lunes, 22 de enero de 2024
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Raw string literals en C# 11
José María Aguilar - Desacoplando controladores ASP.NET MVC, paso a paso
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Avoiding performance pitfalls in incremental generators: Creating a source generator, part 9
Andrew Lock - Authenticating a .NET GitHub App using a JSON Web Token (JWT)
Steve Gordon - An alternative to AutoMapper
Steven Giesel - Difference between CultureInfo.Get and new CultureInfo
Gérald Barré - Converting String to Byte Array in C#
Caleb Okechukwu - Going Native
Cory Smith - How to Save a List to a Text File in C#
Code Maze - What Does yield Do In C#: A Simplified View For Beginners
Nick Cosentino - What We Are Doing Wrong with Logging in C#
Mabrouk Mahdhi - Interceptors – Using C# 12 in Rider and ReSharper
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Mocking GraphQL queries with WireMock.NET
Cezary Piątek - How to Ensure a String Is Valid JSON in C#
Code Maze - 3 Simple Steps to Split an Excel File into Multiple Excel Files in C#
Mohan Chandran - Plugin Architecture Pattern in C#
Alvaro Montoya - How to Create a Temp File in the Temp Folder in C#
Code Maze - A replacement for BinaryFormatter in .NET 8
Steven Giesel
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Migrate ASP.NET Core Blazor Server to Blazor Web
Damien Bowden - Simpler auth for Blazor Web Apps with Auth0?
Jon Hilton - Exception handling has its own middleware in .NET 8
David Grace - How to Use IExceptionHandler to Handle Exceptions in .NET
Ainea Wabwoba - Implementing Caching using Decorator Pattern in ASP.NET WEB API
Abdul Rahman Shabeek Mohamed - How to use IAsyncEnumerable with Blazor Stream Rendering
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Introducing the New Blazor Data Form Component
Saravanan G. - Tales from the .NET Migration Trenches - Session State
Jimmy Bogard
Azure / Cloud
- Sigue las mejores prácticas y recomendaciones en Azure con Azure Quick Review
Alejandro García - Azure Service Bus 101: Introduction to Queues and Messaging
Ignacio Ripoli
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- X.509 Certificates Explained
Anirban Bhattacherji - Want to build a good API? Here are 5 Tips for API Design.
Derek Comartin - Continuous Integration
Martin Fowler
- Azure Cosmos DB design patterns – Part 5: Document versioning
Jay Gordon - How to Revert a Migration in EF Core
Code Maze
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Truly Understanding Neural Networks through its Implementation in C#
Nicolas Descartes
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- CSS Trivia: Masonry Grid Layout
Dalia - Understanding XSS: It's More Than Just a Script
Mrinalini Sugosh - Web component gotcha: constructor vs connectedCallback
Nolan Lawson - Angular signals vs. observables: How and when to use each
Lewis Cianci - Learn How to Code a Simple JavaScript Calendar and Datepicker
Esther Vaati - The Complex But Awesome CSS border-image Property
Temani Afif - The New Angular Hydration
Jonathan Gamble - Remapping Values
Kirupa Chinnathambi - Create a Currency Converter with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript
Esther Vaati - How to Share State Between Browser Windows
Achraf - A Practical Introduction to Scroll-Driven Animations with CSS scroll() and view()
Adam Argyle - The JavaScript Map Object
Hassan Djirdeh
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- 12 Popular but Useless VS Code Extensions You're Probably Using
Thomas Sentre - Introducing NuGetSolver: A Powerful Tool for Resolving NuGet Dependency Conflicts in Visual Studio
Erick Yondon - Use JetBrains AI Assistant To Help You Understand Changes In Your Code
Matthias Koch - 17.9 Preview 3 brings exciting changes to Code Search
Leah Tran - Latest updates for Remote Linux Development in Visual Studio: Remote File Explorer, Integrated Terminal, and more...
Sinem Akinci
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Introducing .NET MAUI Generic Item Templates
Vijay Anand - .NET MAUI 8 SR1
Vijay Anand - Timeline Xamarin Apps
Leomaris Reyes
- How to kill a process running on a local port in Windows
Davide Bellone - An HTML page which is also a valid PDF file and JPEG image
Elisha Hollander
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