lunes, 5 de febrero de 2018
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
.NET / .NET Core
- .NET Core 2.1 Roadmap
Rick Lander - Stacktrace improvements in .NET Core 2.1
Ben Adams - .NET Core Global Tools and Gotchas
Nate McMaster - Easy way to create a C# lambda expression from a string (with Roslyn)
Filip Woj - Sorting myself out, extreme edition
Marc Gravell - Zero Garbage Collector for .NET Core 2.1 and ASP.NET Core 2.1
Konrad Kokosa - Distributing Content and Showing a ReadMe file in a .NET Core Nuget Package
Rick Strahl - Resources for Learning about .NET Internals
Matt Warren - Accessing Tuples at Runtime using Reflection
Daniel Cabtree - Sunsetting StructureMap
Jeremy D. Miller
- ASP.NET Core 2.1 roadmap
Daniel Roth - MVC in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock
- ASP.NET Core Gotchas – No. 4
Steve J. Gordon
- Scalable and Performant ASP.NET Core Web APIs: Profiling and Monitoring
Carl Rippon
- Implementing Simple Neural Network in C#
Nikola Živković
- Uso de Swagger en una ASP.NET Core 2 Web API, Parte I y Parte II
Jorge Serrano
- ASP.NET Core – InvalidOperationException: Cannot find compilation library location for package ‘Microsoft.Win32.Registry’
Ibrahim Šuta
- Creating an Asynchronous AuthorizeAttribute in MVC
Gordon Beeming
- Role-Based Authorization in Razor Pages
Hisham Bin Ateya
- Cómo personalizar la información que muestra Swagger
Jorge Serrano - Disable Anti-forgery token validation globally in ASP.NET Core Razor pages
Talking Dotnet
- Securing an ASP.NET Core MVC application which uses a secure API
Damien Bowden
- Case insensitive search filter in OData ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web Api as an OWIN middleware
Pawel idzikowski
- 15 Simple ASP.NET Performance Tuning Tips
Simon Timms
- Gestionar la configuración en core y Docker
Eduard Tomás
- Versionado de una ASP.NET Core 2 Web API sin usar Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning
Jorge Serrano
- Scalable and Performant ASP.NET Core Web APIs: Load Testing
Carl Rippon
- ASP.NET Core Anatomy – How does UseStartup work?
Steve J. Gordon
- Gestionar la configuración en core y Docker
Eduard Tomás
Azure / Cloud
- ¿Migrar tu Web app a Azure? - Caso práctico con este blog. Parte I: Qué es PaaS y Azure Web Apps & Parte II: Creando y configurando la aplicación
José Manuel Alarcón - Azure Functions Proxies
Eric Williams -
Designing Globally Resilient Apps with Azure App Service and Cosmos DB
Chris Pietschmann - Analyzing GitHub Issue Comment Sentiment With Azure
Phil Haack - How to capture an ASP.NET Core memory dump on Azure App Service
Benjamin Perkins - Azure Storage for Serverless .NET Apps in Minutes
Jeremy Likness - Choosing an Approach to Work with Azure REST APIs & Interacting with Azure SQL Using All Command Line Tools
K. Scott Allen - Azure Tips and Tricks Part 88 - What’s the purpose of ETag in Azure Storage Table?
Michael Crump - Construye tu primer ChatBot en 30 minutos
Juan Quijano - Azure functions: Hello World & Devolver un JSON & Usar cualquier paquete NuGet
Jorge Serrano
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Algunos conceptos en arquitecturas de (¿micro?)servicios que se suelen confundir
Eduard Tomás - Tipado nominal y tipado estructural
Juan María Hernández
- Entity Framework Core 2.1 Roadmap
Diego Vega - Using Stored Procedures to Load Data with Dapper
David Paquette - Respawn 3.0 Released & How Respawn Works
Jimmy Bogard - Entity Framework Core with .NET Core console application
Gunnar Peipman - Unit Test for EF LINQ queries using Mocked DbSet
Renso Hollhumer - Designing a Cosmos DB database
Pam Lahoud - SQL dinámico con ExpandoObject y Dapper
Sergio León
HTML / CSS / Javascript
- jQuery 3.3.0 – A fragrant bouquet of deprecations and…is that a new feature?
Timmy Willison - Como sustituir una imagen en HTML usando solo CSS
Pablo Iglesias - Creating Vue.js Component Instances Programmatically
Kushagra Gour -
Debugging JavaScript With A Real Debugger You Did Not Know You Already Have
Dustin Driver - Applying the Builder Pattern to Improve an Angular Service
Steve Smith - TypeScript 2.5: Optional catch Binding
Marius Schulz - How to Create an Audio Oscillator With the Web Audio API
Dennis Gaebel - Announcing TypeScript 2.7
Daniel Rosenwasser - Recreating the GitHub Contribution Graph with CSS Grid Layout
Ire Aderinokun - JavaScript, I love you, you’re perfect, now change
Sarah Drasner
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Including linked files from outside the project directory in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Automated Browser Testing With The WebDriver API
Jason McConnell - How to set up Kubernetes on Windows 10 with Docker for Windows and run ASP.NET Core
Scott Hanselman - Copy Table in Excel and Paste as a Markdown Table
Dave Johnson
- Ojalá hubiese tenido un mentor, la charla
Rubén Fernández - You got this! You know the fundamentals. You are a learner. Plus The Imposter’s Handbook
Scott Hanselman - Una empresa debe crecer y ganar
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