lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018
Por si te lo perdiste...
- ¿Se pueden desarrollar aplicaciones ASP.NET Core con Visual Basic .NET?
José María Aguilar - Entre 10 y 28 desarrolladores por el precio de uno
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Caching http requests to debug faster
Gérald Barré - AutoMapper 8.0.0 Released
Jimmy Bogard - How to use the Abstract Factory design pattern in C#
Gary Woodfine - Como instalar .NetCore en Linux
Jorge Turrado - Getting Stack Overflow Localization Tooling Ready for .NET Core
Samo Prelog - Accessing NuGet Package Paths in Your .NET SDK Based csproj Files
Georg Dangl - Java vs C# – Part 3
Ricardo Peres - Code reliability: Unit testing with XUnit and FluentAssertions in .NET Core 2 apps
Anthony Giretti - Introducing the ML.NET – A Machine Learning library for .NET developers
Coding Notes - Cómo buscar patrones de búsqueda o coincidencias en C# dentro de un bucle switch & Cómo buscar patrones de búsqueda o coincidencias en C# dentro de un bucle switch con C# 6.0 o anterior
Jorge Serrano - How to Choose the Right .NET Collection Class?
Damir Arh
- Create a React Redux App with Visual Studio 2017 and ASP.NET Core 2.2
Talking Dotnet - Use Action Filters to cut down your context.SaveChanges calls
Jon Hilton - Creating singleton named options with IOptionsMonitor
Andrew Lock -
Part I: Validation Controls using Blazor
Hisham Bin Ateya - Porting from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core: Part 3
Jonathan Mezach - Exploring What's New in ASP.NET Core 2.1 by Building a Cat App
Master Owl - Implementing Azure AD Single Sign-Out in ASP.NET Core
Joonas W.
Azure / Cloud
- Azure Functions 2.0 extensibility
Tomasz Pęczek - Explorando el Bot Builder SDK v4 con TDD en ASP.NET Core 2.1
Miguel Veloso - CosmosDB binding in Azure Functions
David Giard
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- RSA: One crypto algorithm to rule them all
Daniel Rodríguez Hernández - Functional architecture: a definition
Mark Seemann
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- An Overview of Render Props in React
Kingsley Silas - Why can’t we use Functional CSS and regular CSS at the same time?
Robin Rendle - Building An Interactive Infographic With Vue.js
Kutrie Patel - Understanding Memoization in JavaScript to Improve Performance
Chidume Nnamdi - Is the Web Becoming the new Native?
Nikola Živković - The Current State of Styling Scrollbars
Chris Coyier
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 now available
John Montgomery - Could not get any response con Postman al usar SSL en mi Web API
Jorge Serrano - Do you know that you can increase the list of recent files and projects shown in the Visual Studio File menu?
Kunal Chowdhury - Programming Tools For Developers
Dirk Strauss - Generating .editorconfig files automatically using IntelliCode
Andrew Lock - Gitless
Santiago De Rosso
Developing Samsung TV Apps with .NET
Jason Roberts
- ¿Tienen futuro los desarrolladores de software a partir de los 45 años?
Manuel A. Lores - El estado del ecosistema Java en 2018
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