lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Índices y rangos en C# 8 (2 de 2)
José María Aguilar - ¿Cuál es el "Bus factor" de tu proyecto?
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Nuevo curso: Testing de aplicaciones .NET y .NET Core
CampusMVP - Fin de soporte de .NET Core 3 ¿y ahora qué?
Jorge Serrano - Creando un Servicio Windows con .NET Core 3.1
Jorge Serrano - Introducing perfolizer
Andrey Akinshin - .NET Threading and WebAssembly
Jerome Laban - Why do I rag on BinaryFormatter?
Marc Gravell - C# 8 default interface methods
Tom Deseyn - Optimize struct performances using StructLayout
Gérald Barré - Analysing .NET start-up time with Flamegraphs
Matt Warren - How to write a Roslyn Analyzer
Mika Dumont - Functional Programming Optics in .NET
William Barbosa - Upgrade Your .NET Console App Experience
Khalid Abuhakmeh - C# 8 nullable reference types
Tom Deseyn - Patrik Svensson - How to write a stateful Roslyn analyzer
Patrik Svensson - C#: The Order of Interfaces Is Important for Casting Performance
Thomas Claudius Huber
- Blazor: Pasado, Presente y Futuro
Lautaro Carro - Exportar datos a Excel ASP.NET Core
Benjamín Camacho - Two-Step Verification with ASP.NET Core Identity
Marinko Spasojevic - Using npm packages with Blazor
Kedren Villena - Webpack Proxy Configuration for .NET Core 3 SPA Projects
Bob Johnson - Creating a custom ErrorHandlerMiddleware function
Andrew Lock - What's the Difference Between Blazor vs Razor
Jon Hilton - Configuration in Blazor Client (WASM)
Dane Vinson - IIS Hosting for ASP .NET Core 3.1 Web Apps
Shahed Chowdhuri - Draw Dynamic ASP.NET Core Blazor Bubble Chart using Canvas Extensions
Syed Shanu - ASP.NET Core Web API - Creating And Validating JWT (JSON Web Token)
Bilal Shahzad - Enabling Endpoint Routing in OData
Hassan Habib
Azure / Cloud
- Working with Azure DevOps using Azure DevOps CLI
Saumilkumar Shah - Working With Azure Functions in VS Code and GitHub
Michael Crump - Creating storage accounts and blob containers using Azure fluent API-s
Gunnar Peipman - Using Azure Service Bus with restricted access
Damien Bowden - App Service managed SSL certificates for Azure Web Apps
Anuraj Parameswaran - Build apps for free with Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier
Deborah Chen - How to create a Custom Translator for my company.
Ivana Tilca
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Mutating Objects makes Testing Harder
George Stocker - Hundred year mistakes
Eric Lippert - The 7 principles of naming
Tom Benner - CQRS: Refactoring Queries without Repositories
Derek Comartin - GraphQL In Action: Introduction
Samer Buna - Love in a time of Corona Virus - Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for Working Remotely
Scott Hanselman - How to Lead From Home
Phil Haack
- Using data from MSSQL linked server with EF Core
Gunnar Peipman
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Model Builder Updates for ML.NET this February
Bri Achtman - Using ML to detect fake face images created by AI
Silvia Man
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- How to communicate with Service Workers
Felix Gerschau - Class definitions in TypeScript
Axel Rauschmayer - Build a Single Page Application (SPA) Site With Vanilla.js
Jeremy Likness - What to Use Instead of Number Inputs
Chris Coyier - Animating CSS Width and Height Without the Squish Effect
Rik Schennink - Creating a Modal Image Gallery With Bootstrap Components
Diego Vogel - Why Are We Talking About CSS4?
Rachel Andrew - Scoping in JavaScript: The Basics
Sam Bernheim - Introducing Alpine.js: A Tiny JavaScript Framework
Phil Smith - Build Beautiful Angular Apps with Bootstrap
Matt Raible
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Desacoplar servicios externos de tu Kubernetes
Gisela Torres - Announcing PowerShell 7.0
Joey Aiello - How to set up a tab profile in Windows Terminal to automatically SSH into a Linux box
Scott Hanselman - Using Visual Studio Online
Michael Crump - Automate developer work using Git Aliases
Laurent Kempé - Blazor WASM Debugging Planned for Visual Studio
David Ramel
- Bindable Layout Support Now Built-in With Xamarin.Forms
James Montemagno - Using Custom Renderers In Xamarin.Forms
Les Brown - HotReload With Wi-Fi Debugging Gives More Power To Xamarin Forms
Logesh Palani - Playing around with neumorphism in Xamarin.Forms
Steven Thewissen
- ¿Cómo decidir si un monitor 4K o QHD es para mi, para programar o trabajar?
José Manuel Alarcón - 17 cosas que te hubiera gustado saber al empezar como programador profesional
Manuel A. Lores - Scripting Applications with WebAssembly
Miguel de Icaza - Troubleshooting Windows Sleep Insomnia
Rick Strahl - The History of the URL
Zack Bloom
1 comentario:
Muchas gracias por compartir, cayeron como anillo al dedo.
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