lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017
Pero bueno, para empezar la temporada con buen pie, nada como unos cuantos enlaces, que, como siempre, espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
.NET/.NET Core
- Managing Secrets in .NET CORE 2.0 Apps
- Michael Hansen
- Experiments in Open Source: Exploring vcr-sharp for Http record and playback
Scott Hanselman - Using Task with .NET Core 2.0 (Success, Error, Cancellation)
Jeremy Bytes - Demystifying .NET Core and .NET Standard
Immo Landwerth
- Practical samples of aspnet core (1.1 and 2.0) projects (Github)
Dody Gunawinata - ASP.NET: separando el web.config de nuestra aplicación en varios archivos
José Manuel Alarcón - Announcing SignalR for ASP.NET Core 2.0
Glenn Condron - Accepting Raw Request Body Content in ASP.NET Core API Controllers
Rick Strahl - How to Troubleshoot ASP.NET Web Application Problems
Matt Watson - ASP .NET Core HTTP Error 502.5 – Process Failure
Iris Classon - .NET Framework 4.7.1 ASP.NET and Configuration features
Preeti Krishna - Returning Simple Strings from Action Methods
Peter Vogel - How to include scopes when logging exceptions in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Configuring LetsEncrypt for ASP.NET Core and IIS
Rick Strahl - Welcome to the New Blog Template for ASP.NET Developers
Mads Kristensen - Using CSP Header in ASP.NET Core 2.0
Tahir Naushad - Strathweb.TypedRouting.AspNetCore 1.1.0 released!
Filip Woj - A Literal Markdown Control for ASP.NET WebForms
Rick Strahl - T4MVC and R4MVC - Roslyn code generators for ASP.NET Core tag helpers
Scott Hanselman - Creating a rolling file logging provider for ASP.NET Core 2.0
Andrew Lock - Localization Issue in RazorPages
Hisham Bin Ateya - Getting started with SignalR using ASP.NET Core and Angular
Damien Bowden - ASP.NET Core 2.0 - Repository Overview: Action Discovery
Jack Histon
Azure / Cloud
- Crear mocks de APIs con Azure API Management
Gisela Torres - Introducing B-Series, our new burstable VM size
Corey Sanders
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Do you put anything in your code specifically for “Find in Project”?
Chris Coyier - Microservices: The Good, the Bad and the Hype
Jennifer Riggins - Clean Architecture – Code Smells (parte I)
Jorge Sánchez - En continua formación
Rubén Fernández
- Customizing EF Core 2.0+ Entity/Table Mapping with IEntityTypeConfiguration
Scott Sauber - DDD-Friendlier EF Core 2.0
Julie Lerman
- VueJS: El sistema reactivo
José Antonio Dongil - A Quick Introduction to Functional Javascript
Angelos Chalaris - Yarn 1.0 está ya aquí
CampusMVP - ES2017's async/await is the best thing to ever happen to JavaScript
Mike MacCana - HTML Templates via JavaScript Template Literals
Chris Coyier - Announcing Yarn 1.0
Burak Yiğit Kaya & Christoph Nakazawa & Maël Nison - Object-Oriented Programming With JavaScript
Alberta Williams
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- TRUCO VS #4: Rodear código con una estructura automáticamente
José Manuel Alarcón - Sublime Text 3.0 is out
Jon Skinner - Introducing Atom-IDE
Damien Guard
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