lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Leyes epónimas relacionadas con el desarrollo de software (y II)
José María Aguilar - 10 razones por las que tu blog te ayuda a encontrar empleo
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Seven reasons that Roslyn-based Code Analysers are awesome
Tom Wright - A Simple Look at .NET Memory Model
James M. Curran - Why is string.GetHashCode() different each time I run my program in .NET Core?
Andrew Lock - Six Opinionated Tips to be a Better .NET Developer
Isaac Levin - Writing xUnit Tests in .NET Core & Providing Constant Context for .NET Core Tests
Peter Vogel - Support for Value Objects in C#
Steve Smith - Explicit interface implementation
Ed Freeman - Announcing .NET Framework 4.8 Early Access Build 3707
Namrata Karnam - Exploring the .NET Core Runtime (in which I set myself a challenge)
Matt Warren
BlazorFiddle - Blazor .Net Developer Playground & Code Editor in the Browser
Vladimir Samoilenko & Eugene Shmakov - Prevent Kestrel from logging to Console in ASP.NET Core 2.2
Maxime Rouiller - Inlining a stylesheet using a TagHelper in ASP.NET Core
Gérald Barré - Creating a Side Menu for ASP.NET Core using a View Component
Chris A. Johnson - Razor Components for a JavaScript-Free FrontEnd in 2019
Ed Charbeneau - How to set up ASP.NET Core 2.2 Health Checks with BeatPulse's AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks
Scott Hanselman - WebHost CreateDefaultBuilder, what differs if you run in Development
Peter Groenewegen - Building Faster Backends in ASP.NET Core
Dustin Ewers - Useful ASP.NET Core 2.2 Features
Scott Hanselman
Azure / Cloud
- Enviar y recibir SMS con Twilio desde Azure Functions
Gisela Torres - Alternative approach to HttpClient in Azure Functions 2.0
Tomasz Pęczek - Static websites on Azure Storage now generally available
Sercan Guler - Proteger cadenas de conexión y credenciales con Azure Key Vault
Gisela Torres - Microsoft previews neural network text-to-speech
Xuedong Huang
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- What to test and not to test
Mark Seemann - Stop Using Repository Pattern With an ORM
Hamid Mosalla
- Introducing EntityFramework.Exceptions
Giorgi Dalakishvili
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Sassy Css - The Valuable Benefits You Need To Know
Dirk Strauss - Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs
Peter Jang - What is the Shadow DOM?
Ire Aderinokun - An Introduction and Guide to the CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
Louis Lazaris - Chrome Dev Tools - More Advanced Tips for Better Debugging
Dirk Strauss - TRUCO: Cómo "congelar" en el tiempo una página Web para depurar el HTML/CSS
José Manuel Alarcón - Why isn't it <style src="">?
Chris Coyier - Understand in JavaScript by Rolling Your Own
Austin Tindle - Keep Math in the CSS
Chris Coyier - Zero Config JavaScript App Prototyping with ParcelJS
Dan Arias
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- New Preview label for Visual Studio extensions
Mads Kristensen - ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3 Is Within Spitting Distance!
Alexander Kurakin - Visual Studio Productivity Tips: How to quickly navigate to last edit location
Kunal Chowdhury -
Visual Studio 2019 Preview .NET Productivity
Kendra Havens - OzCode: now use debugging as a service – Hacker Noon
Harsh Binani - Finding your next .NET Open Source project using the command line
Shayne Boyer - New Experimental Console Features
Rich Turner - Visual Studio IntelliSense Not Working? What To Do
Carlos Schults - New Azure DevOps Work Item Experience in Visual Studio 2019
Dan Hellem - Get to code: How we designed the new Visual Studio start window
Cathy Sullivan
- [Preview] Primer vistazo a Xamarin.Forms Visual
Javier Suárez - Big Changes in Xamarin.Forms 4.0 Prompt Early Preview
David Ramel
- FRIKADAS: Sketch2Code convierte tus bocetos a mano en interfaces HTML válidas y funcionales
CampusMVP - Write your Own Virtual Machine
Justin Meiners & Ryan Pendleton
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