lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada, espero que os resulten interesantes :-)
- Multicast Delegates in C#
Abhi Jain - How to create a “Hello World” console application using .NET Core without Visual Studio?
Manjunath Gururaja - The road to DNX part I, part II & part III
Marc Gravell - Using JavaScript Frameworks inside C# with ChakraBridge
David Catuhe - Hoisting in .NET Explained
Alexandr Nikitin - Re-throwing Exceptions and the Call Stack
Richard Carr - Memory allocation in .Net – Value type, Reference type, Stack, Heap, Boxing, Unboxing, Ref, Out and Volatile
Sameemy2ks - Embedding Chrome in your C# App using CefSharp
H. Gupta - Código abierto, ecosistema cerrado
Juan María Hernández
- ASP.NET 5 Node Services
Ricardo Peres - ASP.NET 5 on AWS EC2 Container Service in 10 steps
Armen Shimoon - RFC: Server-side Image and Graphics Processing with .NET Core and ASP.NET 5
Scott Hanselman - Novedades de ASP.NET & .NET Core. Connect(); //2015
Daniel Escribano García - Using ASP.NET WebHooks with IFTTT and Zapier to Monitor Twitter and Google Sheets
Henrik F. Nielsen
Azure / Cloud
- #AZURE – Creating ThumbNails with VisionAPI
Bruno Capuano - Usa Vagrant con Microsoft Azure
Gisela Torres
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Cross cutting concerns in .Net applications
Christian Vos
Data access
- Deploying an Entity Framework Database into Production
Jon Smith - Crear índices en EF con Fluent API
Sergio León
- Top Ten Mistakes while Implementing Responsive Web Design
Keval Padia - Angular 2: Developer Preview
Ravi Kiran - How Vorlon.js helps you improve your web code
Etienne-Margraff - Drag and Drop File Uploading
Osvaldas Valutis - How to create Custom Filters in AngularJS
Dhananjay Kumar - Scaled/Proportional Content with CSS and JavaScript
Chris Coyier - Future of JavaScript – ECMAScript 6 (ES2015) Arrow and Spread Operator
Rami Sayar - Cómo obtener una referencia al ámbito global en cualquier entorno JavaScript (HTML, Node.js, Windows Scripting Host...)
José Manuel Alarcón
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Chocolatey: el gestor de paquetes para Windows
Gisela Torres - Understanding IIS HTTPPlatformHandler using Tomcat 8
Manjunath Gururaja - Running C# scripts and snippets in Visual Studio Code with scriptcs
Filip Wok - Scheduling Load Test Execution
Charles Sterling - Novedades de Visual Studio Code. Connect(); //2015
Isabel Cabezas Martín
- The 5 Laws of Software Estimates
Steve Smith - Contratación ¿En qué me estoy equivocando?
Sergio León
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