lunes, 20 de julio de 2015
- Expressmapper - The New .NET Mapper!
Yuriy Anisimov - FakeHttp
Don Kackman - Getting More LINQ-y
Jeremy Bytes - C# Succinctly (free ebook)
Joe Mayo
- Popup OAuth authentication with ASP.NET and SignalR
Jerrie Pelser - ViewComponents in ASP.NET 5 and ASP.NET MVC 6
Filip Woj - Enviar un array (JS) a un controlador MVC5
Eduard Tomás - A Glimpse into the future of Web Development Tools
Jeffrey Fritz - ASP.NET Community Standup - July 14, 2015
Jeffrey Fritz - Breadcrumb in MVC
John C. Rayan - Tracking Online Users with SignalR
Dino Esposito - Communicate from an Azure WebJob to your website with SignalR
Jerrie Pelser - Using Sessions and HttpContext in ASP.NET 5 and MVC6
Ben Cull
Azure / Cloud
- A/B Testing and Testing In Production with Azure Web Apps
Scott Hanselman
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- How I got XSS’d by my ad network
Troy Hunt - 64 Network DO’s and DON’Ts for Game Engine Developers (7+ posts)
Sergey Ignatchenko - The Commandments of Good Code according to Zach™
Zach Goldberg - A Neural Network in 11 lines of Python
Andrew Trask - Interfaces y delegados
Juan María Hernández
Data access
- Database Connection Hazards with Entity Framework
Doug Lane - Reusing ADO.NET code using Template design pattern
Shivprasad koirala
- Merge Arrays with JavaScript
David Walsh - Quantity Ordering With CSS
Drew Minns - Microsoft Edge and Web Components
Travis Leithead & Arron Eicholz - How we created dynamic sound with the Web Audio API in Microsoft Flight Simulator
Robby Ingebretsen - How to Debug JavaScript Remotely With Vorlon.js
David Catuhe - How to use cookies in jQuery without a plugin
B. Clay Shannon - jQuery 3.0 and jQuery Compat 3.0 Alpha Versions Released
Timmy Wilson
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Need compiler help? Bing in Visual Studio brings what you need in just one click
Bing Tean - New version of ASP.NET Merge Tool
Matt FJH - Microsoft Edge toma la delantera a Chrome y Safari en los últimos benchmarks de velocidad
Francisco Yirá - Four simple steps to create a Windows Universal App from Web App using Visual Studio 2015
Arun Kumar Surya Prakash - Multiple Desktops in Windows
Rick Strahl - VS2015- Novedades en Panel Error List: Filtros y Ayuda Online
Bruno Capuano - Tip of the day: Default project location in Visual Studio
Colin Angus Mackay - Mozilla has had enough of Flash’s security flaws, disables Firefox plugin
Abhimanyu Ghoshal
- What did the Ignore button do in Windows 3.1 when an application encountered a general protection fault?
Raymond Chen - Why doesn't the Print command appear when I select 20 files and right-click?
Raymond Chen - dotnetMALAGA: Nueva comunidad técnica de desarrolladores .NET en Málaga
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