lunes, 30 de enero de 2017
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Thanks to Hannah Hillam
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- How do .NET delegates work?
Matt Warren - C#7: Pattern Matching
Jeff Yates - The week in .NET – Adafruit Class Library for Windows IoT Core, Floor Plan
Bertrand Le Roy - Anybody want a gently used StructureMap?
Jeremy Miller - Iterators in C#: yield, IEnumerable & IEnumerator
Alan Zucconi - Multi-threading in C#: Back to Basics (Part 1 of N)
Jon McKee - Cloning Objects in .NET Framework Part II
Juan Francisco Morales - Task.Run vs. Task.Factory.StartNew Part 1 & Part II
Bnaya Eshet - Equality Operator (==) and Value Types in C#
Ehsan Sajjad
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- Comparing ASP.NET Core IoC container service lifetimes with Autofac IoC container instance scopes
César de la Torre - Debugging .NET Core on Unix over SSH
Andy Sterland - Fetch the current weather using ASP.NET Core Web API and OpenWeather
Jon Hilton - Building simple plug-ins system for ASP.NET Core
Gunnar Peipman - Building microservices with ASP.NET Core (without MVC)
Filip Woj - How do I change the name of my ASP.NET Core project?
George Stocker - ASP.NET Core Authentication with IdentityServer4
Mike Rousos - Working with Multiple .NET Core SDKs - both project.json and msbuild/csproj
Scott Hanselman - How to upload file via Swagger in ASP.NET Core Web API
Talking DotNet - Notes from the ASP.NET Community Standup –January 10, 2017
Maria Naggaga - ASP.NET Core – Migrating to MSBuild
Aaron Marisi - Reloading strongly typed options in ASP.NET Core 1.1.0
Andrew Lock - Running a specific test with .NET Core and NUnit
Anuraj P. - How to use .NET Framework libraries on .NET Core (or how to target full framework in your .csproj file)
Joe Petrakovich - Inyección de dependencias de .NET Core – #2 Scoped2Singleton & #3 TransientAndDispose
Unai Zorrilla
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Dealing with Complexity with DTOs and Command Objects
Peter Vogel - Bus or Queue
Steve Smith - Estrategias para descomponer y hacer pequeñas historias de usuario
Javier Garzás - Bezier Curves from the Ground Up
Jamie Wong
- Entity Framework - new() vs DbSet.Create()
Tomasz Pęczek - How to MongoDB in C# – Part 2
Stas Rivkin - Using Entity Framework with Legacy Databases
Mitchel Sellers
- CSS Selectors: Specificity
Tiffany Brown - TypeScript 2.1: Improved Inference for Literal Types
Marius Schulz - More HTML5 Semantics: Content Types & New Elements
Louis Lazaris - Programación Funcional en JavaScript: La mónada IO
José Antonio Dongil - Angular 2 Forms - Template driven and Model driven approaches
Richard Silveira - 4 Ways To Use jQuery Load in Your Website
Yogi S. - Let’s Look at 50+ Interesting CSS Properties & Values
Greg Hovanesyan - Making Responsive HTML Email Coding Easy With MJML
Nicolas Garnier - Building Your Startup: Automatic Time-Zone Detection
Jeff Reifman - One reason you probably shouldn’t bet your whole career on JavaScript
Oleksandr Kaleniuk - Need Lorem Ipsum? Inside HTML?
Chris Coyier - The end of the clearfix hack?
Rachel Andrew - CSS Selectors: Pseudo-elements
Tiffany Brown - Template Strings en ES6
Miguel Ángel Álvarez
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Navigation and search improvements in ReSharper 2016.3
Svetlana Emelyanova - Update to Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidate
John Montgomery - ReSharper Ultimate 2016.3.2
Svetlana Emelyanova - Adding Files to Visual Studio Projects
Rick Strahl - VS 2017 + new csproj = useful or useless?
Piotr Stapp - Today I Learned: Quick Command-Line Access in Windows
Rion Williams - Productivity Power [Tools] Pack 2017 Now Available!
Greg Duncan - Visual Studio 2017: Nuevo formato de instalación
Francesc Jaumot
- A .NET Programmer Tries Out GNU / Linux As The Primary OS.
Rajiv Popat - Esta Wi-Fi es de pago para todos menos para los hackers
Iván Fernández - Lo que los compiladores pueden enseñarnos sobre aprendizaje
Juan María Hernández
Thanks to Hannah Hillam
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