Pues no habría apostado a que llegaríamos tan lejos, pero sí, estamos ante la entrega número 500 de la serie de enlaces interesantes, un post semanal que recoge los mejores contenidos técnicos que voy encontrando por la red, y que me consta que a muchos también os resultan interesantes :)
Ya cuando la serie cumplió diez años publiqué un post respondiendo preguntas que me habéis hecho y seguís haciendo sobre ella, así que si tenéis curiosidad sobre como empezó, el tiempo que dedico a ello o criterios para seleccionar los enlaces, os recomiendo que echéis un vistazo al post, porque todo sigue vigente.
Y ahora, vamos al lío: ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada que, como de costumbre, espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Métodos parciales en C# 3 y VB.NET 9
José María Aguilar - Cómo mostrar el número de usuarios conectados a una aplicación Blazor Server, en tiempo real
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Announcing .NET 7 Release Candidate 2
Jon Douglas & Jeremy Likness & Angelos Petropoulos - Console.ReadKey improvements in .NET 7
Adam Sitnik - Boosting Performance With Sealed Classes in .NET
Marko Hrnčić - Low-level struct improvements in C# 11
Steven Giesel - Calculating MRR with Stripe and C#
Phil Haack - Cursed C# - Doing shenanigans in C#
Steven Giesel - What's new in System.Text.Json in .NET 7
Eirik Tsarpalis & Krzysztof Wicher & Layomi Akinrinade - Modern C# Techniques, Part 3: Generic Code Generation
Stephen Cleary - Functional Programming in C#—A Brief Consideration
Assis Zang - Infographics Compendium II - ThrowHelper, null Task and more
Steven Giesel
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Release Candidate 2
Daniel Roth - Adding validation to strongly typed configuration objects using FluentValidation
Andrew Lock - Force phishing resistant authentication in an ASP.NET Core application using Azure AD
Damien Bowden - Performance Testing of ASP.NET Core APIs With k6
Ryan Miranda - How to create a custom feature filter in ASP.NET Core
Karthik Chintala - Write Logseq plugins in WebAssembly using .NET and C#
Laurent Kempé - No Need to Wait for .NET 8 to Try Experimental WebAssembly Multithreading
David Ramel - How to generate header images for blogs and ASP.NET Core
Thomas Ardal - Introducing the New Blazor AppBar Component
Vengatesh Maniraj
Azure / Cloud
- How to Redirect HTTP Traffic to HTTPS in Azure CDN
Jamil Hallal - What’s New for Azure App Service – Fall Ignite 2022 Edition
Stefan Schackow
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- OAuth client authentication - more than just client secrets
Scott Brady - Event Choreography for Loosely Coupled Workflow
Derek Comartin - Advanced regex: Capture groups, lookaheads, and lookbehinds
Bob Reselman
- Announcing Entity Framework Core 7 RC2: JSON Columns
Arthur Vickers - Entity Framework Core Extension tips & tricks
Maciej & Code - Add MS SQL Server JSON Support To Entity Framework Core
Khalid Abuhakmeh
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Binary Classification Using New PyTorch Best Practices, Part 2: Training, Accuracy, Predictions
James McCaffrey
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- How JavaScript hoisting actually works
Carlo Gino Catapang - What is a closure? And why this matters ?
Victor Miranda - TypeScript's
keyword might not be what you think
Mirco Kraenz - :where :is CSS?
Mustapha Aouas - JavaScript String Manipulation Techniques Every Developer Should Know
Nipuni Arunodi - Early Days of Container Style Queries
Geoff Graham - Practical Uses of Dependency Injection in Angular
Alisa Duncan - Quick Tip: How to Use the Ternary Operator in JavaScript
Dianne Pena - How to intercept, observe & mock WebRTC traffic
Tim Perry - Q: Why do tabs sometimes show an orange dot?
Eric Lawrence - A Pure CSS Gallery Focus Effect with :not
Krzysztof Gonciarz - The Essential Guide to Javascript Sets
Johnny Simpson - How to Animate CSS Box Shadows and Optimize Performance
Oscar Jite-Orimiono - Speeding Up Async Snippets – CSS Wizardry
Harry Roberts - Microfrontends: Microservices for the Frontend
Tomás Fernández - Fancy Image Decorations: Single Element Magic
Temani Afif - Waiting for the DOM to be ready in Javascript
Johnny Simpson - Create Modern Vue Apps Using Create-Vue and Vite
Jacob Jackson
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Publishing a NuGet package using GitHub and GitHub Actions
Gérald Barré - How To Fix Visual Studio Code IntelliSense Loading Infinitely
Dawid Sibiński - Introducing the Fleet Public Preview
Hadi Hariri
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Announcing .NET MAUI support for Xcode 14 and iOS 16
David Ortinau - Xamarin Renderers to .NET MAUI Handlers
Leomaris Reyes - C# UI and .NET Hot Reload - A Match Made in .NET MAUI
David Ortinau
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