lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

.NET / .NET Core
- A DoS Attack against the C# Compiler
Matt Warren - Back to Basics – What is the difference between const and readonly in C#?
Abhijit Jana - How to Use Performance Counters with .NET Core: Current Solution, Alternatives, and the Future
Matt Watson - Creating parameterised tests in xUnit with [InlineData], [ClassData], and [MemberData]
Andrew Lock - Creating a Nuget Package - Step by Step
Matthew Proctor - Assert.AreEqual in MSTest – done right
Dror Helper - AutoMapper 6.2.0 Released
Jimmy Bogard
- WebOptimizer - a Bundler and Minifier for ASP.NET Core
Scott Hanselman - Lightweight bundling, minifying, and compression, for CSS and JavaScript with ASP.NET Core and Smidge
Scott Hanselman - Authorize Tag Helper for ASP.NET Core
Dave Paquette - Running Blazor on Mono in the browser
Steve Sanderson - Localization & Configuration in ASP.NET Core 2.0, Part 1: JSON Request Culture Provider & Part 2: JSON Localization Resources
Hisham Bin Ateya - Enforcing Model Validation Policy in Web APIs
Steve Smith - Uploading Multiple Files in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Talking Dotnet - Getting the HTML for a ViewResult in ASP.NET Core
Ricardo Peres - Using ASP.NET ModelState With Vue.js
Dave Glick - Modern Configuration for ASP.NET 4.7.1 with ConfigurationBuilders
Jeffrey Fritz - Getting started with OData in ASP.NET Core
Anuraj Parameswaran - Creating a Minimal ASP.NET Core Windows Container
Jeffrey Fritz
Azure / Cloud
- Recognizing printed text on images using Azure Computer Vision API
Gunnar Peipman - Microsoft Cosmos DB in Azure Storage Explorer – public preview
Jenny Jiang
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- No pierdas el tiempo escribiendo tests
Juan María Hernández - 3 Reasons to Model Identity as a Value Object
Nick Chamberlain - Clean Architecture - Code Smells. Parte 2
Jorge Sánchez
- EF Core Multi-Tenancy: Query Filter
Derek Comartin - Building the Object Model You Want with Entity Framework
Peter Vogel - Entity Framework Core Extensions: Getting Primary Keys and Dirty Properties
Ricardo Peres
HTML / CSS / Javascript
- ES proposal: import.meta – module metadata
Axel Rauschmayer - Angular 5: todo lo que necesitas saber, en 10 minutos o menos
CampusMVP - Flexbox and Grids, your layout’s best friends
Eva Ferreira - CSS Code Smells
Robin Rendle - <input type=”country” />
Terence Eden - PWA: Los patrones App Shell y PRPL
José Antonio Dongil
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Did you know – You can automatically create classes from JSON or XML in Visual Studio?
Abhijit Jana - Debugging ASP Core on Linux with Visual Studio 2017
Pam Lahoud
- [Xamarin.Forms] Layout Compression
Javier Suárez
- Ocelot: .NET API Gateway
Tom Pallister
2 Comentarios:
Enhorabuena por esos 300. ¡Grande!
Muchas gracias!!
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