lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019
Por si te lo perdiste...
- El hosting in-process de ASP.NET Core 2.2
José María Aguilar - Closures en JavaScript: entiéndelos de una vez por todas
Óscar Sotorrío
.NET / .NET Core
- Compartir versionado entre ensamblados en .NET Core, Parte I y Parte II
Jorge Serrano - Non-nullable references with C# 8 and .NET Core 3.0
Cezary Piątek - Import and Export RSA Key Formats in .NET Core 3 Kevin Jones
- Regex - Deny of Service (ReDoS)
Gérald Barré - Worker Service: Cómo crear un servicio .Net Core 3 multiplataforma
Jorge Turrado - C# 8 New Features
Shameel Ahmed - Deploying .NET Core 3 apps as self-contained
Tim Heuer - Lenguaje C#: interfaces y qué diferencia existe entre implementarlas explícita o implícitamente
José Manuel Alarcón - 4 Predictions for the Future of .NET
Patrick Smacchia - Using C# 8 and Nullable Reference Types in .NET Framework
Jonathan Allen - A Proposal for IDisposable and Static Analysis: DisposeUnused Attribute
Jonathan Allen - ¿Cómo averiguar qué versión o versiones de la plataforma .NET tengo instaladas en mi equipo?
José Manuel Alarcón
- Generalize file access for ASP.NET Core applications using IFileClient implementations
Gunnar Peipman - ASP.NET CORE Token Authentication and Authorization using JWT (No Cookies) – Part 2
Joseph Rozario - How to Include AntiForgeryToken for MVC Integration Testing
Marinko Spasojevic - 3 Ways to Bind Blazor Data to DOM
Bradley Wells - Configure Different Implementations for Different Controllers in ConfigureServices
Steve Smith - Run an External Executable in ASP.NET Core
Changhui Xu - gRPC Response Compression with ASP.NET Core 3.0
Steve Gordon - Async Streaming with ASP.NET Core SignalR and C# 8
Christian Nagel <img src="images/blazor.png" style="float:right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px" alt="Blazor"> - Blazor Server in .NET Core 3.0 scenarios and performance
Daniel Roth - Writing the Code for a gRPC Service and Client in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Peter Vogel - Working With Query Strings In Blazor
Mike Brind
Azure / Cloud
- Tip 228 - Part 1 - Get started with .NET Core on Kubernetes with Azure Dev Spaces
Michael Crump - Publish a .NET Core Worker Service to Azure
Eric L. Anderson - Building .NET Core 3.0 With Azure Pipelines
Ian Bebbington - Publishing ASP.NET Core 3.0 application as self-contained executable to Azure App Service
Gunnar Peipman - Alternative approach to HttpClient in Azure Functions 2.0 revisited
Tomasz Pęczek - Debug .Net Core in Azure App Service from Visual Studio
Elena Salcedo
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Event-Oriented Architecture Anti-Patterns
Sergi Gonzalez - The Repository Pattern isn’t an Anti-Pattern; You’re just doing it wrong.
Brian Bu - Avoiding the Repository Pattern with an ORM
Derek Comartin - The Art of Refactoring: 5 tips to Write Better Code
Nya - Devil's advocate
Mark Seemann
- dotnet-ef does not exist
Steve Smith - Storing serialized objects in a database. Good or bad?
Andrzej Stawicki
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Invoking TensorFlow AI (Python) from a C# Desktop Application
Thomas Weller - Trying image classification with ML.NET
Jeremy Lindsay
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Some Hands-On with the HTML Dialog Element
Chris Coyier - Introducing Sass Modules
Miriam Suzanne - Clipping, Clipping, and More Clipping!
Mikael Ainalem - 15 Common JavaScript Questions
David Ojeda - A Snippet to See all SVGs in a Sprite
Chris Coyier - Typescript: types vs interfaces
Alberto de la Nuez - Patterns for Practical CSS Custom Properties Use
Tyler Childs - Creating a Water-like Distortion Effect with Three.js
Daniel Velasquez - A Guide To New And Experimental CSS DevTools In Firefox
Victoria Wang - Images Are Not Static Content
Css Tricks - Extending standard CSS by preprocessors
Hoang Nguyen - Catching All Promise Errors
Aaron Powell
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Big HTTPS changes coming in Chrome
Scott Helme - Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Undock/Re-dock a tool window
Gérald Barré
CarouselView Challenge Wrap-up and Reporting
Paul DiPietro - Building an Accordion In Xamarin Forms
Damien Doumer - Xamarin Forms: Add UI controls to Navigation Bar using Title View
Divikiran Ravela - Xamarin.Forms vs Xamarin Native
Kenzie Whalen - Adding a Search Bar to Xamarin.Forms.NavigationPage
Brandon Minnick - Xamarin.Forms: LayoutOptions
Eric Sink - Version Conflict Detected for Xamarin.Android.Support
Brandon Minnick - Getting phone contacts in Xamarin Forms
Rendy del Rosario - Replicando el UI del perfil de Facebook en Xamarin Forms
Leomaris Reyes - Xamarin.Forms Design Time Data Tips & Best Practices
James Montemagno
- Vida ‘freelance’: aprendiendo a ser comercial desde un perfil técnico como programador web autónomo (I)
Manu Pijierro
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