lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cancelación de peticiones en ASP.NET Core y MVC
José María Aguilar - Cómo reconocer a los buenos desarrolladores
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Dependabot for .NET Core dependency tracking in GitHub
Scott Hanselman - Use structures to improve the lisibility of your code
Gérald Barré - Venciendo el miedo a las pruebas unitarias en .Net
Jorge Turrado - C# Intermetiade - Queue, Stack and Hashtable Collections in C#
Marinko Spasojevic - .NET Core Source Code Analysis with Intel® VTune™ Amplifier
Varun Venkatesan, Li Tian & Denis Pravdin - Comparing speed of ToUpper, ToUpperInvariant, ToLower and ToLowerInvariant in .NET Framework and .NET Core
Jiří Činčura - Secure Random Integers in .NET Core 3
Kevin Jones - Playing with C# 7
Adam Storr - Performance in .NET – Part 2
Ricardo Peres
- Pages in ASP .NET Core: Razor, Blazor and MVC Views
Shahed Chowdhuri - ASP.NET SignalR 2.4.0 Preview 2
Andrew Stanton-Nurse - ASP.NET Core Firewall
Dustin Moris - Blazor Q&A with Microsoft's Daniel Roth
Sara Faatz - The Bleeding Edge Of Razor
Dave Glick - The dangers and gotchas of using scoped services in IConfigureOptions
Andrew Lock - Announcing CosmosDB Table Async OutputCache Provider Release and ASP.NET Providers Connected Service Extension Update
Matt FJH - Asp.Net Core Tip: Get JSON object from appsettings.json using IConfiguration
Janak Shrestha - ASP.NET Core 2.2 Parameter Transformers for clean URL generation and slugs in Razor Pages or MVC
Scott Hanselman
Gunnar Peipman
Azure / Cloud
- Azure Tips and Tricks Part 167 - Migrating Data from Cosmos DB to Local JSON files
Michael Crump - Durable Functions: Fan Out Fan In Patterns
Sarah Drasner - Tip: Emergency Editing using App Service Editor
Jason N. Gaylord - Public preview: Named Entity Recognition in the Cognitive Services Text Analytics API
Ashish Makadia - Azure Functions Dependency Injection with Autofac
Jason Roberts - Azure Storage Blob upload from browser
Prashant Pratap - Azure Cosmos DB partitioning design patterns – Part 1
Rafat Sarosh - Restringir por IP el acceso a tu web app en App Service
Gisela Torres
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
Free e-book: Designing Distributed Systems
Brendan Burns- Applicative combinations of functions
Mark Seemann
- Application triggers for Asp.Net Core 2.1 entity framework core
Vlad Vizitiu - Slow Connections with Sql Server
Rick Strahl - Free Entity Framework Profiler to View SQL Query Performance
Carlos Schults
HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Top 5 Performance Tips for React Developers
Blanca Mendizábal Perelló - Building Skeleton Components with React
Mathias Rechtzigel - Understanding the difference between grid-template and grid-auto
Ire Aderinokun - Angular Authentication With JWT
Esther Vaati - Getting Started With Angular Material
Marinko Spasojevic - Upgrade Angular 6 app to Angular 7 with Visual Studio 2017
Talking Dotnet - Use Cases For Flexbox
Rachel Andrew - How to stop using console.log() and start using your browser’s debugger
Parag Zaveri - Splicing HTML’s DNA With CSS Attribute Selectors
John Rhea - Angular Virtual Scrolling – ngVirtualScrolling
Sibeesh Venu - Angular 7 ya está aquí y estas son sus novedades
CampusMVP <img src="images/async-js.png" alt="Async JS cheatsheet" style="float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px"/> - Promises and async/await cheatsheet
Frontend Armory (vía @midudev)
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Going beyond with Postman
Julio Lozovei - Visual Studio Productivity Tips: Move between methods and properties efficiently
Kunal Chowdhury - Continuous Integration: The What, Why and How
Jeff Wainwright - Creating a Chrome Extension with VS Code
Gerald Versluis - Generar imágenes Docker de proyectos SPA de netcore & Crear imágenes Docker de una app SPA pura y… como configurarla
Eduard Tomás
- Creating a Hyperlink in Xamarin.Forms
David Britch - Creando aplicaciones Linux con Xamarin y Xamarin.Forms
Javier Suárez Ruiz
- Sign Up vs. Signup
Chris Coyier - What does Stack Overflow want to be when it grows up?
Jeff Atwood - Pull request successfully merged. Starting build…
Nat Friedman
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