lunes, 11 de julio de 2016
- Upload File to SFTP Site with C# in Visual Studio .NET
Slccocdev - Avoidable colletion mistakes in C#
Trevor Ash - AutoMapper 5.0 Released
Jimmy Bogard - How to Write Your Own Programming Language in C#
Vassili Kaplan - .NET Backward Compatibility – Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3
Bastian Eicher - Story of Equality in .Net - Part 3 & Part 4
Ehsan Sajjad - Querying JSON using LINQ
Mahesh Sabnis - What is the Extension Method in C#?
Dhananjay Kumar - The async/await model and its perils
& The cost of the async state machine
Ayende Rahien
- Securing ASP.NET Web API
Sovit Poudel - WebApi 2–Leer datos desde los headers
Eduard Tomás - Formatters and Content Negotiation in ASP.NET Web API 2
Akhil Mittal - Introducción a WebHooks
Adrián Díaz - Self-Hosted Web – Updating assets without restarting the debugger
Eli Weinstock-Herman - How to use Angular 2 with ASP.NET 4.5 / ASP.NET MVC 5?
Meligy - Schedule Tasks in Asp.Net Web Application
Hemant Joshi
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- Response Caching and In Memory Caching in ASP.NET Core 1.0
Sourav Kayal - Customizing FormatFilter behavior in ASP.NET Core MVC 1.0
Filip Woj - Migrate from Katana to ASP.NET Core
Derek Comartin - Porting a .Net Framework Library to .Net Core
Michael Whelan - How to configure urls for Kestrel, WebListener and IIS express in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Proxying HTTP requests in ASP.NET Core using Kestrel
Joseph Woodward - Use ASP.NET Core to cut the number of controllers in your web app
Jon Hilton - How the dotnet CLI tooling runs your code
Matt Warren - Application configuration in .NET Core – Part 1
Colin Angus Mackay
Azure / Cloud
- Everything you need to know about loading a free Let's Encrypt certificate into an Azure website
Troy Hunt - Always Encrypted now generally available in Azure SQL Database
Jakub Szymaszek - Publicar WebJob con WebDeploy
Sergio León
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- How to split monolith solution part 1: commom myths & part 2: Find the seams
Piotr Stapp - Towards a unified theory of Operational Transformation and CRDT
Raph Levien
Data access
- Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files
Manvendra Singh
- JavaScript bind() for cleaner code
Dave M. Bush - ES5 Objects vs. ES6 Maps – The differences and similarities
Kurt Cagle - Updating Your Angular 2 App to Use the New Router: A Practical Guide
Jaime González García - A Linux emulator built completely in Javascript
Fabrice Bellard - 10 jQuery File Upload Plugins
Julian Motz - CSS: The Perfect Print Stylesheet
Andreas Hecht - JavaScript, ECMAScript, ES6, ¿Existe ES7?... Aclarando las diferentes versiones del lenguaje
José Manuel Alarcón - Open Sourcing URL-Detector: A Java Library to Detect and Normalize URLs in Text
Tzu-Han Jan - Aurelia: An Introduction
Jim Duffy & Jeremy Brown - Time Zone Calculator
Sibeesh Passion - Desestructuración en Javascript Parte 1 & Parte 2 (recetas y ejemplos)
Carlos Benítez
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- VS Code update June 2016 (version 1.3)
VS Code Team - Visual Studio "15" Preview 3
John Montgomery - Team Foundation Server “15” Preview Released
Erin Dormier - How To Open, Build && Debug Multiple Projects in VS Code
Saeed Ganji - Introducing free Skype Meetings
Skype for Business Team - New and Improved Glyphfriend 1.5 Released!
Rion Williams
- Xamarin Forms Architectural Guidance
Adam Pedley - [VideoBlog] Un vistazo a XenForms
Javier Suárez - .NET Standard Library with Xamarin Forms
Adam Pedley
- Is your stuff backed up? Recovering from a hardware failure
Scott Hanselman - Los diferentes NOs al cambio
Javier Garzás - Writing A Book: The Imposter's Handbook
Rob Conery
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