lunes, 29 de abril de 2013
Estos son los enlaces recopilados del 22 al 26 de abril de 2013. Espero que os resulten interesantes :-)
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- Enterprise Library 6.0
S. Somasegar - Project-less scripted C# with ScriptCS and Roslyn
Scott Hanselman - Identifying the Namespaces in an Assembly
Richard Carr - Asynchronous Programming in C# - Advanced Topics
Motti Shaked - Build Where clause dynamically in Linq
Fitim Skenderi - Concurrent Object Pool, the Right Way
Roman Atachiants
- Combos en ASP.NET MVC
Eduard Tomás - Quick view of ASP.NET MVC
Brij - TwitterBootstrapMvc
Dmitry A. Efimenko - Remove Unwanted HTTP Response Headers
Mathurvarun - Prevent Repeated Requests using ActionFilters in ASP.NET MVC
Rion Williams - [ASP.NET WebAPI] Como recibir tipos complejos en nuestros controladores por URL
Luis Ruiz Pavón - Website Performance with ASP.NET - Part4 - Use Cache Headers
Markus Greuel - Learning SignalR: Unable to get property 'client' of undefined or null reference
Hongmei Ge - Host ASP.NET MVC Apps on Azure WebSite Without Spending a Cent on Databases
Suprotim Agarwal - ASP.NET Web API: CORS support and Attribute Based Routing Improvements
Scott Guthrie
Azure / Cloud
- Deploying Windows Azure Cloud Services Apps
Shiju Varghese - Building Windows Azure Cloud Services App with Web Role, Worker Role, Table Storage and Service Bus
Shiju Varghese
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Diseño de Modelos
Juan María Hernández
Data access
- EF 6:Nuevas pequeñas grandes cosas...
Unai Zorrilla - Connecting to MongoDB using C#
Ravindra T C
- Use jQuery’s $.closest() vs $.parents()
Sam Deering - Models and Services in Angular
Rob Conery - Stealing the users back button with the History API
Ryan Seddon - Magic Numbers in CSS
Chris Coyier - ‘LESS’– A dynamic language that simplifies your CSS
Nishanth Anil - Previewing image uploads with FileReader in HTML5
Michael Williamson - JavaScript Best Practices
Tim Corey - Preventing the Performance Hit from Custom Fonts
Chris Coyier
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- NuGet 2.5 Release Notes
Nuget team - SemanticMerge, una forma diferente de realizar los merges en nuestro repositorio
Juan Quijano - [Fiddler] Scratchpad es tu aliado
Luis Ruiz Pavón
- Exposed- A Blog Comment Spammer's Source Template
Scott Hanselman - La segunda mitad del tablero de ajedrez
José Manuel Alarcón - Todos los Eventos de Second Nug
Javier Conesa
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