lunes, 17 de julio de 2017
.NET/.NET Core
- The week in .NET – Links!
Bertrand Le Roy - Memory Usage Inside the CLR
Matt Warren - Pooling large arrays with ArrayPool
Adam Sitnik - .NET Framework July 2017 Security and Quality Rollup
Rich Lander - Virtual Panel: High Performance Application in .NET
Pierre-Luc Maheu - Mapping Complex types to/from JSON with JSON.Net
Eli Weinstock-Herman - Working with “Big Data” in .NET
Eric Law - Send Mail Using SendGrid In .NET Core
Anuraj Parameswaran - Unleashing the Power of .NET Big Memory and Memory Mapped Files
Dmitriy Khmaladze - Good citizenship - logging from .NET libraries
Nicholas Blumhardt - Announcing PostSharp 5.0 RTM
Iveta Moldavcuk - Join Null Check with Assignment Colin Angus Mackay
- Span
Adam Sitnik
- Routing in Razor Pages
Mike Brind - ASP.NET Core Gravatar Tag Helper
Anuraj Parameswaran - Localising the DisplayAttribute in ASP.NET Core 1.1
Andrew Lock - Minimal ASPNET Core Web API
Steve Smith - ASP.NET Core 2: New single page application templates
Gunnar Peipman - Development time IIS support for ASP.NET Core Applications
Sourabh Shirhatti - Adding an external Microsoft login to IdentityServer4
Damien Bowden - Consuming Azure Machine Learning in ASP.NET Core
Ed Charberneau - How To Use WebSockets In ASP.NET Core - Day Nine
Debasis Saha - Convert HTML to Word Document using CKEditor and MariGold.OpenXHTML
Kannan Ar - Implementing Two-factor authentication with IdentityServer4 and Twilio
Damien Bowden - ASP.NET Core MVC – Caching Tag Helpers
Ibrahim Šuta - ASP.NET Core Demystified - Model Binding in MVC
Matthew P. Jones - Creating custom password validators for ASP.NET Core Identity
Andrew Lock - How to get the correct Request.Url when behind a load balancer
Simone Chiaretta
Azure / Cloud
- Azure SQL DB in 1. 2. 3
Eric W. DeBord - Thoughts on Azure Functions and Serverless Computing
K. Scott Allen - Machine Learning para principiantes – Capítulo 4: entrenando y evaluando el modelo
Gorka Madariaga - Microsoft Cognitive Service - Starting with Face API
Andrej Tozon
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- The HTTP Series (Part 3): Client Identification
Vladimir Pecanac
Desarrolla aplicaciones con VueJS (ebook)
José Antonio Dongil- Did CSS get more complicated since the late nineties?
Hidde de Vries - Methods to Organize CSS
Inessa Brown - Angular 4.3 Now Available
Stephen Fluin - Debugging JavaScript – console.loggerheads?
Christian Heilmann - ¿Cómo redimensionar un reCAPTCHA con CSS?
Pablo Iglesias - 5 Things You Should Know About ES8
Nicolas Charpentier - (Now More Than Ever) You Might Not Need jQuery
Ollie Williams - How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?
Jamie Munro - Let’s Talk About Speech CSS
Eric Bailey - 19 Efficient jQuery Lightbox Plugins
Bogdan Sandu
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- La manera correcta de actualizar npm en Windows
José Manuel Alarcón - EditorConfig Reference for C# Developers
Kent Boogaart
- Why Expert Developers Still Make Mistakes
Erik Dietrich - Largest FREE Microsoft eBook Giveaway! I’m Giving Away MILLIONS of FREE Microsoft eBooks
Eric Ligman - Frikadas: Juegos para aprender a programar en ensamblador
José Manuel Alarcón - Ubuntu now in the Windows Store: Updates to Linux on Windows 10 and Important Tips
Scott Hanselman
Por último, permitidme un consejo por el bien de la humanidad: poned mucho cuidado cuando programáis, pues un error tonto podría tener consecuencias catastróficas. ¿Quién no ha introducido alguna vez una asignación en lugar de una comparación de igualdad?
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