lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Programación esotérica
José María Aguilar - Autenticación JWT en APIs con ASP.NET Core
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Building C# 8.0
Mads Torgersen - C#: Structs de un solo campo como typedefs
Eduard Tomás - .NET Core/ .NET Framework My Perspective On The Future
Mitchel Sellers - Cross-platform Time Zones with .NET Core
Christopher Roberts - .NET Core tooling update for Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9
Phillip Carter - Writing ILogger Diagnostics to a File
Christian Nagel - .NET Core 2.1.x será soportado hasta 3 años de la declaración TLS
Jorge Serrano - Some quick notes on converting String operations to use Span<T>
Matt Lacey - Handling a new era in the Japanese calendar in .NET
Ron Petrusha - Sample performance investigation using BenchmarkDotNet and PerfView
Adam Sitnik - A dynamic definite assignment puzzle
Eric Lippert - .NET Core Service Provider Gotchas and Less-Known Features
Ricardo Peres - Visual Basic in .NET Core 3.0
Kathleen Dollard
- ASP.NET Core MVC Ajax Form requests using jquery-unobtrusive
Damien Bowden - ASP.NET Core: Read GPS coordinates of photo
Gunnar Peipman - Porting from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core: Part 2
Jonathan Mezach - Create a React App with Visual Studio 2017 and ASP.NET Core 2.2
Talking Dotnet - Share Blazor Components with Shared Class Libraries
Dave Brock - ASP.NET Core: Replacement for Server.MapPath
Gunnar Peipman - Simplifying dependency injection for IConfigureOptions with the ConfigureOptions() helper
Andrew Lock -
Web Development and Advanced Techniques with Linux on Windows (WSL)
Scott Hanselman - Configure App Service Authentication for Your Azure Web Apps
Anuraj Parameswaran - ASP.NET SignalR 2.4.0
Brady Gaster - How deploy ASP.NET Core preview versions to Azure App Service
Anuraj Parameswaran - Blazor 0.7.0 experimental release now available
Daniel Roth - Implementing Background Tasks in ASP.NET Core with HangFire
Mitchel Sellers - Depurar netcore ejecutándose en WSL con VS2017
Eduard Tomás - Razor support in Visual Studio Code now in Preview
Daniel Roth - Compiling C# to WASM with Mono and Blazor then Debugging .NET Source with Remote Debugging in Chrome DevTools
Scott Hanselman - ASP.NET Core 2.2 Health Checks Explained
Thomas Ardal
Azure / Cloud
- Azure Web Apps #3 - Asociando dominios a tu Web App
José Manuel Alarcón - Azure Tips and Tricks Part 173 - Get the most out of Azure Advisor
Michael Crump - Debugging multiple Azure Functions apps at the same time
Jim Bennett - Como obtener las direcciones IP de salida en un APP Service Plan de Azure
Daniel Córdoba Cárdenas
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Priorities of a Passionate Developer
Rion Williams - Learn Quantum Computing with the Quantum Katas
Mariia Mykhailova
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- CSS Frameworks Or CSS Grid: What Should I Use For My Project?
Rachel Andrew - Typescript and React: Lambdas are forbidden?
Jon Hilton - Static Properties in JavaScript Classes with Inheritance
Valeri Karpov - Beyond console.log() – Matt Burgess – Medium
Matt Burgess - How to center things with style in CSS –
Stephen Sun - HTTP-over-QUIC to be renamed HTTP/3
Catalin Cimpanu - Our commitment to a more capable web
Chromium Blog - CSS and Network Performance – CSS Wizardry
Harry Roberts - The "C" in CSS: The Cascade
Thomas Yip - Dark modes with CSS
Robin Rendle - Chrome Dev Summit 2018 Día 2: Frameworks, web components y el futuro de la web
David García Valiñas - Promise chaining is dead. Long live async/await – LogRocket
Alberto Gimeno - Dramatically Speed Up Your React Front-End App Using Lazy Loading
Luke Jones - Announcing TypeScript 3.2 RC
Daniel Rosenwasser - Braces to Pixels
Greg Whitworth - A Netflix Web Performance Case Study – Dev Channel – Medium
Addy Osmani
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
A preview of UX and UI changes in Visual Studio 2019
Jamie Young
One Fiddler to Rule Them All
Kamen Velikov
When should you right click publish
Angelos Petropoulos
Terminus and FluentTerminal are the start of a world of 3rd party OSS console replacements for Windows
Scott Hanselman
Visual Studio Enterprise vs. Professional: Essential Differences
Carlos Schults
Announcing String Resource Visualizer
Matt Lacey
Visual Studio–I need a Command Prompt Quick Tip
David Yardy
Visual Studio Productivity Tips: Create a project from existing code
Kunal Chowdhury
.NET Core tooling update for Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9
Phillip Carter
- Real Time Communication for Mobile with SignalR (Core)
James Montemagno - Xamarin.Forms 3.4.0: Say Hello to ImageButton |
Paul DiPietro
- How To FaceSwapping in a video "Chema Alonso" & "Axl Rose" with AI (2 de 2)
Pablo González Pérez & Enrique Blanco - 3 Cool things in Windows 10 version 1809
Luís Henrique Demetrio - PowerShell PowerTip: Customizing your prompt
Kory T.
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