lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada, obviamente muy condicionados por la oleada de lanzamientos de nuevas versiones de casi todo. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Si las shadow properties no existen como propiedades en la entidad, ¿cómo podemos inicializarlas en el seed de Entity Framework Core?
José María Aguilar - CRUD en Blazor usando el componente DataGrid de Syncfusion
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Announcing .NET 6 - The Fastest .NET Yet
Richard Lander - Welcome to C# 10
Kathleen Dollard - What’s New for Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2022
Kathleen Dollard - F# is officially here!
Kathleen Dollard - Announcing dotnet monitor in .NET 6
Sourabh Shirhatti - How to Fully Cover .NET C# Console Application With Unit Tests
Ahmed Tarek - Executing ad hoc C# code snippets
Dominique St-Amand - Bite-Size .NET 6 - UnionBy, IntersectBy, ExceptBy, and DistinctBy
Matthew Jones - Asynchronous Programming in .NET Core C#
Pro Code Guide - Top 6 Features in the new .NET Version & Top 5 Features in the new C# Version
Nikola M. Zivkovic - Source generator updates: incremental generators: Exploring .NET Core 6
Andrew Lock - GIFs in Console Output Using ImageSharp and Spectre.Console
Khalid Abuhakmeh - C# Delegates
Marinko Spasojevic - WhenAny and Pattern Matching with Different Types of Task
Bryan Hogan - C# 10 Falls Just a Bit Short
Matthew MacDonald - Single File Apps In .NET 6
Wade Gausden - How C# 10.0 and .NET 6.0 improve ArgumentExceptions
Ian Griffiths - Dissecting Interpolated Strings Improvements in C# 10
Sergey Teplyakov - Building a project that target .NET Framework 4.5 in Visual Studio 2022
Thomas Levesque - Why Does x = ++x + x++ Give Me the Wrong Answer?
OriginalGriff - Overriding Sealed Methods in C#
Adam Furmanek
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 6
Daniel Roth - Announcing YARP 1.0 Release
Sam Spencer - ASP.NET Core scheduling with Quartz.NET and SignalR monitoring
Damien Bowden - Server-Sent Events and ASP.NET Core
Tomasz Pęczek - File upload with progress bar in Blazor
Gérald Barré - How to resolve dependencies in .NET APIs based on current HTTP Request
Davide Bellone - How to use JSONPatch in .net core
Gary Woodfine - Back to Basics: Add an ASP.NET Runtime Information Startup Banner
Rick Strahl - Fixing Error NETSDK1152 after upgrading to .NET 6
Mark Downie - 4 Easy Steps to Embed a JavaScript Control into a Blazor App
Hari Venkatesh E
Azure / Cloud
- Introducing Azure Container Apps: a serverless container service for running modern apps at scale
Daria Grigoriu - General Availability of Azure Functions OpenAPI Extension
Justin Yoo - Using AutoFac with .NET 6 Isolated Azure Functions
Adam Storr
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Reader as a profunctor
Mark Seemann - Publishing Events from CRUD or Commands?
Derek Comartin - The strong and weak forces of architecture
Evan Bottcher
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Un ciberataque basado en caracteres invisibles o ambiguos permite introducir puertas traseras en código JavaScript
Marcos Merino - The HTTP QUERY Method
Julian Reschke - Icon Glassmorphism Effect in CSS
Ana Tudor - Quick browser Developer Tools tip: define and test interaction states in CSS using state simulation
Christian Heilmann - Converting JavaScript to TypeScript
Jason Gaylord - React Suspense: Lessons Learned While Loading Data
Adam Rackis - Localizing Your Next.js App
Átila Fassina - Why We Have To Unsubscribe An Observable In An Angular Application?
Naveen Bommidi - Quick and Dirty Bootstrap Overrides at Runtime
Meredith Matthews - What to do if your Development Site gets Indexed in Google
Colin McDermott - How to Support IE11 Users as You Move to Angular 13
Mark Thompson - The EyeDropper API: Pick colors from anywhere on your screen
Kilian Valkhof - Easy Dark Mode (and Multiple Color Themes!) in React
Abram Thau - View-Source
Eric Lawrence - Quickly Get Alerted to Front-End Errors and Performance Issues
Chris Coyier - Semantic <menu> context
Scott O'Hara - Does ES6 make JavaScript frameworks obsolete?
Theodoros ‘Theo’ Karasavvas - What You Need to Know about Angular v13
Alisa Duncan - Other Looks at the Conditional Border Radius Trick
Chris Coyier - What is PostCSS & Why should we care?
Mainak Das - How to Destructure Nested JavaScript Objects
Jay Cruz
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- La manera correcta de ejecutar scripts PowerShell en el programador de tareas de Windows
José Manuel Alarcón - Migrar un repositorio de un BitBucket Server local a GitHub
Gisela Torres - Visual Studio 2022 now available
Amanda Silver - Visual Studio Code 1.62 (October 2021 Update) is now available for download
Kunal Chowdhury - Announcing NuGet 6.0 - Source Mapping, Package Vulnerabilities, Faster Solution Load, Oh My!
Jon Douglas - MSBuild and 64-bit Visual Studio 2022
Rainer Sigwald - Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 3, and Upcoming Native M1 Processor Support
Jordan Matthiesen - General Availability of PowerShell 7.2
Steve Lee - Notebooks, Visual Studio Code style
Tanna Kabir - Solution to Visual Studio 2022 messing up Visual Studio 2019
Patrick Smacchia - Visual Studio : How to solve missing ASP.NET template for .NET Framework
HowToSolutions - Hello World from ContextKeeper!
Piotr Karczmarz - 10 VS Code Extensions to Fight Technical Debt
Alex Omeyer - Removing a .env file from Git history
Chris Bongers
Xamarin / .NET MAUI
- What's New in Xamarin and Visual Studio 2022
David Ortinau - Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 10
David Ortinau - Xamarin.Forms: Clear cookies in WebViews - András Tóth's professional blog
András Tóth - Xamarin.Forms - Validation using Xamarin Community Toolkit
Delpin Susai Raj - .NET MAUI – Blazor
Vijay Anand - Invoke platform code in .NET MAUI
David Britch - Xamarin.Forms: Use converters with binding objects which can have null as value.
András Tóth
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