lunes, 3 de octubre de 2022

Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Clases parciales en C# y VB.NET
José María Aguilar - Mostrar HTML "crudo" en componentes Blazor
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Use .NET from any JavaScript app in .NET 7
Pavel Šavara - How to Use Shouldly to Improve Unit Tests in .NET?
Code Maze - Microsoft Commerce's .NET 6 Migration Journey
Kurtis Story - How to generate a dump file of a .NET application
Gérald Barré - The ThreadPool in .NET 7 NativeAOT uses the Windows thread pool
Austin Wise - Introducing C#11: Auto Default structs
Anthony Giretti - Pattern matching is awesome
Steven Giesel - Generate Dynamic PDF Reports from an HTML Template Using C#
Praveen Kumar - Microsoft Teams’ Infrastructure and Azure Communication Services’ Journey to .NET 6
Siavash Fathi & Arman Raina & Bhaskar Bhattacharya - .NET: Learn LINQ as you never have before
Anthony Giretti - x86 vs x64 in .NET
Steven Giesel - By Reference in C#
Peter Ritchie - Modern C# Techniques, Part 1: Curiously Recurring Generic Pattern
Stephen Cleary - Generate Strongly-Typed Resources with .NET Core
Travis Illig - Infographics Compendium I - Generators, pure functions and more
Steven Giesel
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- The Comprehensive Guide To Feature Management In ASP.NET Core
Karthik Chintala - ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware in .NET 7
Maarten Balliauw - Securing Web APIs with Azure AD: Connecting External Clients
Jimmy Bogard - Built-in rate limiting in ASP.NET Core vs AspNetCoreRateLimit
Thomas Ardal - C# / Blazor Wolfenstein - Part 8 - Rendering Objects
James Randall - How to Read AppSettings Values From a JSON File in .NET Core
Ahsan Ullah - Using XML Documentation With ASP.NET Core Minimal API Apps and OpenAPI
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Experimental WebTransport over HTTP/3 support in Kestrel
Chris R - Migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (Part 4)
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi & Taylor Southwick
Azure / Cloud
- Announcing general availability for Azure Functions v4 .NET framework support in an isolated process
Melony Qin - Bye bye Azure Functions, Hello Azure Container Apps: Migrating from Azure Functions to ASP.NET Core
Jonathan George
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Object Calisthenics
Fran Iglesias - Clean Code Tip: throw exceptions instead of returning null when there is no fallback
Davide Bellone
- Cosmos DB Partition Key Best Practices
Rahul Mehta - Pitfalls with eager loading of collections in EF Core
Phil Haack
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Cómo usar los métodos Call, Apply y Bind en javascript
Khriztian Moreno - Using Only CSS to Recreate Windows 98
Johnny Simpson - How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS
Temani Afif - A Complete Guide to Javascript Maps
Johnny Simpson - Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals
Matteo Mazzarolo - Five Data-Loading Patterns To Boost Web Performance
Agustinus Theodorus - Just jQuery The Core UI
Ian Elliot - CSS for giving the extra width to the thing in the middle
Jessitron - Angular Basics: Conditional Content Projection
Nwose Lotanna Victor - GIFs Without the .gif: The Most Performant Image and Video Options Right Now
Ollie Williams - How to Use Angular Native Animations
Dulanka Karunasena - Useful JavaScript Math Functions and How to Use Them
Darren Jones - Closing a 30 pixel gap between native and web
Patrick Brosset - CSS Flexbox Cheat Sheet 🔥
Anshul Soni - async/await in js
Code Dolt - Dear Console,…
Christian Heilmann - Abstract Factory pattern in TypeScript
José Miguel Álabarez - Ten Years of TypeScript
Daniel Rosenwasser
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Versionado automático de paquetes NuGet con un sistema CI/CD
Iván Montilla - Copilot y su código inseguro o cómo la IA aprende a programar (también) metiendo "Bugs"
Fran Ramírez - Visual Studio for Mac 17.4 Preview 2.1 is now available
Iain Holmes - VS Code Timeline Restores Lost Work That Git Can't
Austin Gil - Show off your apps with Phone Link
Ionut Stirban
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Creating outlined map polygons in .NET MAUI
Andreas Nesheim - Configure Syncfusion .NET MAUI Controls Using Visual State Manager (VSM)
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan
- A 60% keyboard is good for you
IIai Fallach
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