lunes, 20 de abril de 2020
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Novedades en la compilación de vistas en ASP.NET Core 3.0, ¡otra vez!
José María Aguilar - Ramificar el pipeline de ASP.NET Core con Map() y MapWhen()
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Work flow of diagnosing memory performance issues – Part 1
Maoni Stephens - Pretty Method Display in
Jason Roberts - Using .NET Core to provide Power Query for Excel on Mac
Oded Hanson - A Framework to DotNet Core Conversion Report
Mike Hadlow - C# 8.0 nullable references: non-nullable is the new default
Ian Griffiths - Serilog Logging Best Practices
Ben Foster - C# 8, A Year Late
Dave Brock - .NET JIT compiler is not type safe
Konrad Kokosa - A little riddle with AsyncLocal
Nelson Parente - 7 ways to improve code quality in C# using option type
Ahmed Fouad
- Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 4 release now available
Daniel Roth - Accessing the HttpContext from a DbContext
Ricardo Peres - Building an ASP.NET Core Tag Helper to Show/Hide UI Elements based on Authorization
Maarten Balliauw - Reporting API in ASP.NET Core
Tomasz Pęczek - How to automatically choose a free port in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Andrew Lock - Organizational Accounts for ASP .NET Core 3.1
Shahed Chowdhuri - Using Named Handler Methods to Make jQuery AJAX GET Calls in Razor Pages
Matthew Jones - Open Source Project Creates ASP.NET Core Apps with VB.NET
David Ramel - Injecting Services Into ASP.NET Razor Views
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Working with ASP.NET Core and DotVVM on Visual Studio Code
Daniel Gómez Jaramillo - Using Alba for Integration Testing ASP.Net Core Web Services
Jeremy D. Miller - Upload A File Using ASP.NET Core
Khalid Abuhakmeh - How to deal with 'HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure' error in ASP.NET Core
Ruslan Albu
Azure / Cloud
- April 2020 Azure SDK Release
Adrian Hall - Microsoft Cognitive Services at the Edge
Ivana Tilca
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Bytes and Humans
Elena Torró - Cómo conseguir dejar fino el Sprint Backlog de una vez por todas
Ander Conal - 10 Reasons to Avoid DevOps
Assaf Stone - Refactoring: This class is too large Clare Sudbery
- When to Mock
Vladimir Khorikov - Are Boolean Flags on Methods a Code Smell?
Steve Smith
- Generate Entity Framework Core classes from a SQL Server database project
Erik Ejlskov Jensen - Filtering on Include in EF Core
Jason Gaylord - Bulk support improvements for Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK
Matias Quaranta
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Cómo aplicar estilos CSS a una imagen rota
Pablo Iglesias - jQuery 3.5.0 Released!
Timmy Wilson - JavaScript Visualized: Promises & Async/Await
Lydia Hallie - Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts
Ollie Williams - Using CSS to Set Text Inside a Circle
Kerry Smyth -
How To Create A Particle Trail Animation In JavaScript
Anna Prenzel - Explain Object.keys in JavaScript
Dhananjay Kumar - Have you heard about text fragment anchors?
Matt Lacey - Typing functions in TypeScript
Axel Rauschmayer - Create a Responsive CSS Motion Path? Sure We Can!
Jhey Tompkins - Best Practices With React Hooks
Adeneye David Abiodun - append VS appendChild
Abdulqudus Abubakre - Front-End Challenges
Chris Coyier - Better Form Inputs for Better Mobile User Experiences
Alex Holachek
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Cómo mostrar traza de depuración de nuestro Pipeline en Azure DevOps
Jorge Serrano - Mantenimiento de Visual Studio, la caché de NuGet y cómo liberar espacio en disco
Jorge Serrano - GitHub is now free for teams
Nat Friendman - See What's New in Visual Studio 2019 v16.6 Preview 3!
Jacqueline Widdis - ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1: Improved Support for C# 8.0 and C++20, Dataflow Analysis of Integer Values, and Much More
Alexandra Kolesova - What is Fiddler?
Sam Basu
Xamarin / Mobile
- Showcase of Xamarin Forms Student Projects
Charlin Agramonte - Mobile Blazor Bindings - State Management and Data
Chris Sainty - 7 Tactics to structure your project with Xamarin Forms
Luis Matos - Xamarin.Forms – Mock Locations
Lénárt Bence - Migrating ListView To CollectionView in Xamarin.Forms
Matthew Robbins
- Tipos de personalidad entre programadores y cómo incide en tu nómina
Manuel A. Lores - The 2020 Guide to Creating Quality Technical Screencasts, Presentations, and Remote Meetings
Scott Hanselman - Comparing HTTP/3 vs. HTTP/2 Performance
Sreeni Tellakula
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