lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Lambdas como árboles de expresión
José María Aguilar - Usar Razor desde una aplicación de consola .NET Core (2 de 2)
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- An update to C# versions and C# tooling
Phillip Carter - DateTime.Now: Usage, Examples, Best Practices, and Pitfalls
Carlos Schults - AKS, KeyVault y netcore
Eduard Tomás - How to Create, Use, and Debug .NET application Crash Dumps in 2019
Michael Shpilt - Creating Custom Web Crawler with Dotnet Core using Entity Framework Core
Mehmet Ozkaya - C# 8.0 in-depth: Setup C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0
Dix Yan - An Introduction to Optimising Code Using Span
Steve Gordon - WhiteList Proxying with ASP.Net Core
John Reilly - TransientFaultHandling.Core: Retry library for .NET Core/.NET Standard
Dixin Yan - An example of interaction-based testing in C#
Mark Seemann - Runtime analysis and leak detection for Autofac
Nicholas Blumhardt - C# 8 surprising patterns & Discards and underscores & Tuple deconstruction and positional patterns] & Variable declarations and type patterns
Ian Griffiths - AutoMapper Usage Guidelines
Jimmy Bogard - How to port desktop applications to .NET Core 3.0
Olia Gavrysh - Learning about .NET Core futures by poking around at David Fowler's GitHub
Scott Hanselman - Is C# a low-level language?
Matt Warren
- ASP.NET Core code coverage reports on Azure DevOps
Gunnar Peipman - Adding a GraphQL Endpoint to Your ASP.NET Core API
Roland Guijt - 10 Tips to Improve Performance of ASP.NET Core Application
Mukesh Kumar - Dynamically setting Content Type in ASP.NET Core with FileExtensionContentTypeProvider
Scott Sauber - Core 2.2 JWT Authentication tutorial
Gary Woodfine - Tips and tricks for ASP.NET Core applications
Dustin Moris Gorski - Problems using a custom Authentication Cookie in classic ASP.NET
Jürgen Gutsch - ASP.NET Core on IIS Express - Empty error starting application
Maarten Balliauw - Handling Errors in ASP .NET Core
Shahed Chowdhuri - An Early Look at gRPC and ASP.NET Core 3.0
Steve Gordon - Update - Implementing a custom ITicketStore for ASP.NET Core Identity
Matteo Locher - Razor Components: Understanding Cascading Values and Cascading Parameters
Chris Sainty - Problem Details: A standard way of specifying errors in HTTP API responses
Luis Ruiz
Azure / Cloud
- Improving Azure Functions Blob Trigger Performance and Reliability: Memory usage & Processing Delays and Missed Blobs & Using Event Grid to Respond to New Blobs & Periodically Checking for Unprocessed Blobs
Jason Roberts - Latest enhancements now available for Cognitive Services' Computer Vision
Cornelia Carapcea & Lei Zhang
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Integración, entrega y despliegue continuo. Diferencias y similitudes
Jorge Serrano - C# Design Patterns - Singleton
Marinko Spasojevic - Is CQRS Complicated?
Derek Comartin
- How does a C# LINQ Query execute and How does this affect Performance?
Damir Arh - Getting started with Azure Cosmos DB and .NET Core: Part 1
Jeremy Lindsay - Using EF Core's InMemory Provider To Store A "Database" In Memory
Matthew Jones - NHibernate on ASP.NET Core
Gunnar Peipman
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- An Essential Guide to Numpy for Machine Learning in Python
Siddharth Dikshit - TOP 10 Machine Learning Algorithms – garvitanand2 – Medium
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
JavaScript quirks in one image from the Internet
Mikhail Korolev- JavaScript Loading Priorities in Chrome
Addy Osmani - Position: stuck; — and a Way to Fix It
Dannie Vinther - Responsive Designs and CSS Custom Properties: Defining Variables and Breakpoints
Mikolaj Dobrucki - Recreating the Facebook Messenger Gradient Effect with CSS
Stepan Bolotnikov - When Is A Button Not A Button?
Vadim Makeev - JavaScript: from Downloading Scripts to Execution (Part 1)
Ankita Masand - Should I Use Source Maps in Production?
Chris Coyier - Breaking Boxes With CSS Fragmentation
Rachel Andrew - Debugging the Web: Learn How to Debug JavaScript with the Chrome Dev Tools
Josh Chang - Did you know that CSS Custom Properties can handle images too?
Robin Rendle - Look Ma, No Media Queries! Responsive Layouts Using CSS Grid
Juan Martín García - A Vue to a Skill
Shawn Wildermuth - 10 Chrome Developer Tool Features You May Have Missed
Telerik - Diferencias entre RGB y HSL: ¿cuál es mejor para manejar colores CSS para la Web?
José Manuel Alarcón
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Visual Studio 2019 Release Candidate (RC) now available
John Montgomery What is Windows Sandbox
Gunnar Peipman- Dependency Autocompletion, Performance Improvements and More for Java on Visual Studio Code
Xiaokai He - Método Kanban con Azure DevOps
Fernando Escolar - Windows Subsystem for Linux files in Windows Explorer
Gunnar Peipman - Cómo ejecutar en el Pipeline de Azure DevOps una tarea personalizada & Cómo indicar el estado de integración continua de Azure DevOps Pipelines en GitHub
Jorge Serrano - 5 herramientas gratuitas indispensables para el desarrollador .NET
José Manuel Alarcón
- Debug Local ASP.NET Core Web APIs on Android Emulators
James Montemagno - [Xamarin.Forms Challenge] My Tasks
Javier Suárez
- Famous laws of Software development
Tim Sommer - UX Myths
Zoltan Gocza & Zoltan Kollin
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