lunes, 9 de abril de 2018
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
.NET / .NET Core
- Unit testing Finalizers in C#
Matthew Abbott - Exploring Dependency Injection in C# – part 1
Nikola Živković - How To Optimize .Net Development Using .Net Core 2.1 And C# 7.2
Loïc Baumann - Creating a .NET Core global CLI tool for squashing images with the TinyPNG API
Andrew Lock - What’s This and Can I Delete It? Examining A Default ASP.NET MVC Project
Matthew P Jones - Taking a look at the ECMA-335 Standard for .NET
Matt Warren - C# 8.0 Features: A Final Glimpse Of The Future
Carlos Schults
- Browser Link in .Net Core: A nice example of SignalR
Neel Bhatt - Easier functional and integration testing of ASP.NET Core applications
Scott Hanselman - Configuring ASP.NET Core Behind a Load Balancer
Derek Comartin -
Create a CRUD App using Blazor and ASP.NET Core & Update: Removed JavaScript dependency from the Blazor CRUD App
Talking Dotnet - Dockerize an ASP.NET MVC 5 Angular application with Docker for Windows
Anuraj Parameswaran - How to upload a file from Angular 5 to ASP.NET Core 2.1 Web API
Talking Dotnet - Scalable and Performant ASP.NET Core Web APIs: Importing Data
Carl Rippon - ASP.NET Core and the Strategy Pattern
Adam Storr - ASP.NET Core Data Protection
Derek Comartin - Generic and dynamically generated controllers in ASP.NET Core MVC
Filip Woj - Revisited: Is WCF faster than ASP.NET Core? Of course not! Or is it?
Erik Heemskerk
Azure / Cloud
- Differences between Azure Functions v1 and v2 in C#
Damien Guard - Azure Function Dependency Injection with AutoFac: Autofac on Functions
Holger Leichsenring - Azure WebApp : Checking the deployed WebApp file system
Sacha Barber
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Resiliency in Distributed Systems
Rajeev Bharshetty - API design: Which version of versioning is right for you?
Martin Nally - Depending on Functions Instead of Interfaces - Why and How
Scott Hannen - Ejemplo patrón compuesto (Composite) en C#
Albert Capdevila
- Using Entity Framework 6 and SQLite with Visual Studio 2017
Erik Ejlskov - Entity Framework Core with multiple DB Contexts, Schemas and Projects
Milan Stanacev - Why Don’t You Use Entity Framework?
Tim Corey
HTML / CSS / Javascript
- The Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Design Patterns
Marko Misura - A First Look at Bootstrap 4: Navigation Bars
Dino Esposito - How to setup Domain Driven Design (DDD) in a Vue.js app.
Oliver Lundquist - Why would you do that in CSS?
Chris Coyier - Aurelia RealWorld App
Moritz Hilberg - A Quick Way to Remember the Difference Between “justify-content” and “align-items”
Robin Rendle - Introduction to the CSS Grid Layout With Examples
Dogacan Bilgili - Methods, Computed, and Watchers in Vue.js
Sarah Drasner - VueJS: Testeando nuestros componentes
José Antonio Dongil
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Aunque instalo Web Deploy en IIS, no me aparece en la interfaz de gestión
José Manuel Alarcón - Load solutions faster with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6
Viktor Veis
- [Xamarin.Forms] Primer vistazo a VistualStateManager
Javier Suárez
- ¿Cómo experimentar un proyecto con cascada y luego con Scrum?
Alexander Menzinsky - Announcing the fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS service
Matthew Prince
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