lunes, 25 de abril de 2016
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
- Exploiting the ConcurrentDictionary in Asynchronous Applications
Peter Vogel - Edit and Continue Part 2 – Roslyn
Josh Varty - Why Azure REST API-s and how to prepare for using them?
Gunnar Peipman - The week in .NET – 4/19/2016
Bertrand Le Roy - Edit and Continue Part 1 – Introduction
Josh Varty - Introducing the Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool Version 1.3
Rakesh Ranjan Singh - If You Want to Get Into OSS, Consider This Project
James Chambers - 2D Polyline Vertex Smoothing
Ven RP
- Show an animation while waiting for a download to start
Simon B. - Fix To: Bundles Are Not Working After Hosting To MVC Application
Sibeesh Venu - Converting Dicom Files to Standard Image Format (.jpeg, .png, etc.) in MVC Using C#
Varun Vasishtha - Working with Resources File in ASP.NET MVC5
Md. Mehedi Hasan - Cross-Domain Cookie with Legacy Applications
Jonathan Danylko - WebApi: Tests de integración con diferentes identidades
Hugo Biarge - Implementando SignalR en ASP.NET MVC
Diego Bersano
- Social TagHelpers for ASP.NET Core
Muhammad Rehan Saeed - Notes from the ASP.NET Community Standup – April 19, 2016
Jeffrey T. Fritz - Creando formateadores de salida en core
Eduard Tomás - Hooking up ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC1 web api with Auth0 bearer tokens
Hans Arne Vartdal - Middlewares de autenticación en core
Eduard Tomás - ASP.NET Core – Overview Of Of Built-In Logging
Tom Mohan - Use Session In ASP.NET Core 1.0
Bipin Joshi - A First look at ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC2
Talking Dotnet
Azure / Cloud
- Announcing face and emotion detection for Azure Media Analytics
Richard Li - Creating Azure Mobile App With Visual Studio
Sibeesh Venu
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Domain Driven Design: a "hands on" example, part I, II & III
Suarte - Ficheros y carpetas en un mundo de APIs Web
Juan María Hernández
- Differences between Delete and Truncate in SQL Server
Atul Gaikwad - JSON functionalities in Azure SQL Database (public preview)
Jovan Popovic - Entity Framework 7 in-memory provider test
Sacha Barber - MongoDB Tutorial - Day 3 (Performance - Indexing)
Vijay Rana
- JavaScript: ¿qué diferencia hay entre funciones anónimas y con nombre?
José Manuel Alarcón - Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet
Alex Rechsteiner - How to use a WebRTC PeerConnection in a Twilio Video Conversation
Sam Agnew - Parsing a CSV File With JavaScript
George Martsoukos - Top 10 CSS Bad Practices
Jonathan Danylko - Scratchpad: Probando código JavaScript de manera rápida y sencilla - VIDEO
CampusMVP - 20+ Docs and Guides for Front-end Developers
Louis Lazaris - A Comprehensive Look at Events in jQuery
Baljeet Rathi - Container And Presentation Components In Angular2
Dave Baskin - A Guide to Proper Error Handling in JavaScript
Camilo Reyes - Creating Wavescroll
Nikolay Talanov - Finally, CSS In JavaScript! Meet CSSX
Krasimir Tsonev - Get and set DOM size
Royal Kingcean Tuan
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- What’s new for the .NET Native Compiler and Runtime in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2
Stacey Haffner - No inicies desde cero, Yeoman te da una mano!
Gustavo Alzate - Desktop App Converter, de Win32 a UWP
Javier Suárez
- What Has Microsoft Done For You Lately?
Cody Lindley - 15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development
Matthew P. Jones - JetBrains joins the .NET Foundation
Hadi Hariri - El arte de la programación
Edin Kapic - Haz más y trabaja menos: secretos de productividad para gente ocupada
José Manuel Alarcón
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