lunes, 15 de marzo de 2021
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Componentes genéricos (templated components) en Blazor
José María Aguilar - Redirecciones HTTP 303, 307 y 308: ¿las conoces?
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Announcing .NET 6 Preview 2
Richard Lander - ICYMI C# 8 New Features: Upgrade Interfaces Without Breaking Existing Code
Jason Roberts - First look at InferSharp: A C# version of Facebook’s Infer
Neel Bhatt - Language detection and words-in-sentence classification in C#
Dan - Getting started with Dapr for .NET Developers
Laurent Kempé - How to map IPs to country for free with .NET and IP2Location
Thomas Ardal - Generating Date of Birth values for .NET5.0 Record types using AutoFixture
Adam Storr - AutoWrapper 4.5.0 Released!
Vincent Maverick Durano - Unexpected finding about “await using var”
Jiří Činčura - Download the right ChromeDriver version & keep it up to date on Windows/Linux/macOS using C# .NET
Niels Swimberghe - Blinking LEDs with Raspberry Pi
Richard Lander - My Favorite C# Features Part 2: LINQ
Jeffrey T. Fritz - Five C# Features You Might Not Know
Andrea Chiarelli - ConfigureAwaitChecker with support for “await using” and “await foreach”
Jiří Činčura - 6 free tools for .NET developers
Thomas Ardal - C# 9.0: Covariant Return Types – Specify More Specific Return Types in Overridden Methods and Properties
Thomas Claudius Huber - Investigating a Linux CVE with .NET Images
Richard Lander
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 2
Daniel Roth - Securing Blazor Web assembly using cookies
Damien Bowden - Introduction to Benchmarking in C# and ASP.NET Core Projects
Marinko Spasojevic - Role based JWT Tokens in ASP.NET Core
Rick Strahl - Using Alba to Test ASP.Net Services
Jeremy D. Miller - Cars Island Blazor Web App secured by the Azure AD B2C
Daniel Krzyczkowski - Hosting Two ASP.NET Core Apps In One Host
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Blazor Form Component & Validation
Claudio Bernasconi - How to Build a Blazor CRUD Application with Dapper
Madhu Sudhanan
Azure / Cloud
- Setting up demos in Azure
João Antunes - Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Azure Static Web Apps are saving me money
Scott Hanselman - Architect and optimize your internet traffic with Azure routing preference
Mahesh Nayak - How to start and stop Azure Kubernetes clusters
Michael Crump - Generating Azure Blob Storage User Delegation SAS
Mark Heath
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 2
Jeremy Likness - EF Core vs. Records
Fernando Escolar - SQL Server Express Edition on steroids
Sergii Syrovatchenko
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Machine Learning with ML.NET
Nikola M. Zivkovic - Neural Regression Using PyTorch: Model Accuracy
James McCaffrey - How to Build an Email Sentiment Analysis Bot
Anuraj Parameswaran
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- SASS: ¿Cómo puedo depurar mis archivos .scss?
José Manuel Alarcón - An Introduction to Redux
Zac Haluza - CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): A Complete Guide
Teo Selenius - Must Know Types in Typescript
Oğuzhan Olguncu - Beyond console.log() – level up your debugging skills
Christian Heilmann - Dynamically Creating Components in Angular
Shawn Wildermuth - SVG Gear Icons
Ken Reilly - Too Many SVGs Clogging Up Your Markup? Try
Georgi Nikoloff - Web Components Are Easier Than You Think
John Rhea - How is Svelte different than React?
Joshua Nussbaum - How to generate an RSS feed for your blog
Salma Alam-Naylor - Simplifying Rest Parameters in JavaScript
Dhananjay Kumar - CSS Auditing Tools
Iris Lješnjanin - Dependent Requests in React Query
Carl Rippon - useCallback and useRef: Two React Hooks You Should Learn
Leonardo Maldonado - Building a ‘Table Of Contents’ with active indicator using JavaScript Intersection Observers
Ben Frain
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- What's new with GitHub Actions tooling in Visual Studio
Angelos Petropoulos - Installing Docker Desktop for Windows and WSL 2
Andrew Lock - Generating HTTP API clients using dotnet tools and Visual Studio Connected Services
Anuraj Parameswaran - Refactor object-oriented code with ReSharper
Rachel Appel - Visual Studio 2019 will allow you to Remove Unused References from projects
Kunal Chowdhury
- CollectionView Masonry Style Xamarin Forms (Android)
Steven Checo - Bind MVVM Async Commands to Snackar and Loading dialog
Jean-Marie Alfonsi - Xamarin Let’s Build - Biometric Support
Mike Grant - 5 Advantages of .NET MAUI Over Xamarin
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan - Custom Sharpnado Tabs Brad Dean
- Cómo explorar el sistema de archivos de WSL (Linux) con el explorador de archivos de Windows
José Manuel Alarcón - Ryujinx is an Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# for .NET Core
Scott Hanselman - RegEx Crossword
Jimb Esser
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