lunes, 26 de junio de 2017
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
.NET/.NET Core
- The week in .NET – .NET Architecture: Microservices & Containers, On .NET with Omer Raviv on OzCode, Sprache
Bertrand Le Roy - Multi-Targeting and Porting a .NET Library to .NET Core 2.0
Rick Strahl - Mocking in .NET Core Tests with Moq
Jason Roberts - Abolishing Switch-Case Statement and Pattern Matching in C# 7.0
Nikola Živković - Perks of using UI for ASP.NET MVC
Matt Millican - Four ways to dispose IDisposables in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - High-performance .NET by example: Filtering bot traffic
Alexandr Nikitin - Consuming Google.Apis.Sheets.V4 Services From C#
Tapan Kumar - C# - Make C# More Dynamic with Hyperlambda
Thomas Hansen - Understanding & Profiling C# Async Await Tasks
Matt Watson
- ASP.NET Core paso a paso – Introducción
Sebastián Henzenn - WebSocket subprotocol negotiation in ASP.NET Core
Tomasz Pęczek - Using IActionConstraints in ASP.NET Core MVC
Filip Woj - IStartup vs IHostingStartup
Hisam Bin Ateya - ASP.NET Core (.csproj) Embedded Resources
Derek Comartin - Visual Studio 2017 and Swagger: Building and Documenting Web APIs
Dennes Torres - Debugging ASP.NET Core SPA in Visual Studio Code
Daniel Jiménez García - A Note on Owin Hosted Services
Dr. Song Li - Testing ASP.NET Core MVC Controllers: Getting Started
Jason Roberts - Claims augmentation with OWIN but outside of Startup code
SailingRock - Exploring GraphQL and creating a GraphQL endpoint in ASP.NET Core
Jürgen Gutsch
Azure / Cloud
- Develop and Run Azure Functions locally
Anuraj Parameswaran - Deploying Angular to Azure
John Papa - How to Deploy Multiple Apps on Azure WebApps
Anuraj Parameswaran
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Machine Learning para principiantes – Capítulo 1: preparando el entorno
Gorka Madariaga - El patrón Factoría Simple en C# desde un punto de vista de mantenibilidad
Albert Capdevila - HTTP: Overview of the Basic Concepts (Part 1)
Vladimir Pecanac - Elixir, programación funcional para todos
Rubén Fernández - Optimiza, pero cuidado con los microbenchmarks
Juan María Hernández
- SQL Server Diagnostics (Preview)
Rony Chatterjee
- How to Apply CSS3 Transforms to Background Images
Craig Buckler - What Does a Well-Documented CSS Codebase Look Like?
Kaloyan Kosev - Oh No! Our Stylesheet Only Grows and Grows and Grows! (The Append-Only Stylesheet Problem)
Chris Coyier - Webpack: Conceptos básicos & Configurando nuestra primera build
José Antonio Dongil - JavaScript Optimization Patterns (Part 1)
Benedikt Meurer
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Updated Chrome Debugging Tools Worth Mentioning
Rion Williams - Check for broken links on your website using a Postman Collection
- Solución al problema de pérdida de conectividad en Windows Server con errores de Sockets y espacio de buffer
José Manuel Alarcón - Competing with Software Consulting Companies
Erik Dietrich - Imposter syndrome (part I)
Jon Skeet
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