property
Chris Coyier
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Hoy empiezo con GitHub Actions & Programar workflows en GitHub Actions
Gisela Torres - Cómo trabajar con el objeto Deployment en Kubernetes
Gisela Torres - Windows Terminal Preview v0.11 Release
Kayla Cinnamon - Visual Studio Tips 5
Ricardo Peres - Adding simple email address obfuscation for your blog like Cloudflare Scrape Shield
Andrew Lock - Building .NET Framework Applications with Github Actions
Calvin A. Allen - Show unnecessary imports in the Visual Studio's error window
Gérald Barré - GitHub Protips: Tips, tricks, hacks, and secrets from Alyson La
Alyson La
Xamarin / Mobile
- [Xamarin.Forms] Primer vistazo a Expander
Javier Suárez - Introducing TinyMvvm 2.0
Daniel Hindrikes - Bluetooth Printing in Xamarin Forms using Shiny
Rendy del Rosario - Mobile Blazor Bindings - Navigation and Xamarin Essentials
Chris Sainty - Playing with animation in Xamarin.Forms
Steven Thewissen - Migrating ListView to CollectionView in Xamarin.Forms
Matthew Robbins - Get Permissions, App Theme, & Authentication
James Montemagno - Using Refit to consume Restful Web Service in Xamarin Forms
Leomaris Reyes
- VÍDEO: Cómo activar una clave de API para Google Maps
José Manuel Alarcón
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