lunes, 21 de enero de 2019
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Redirecciones HTTP 303, 307 y 308: ¿las conoces?
José María Aguilar - 13 Consejos para comentar tu código
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- More DI: Unit Testing Async Methods
Jeremy Clark - Migrating from .NET to .NET Standard
Rockford Lhotka - .NET Standard and Multi-targeting
Corrado Cavalli - Monitoring GC and memory allocations with .NET Core 2.2 and Application Insights
Stefán Jökull Sigurðarson - JSON Web Encryption (JWE) in .NET Core
Scott Brady - System.Data in .NET Core 3.0
Jonathan Allen - Interpolated verbatim string in C# 8
Jiří Činčura - Delegate, predicate, Action, Func, métodos anónimos, explicados para mortales
Leo Micheloni - Stopping Garbage Collection in .NET Core 3.0 (part I)
Luca Bolognese - Performance Tuning for .NET Core
Reuben Bond - Managed pointers in .NET
Konrad Kokosa - Code Contracts: A Technique to Cut Down on Bugs
Carlos Schults - When Will JustMock Support .NET Core? Right Now!
Mihail Vladov - Using Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) from .NET
Peter Smith - C# 8: Type Inference for the New Keyword & Caller Expression Attribute for Assertions and Automated Testing & Generic Attributes
Jonathan Allen - C# Deadlocks in Depth - Part 1
Michael Shpilt
- A better way to handle authorization in ASP.NET Core
Jon P. Smith - Running async tasks on app startup in ASP.NET Core (Part 2)
Andrew Lock - Working with Session in ASP.NET MVC Core (or: Why You Can't Migrate)
Peter Vogel - ASP.NET Core 2.2 - Role Based Authorization Tutorial with Example API
Jason Watmore - Getting Started with Angular 7 And ASP.NET Core 2.1
Syed Shanu - Unit testing data access in ASP.NET Core
Jürgen Gutsch - Building a Reverse Proxy in .NET Core
Andrea Chiarelli - Blazor Full-Stack Web Dev in ASP .NET Core
Shahed Chowdhuri - Introducing the Telerik UI for Blazor Early Preview
Ed Charbeneau
Azure / Cloud
- Deploy Web and Function Apps with Run from Package
Mark Heath - Using Azure Media Analytics to search for specific terms in a Video
Michael Crump - .NET Core console application as Azure WebJob
Anuraj Parameswaran - Eliminar los metadatos de tus archivos con Azure Functions
Gisela Torres - Azure Functions Proxies: para qué son y cómo usarlos
Gisela Torres - Getting Message Metadata When Using Azure Functions Storage Queue Triggers
Jason Roberts - Specifying How Soon a Storage Queue Message Will Be Retried in an Azure Function
Jason Roberts - Azure Durable Functions
Gisela Torres - ARM Templates vs Azure CLI
Mark Heath
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
Everything you need to know about Neural Networks and Backpropagation — Machine Learning Made Easy…
Gavril Ognjanovski
- SQL 3d engine (interactive preview)
Yaroslav Sergienko - SQL: Filtered indexes in SQL Server can be wonderful but be careful !
Greg Low
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Entendiendo el posicionamiento absoluto de elementos HTML con CSS Pablo Iglesias
- Slice and Dice a Disc with CSS
Ana Tudor - Introducción a TypeScript (segunda parte) · ChristianIvanov
Christian Ivanov - How Well Do You Know CSS Layout?
Brad Westfall - In Defense of Utility-First CSS
Sarah Dayan - HTML5 Input Types: Where Are They Now?
Drew McLellan - How to Use Animation in Angular 6
Esther Vaati - ¿Para qué sirve function*?
Gisela Torres - Does it mutate?
Remy Sharp - Qué pasa cuando escribes la dirección de una web en tu navegador y cómo simular cualquier dominio en tu equipo local para desarrollo & Cómo generar certificados HTTPS para desarrollo local que no produzcan errores
José Manuel Alarcón Aguín
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- A Visual Studio to Visual Studio Code Snippet Converter
Rick Strahl - SOLID Veteran or Copy/Paste Master? Finding duplicate code
Matthias Koch
Bandersnatch y ET el Extraterrestre Parte 1 de 2 (o cómo hacer un perfecto homenaje a los programadores de videojuegos de los ochenta)
Fran Ramírez - The 773 Million Record "Collection #1" Data Breach
Troy Hunt
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