lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes ;-)
- C# Code Writing Tips from Eric Lippert: Math is Hard; Let’s Go Shopping!
Eric Lippert - Understanding .NET Attributes
Bipin Joshi - Dictionary + Locking versus ConcurrentDictionary
Paulo Zemek - [C#] Custom value resolver en AutoMapper
Julio Avellaneda
- Exception Handling in MVC
Marla Sukesh - Configurando Elmah para ASP.NET MVC y ASP.NET Web Api
Gisela Torres - How and Where Concurrent Asynchronous I/O with ASP.NET Web API
Tugberk Ugurlu - Que NO hacer con ASP.NET
Gonzalo Pérez - Using Claims in your Web App is Easier with the new OWIN Security Components
Vittorio Bertocci - ASP.NET MVC 5 Identity- Implementing Group-Based Permissions Management Part I & Part 2
Jon Atten - Getting started with OData v4 in ASP.NET Web API
Filip Woj - SignalR 3 de 1
Pedro Hurtado - ASP.NET MVC 5 New Features
Ashish Shukla - How to Conditionally Return a Binary File from a Web API App and Save it to Disk at the Client
B. Clay Shannon - Introducing ASP.NET Project “Helios” and Supplemental to ASP.NET Project “Helios” Wow!
Levi Broderick - Model Binding to List of Objects in ASP.NET MVC
Bipin Joshi - MVC controller actions vs Web API vs SignalR – what to use?
Stan Tarnovskiy
Azure / Cloud
- Running the OWIN pipeline in the new .NET Azure Mobile Services
Filip Woj - Windows Azure Mobile Services with .NET Backend
Shiju Varghese - Azure: ExpressRoute Dedicated Networking, Web Site Backup Restore, Mobile Services .NET support, Hadoop 2.2, and more
Scott Guthrie - Windows Azure Web sites Auto-Healing o Application Pool Recycling en IIS
Gisela Torres
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Introducción a NUnit (III): Ciclo de vida de un test
Sergio León - Desacoplar modelos con Eventos de Dominio
Juan María Hernández
Data access
- EF 6.1- Creating indexes with IndexAttribute
Arthur Vickers
- Testear javascript. Pruebas unitarias con QUnit
Miguel A. Martin - Angular JS localization with Require JS i18n module
Carlos Atencio - Angular App Structuring Guidelines
John Papa - What’s the Role of the Server in Single Page Applications (SPAs)?
Dan Wahlin - HTML 5 progress y meter
Gisela Torres
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Who said building Visual Studio Extensions was hard
Doug Rathbone - VS Online early adopter program extended to May 7, 2014
Brian Harry - Introducing Bing Code Search for C#
Ala Shiban
Windows 8/WinRT/WP
- New UI and capabilities for Windows Phone App Studio Beta developers
Emilio Salvador - Web App Templates (WAT)
Sergio Gallardo
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