lunes, 10 de octubre de 2022
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Otras 101 citas célebres del mundo de la informática
José María Aguilar - Capturar todos los parámetros enviados a un componente Blazor
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Adiciones a LINQ en .NET 7.0
Octavio Hernandez - Understanding identity in .NET
Pierre Bouillon - Sorting in C#: OrderBy.OrderBy or OrderBy.ThenBy? What′s more effective and why?
Sergei Vasiliev - Ensuring best practices for NuGet packages
Gérald Barré - Write barrier optimizations in regions
Maoni Stephens - Bending .NET - Compiling 65,536 Programs with Roslyn to Find Valid Identifier Separator char's... then just use
Niels Rasmussen - How to build a URL Shortener with C# .NET and Redis
Niels Swimberghe - Bing Ads Campaign Platform – Journey to .NET 6
Mike Treit - Modern C# Techniques, Part 2: Value Records
Stephen Cleary
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
Daniel Gomez Jaramillo - Implement the On Behalf Of flow between an Azure AD protected API and an API protected using OpenIddict
Damien Bowden - ASP.NET Core Versioning: MVC APIs
Stuart Blackler - .NET IdempotentAPI v2.0.0RC Supports Idempotency in a Cluster Environment
Ioannis Kyriakidis - ASP.NET Core 7 updates
Jürgen Gutsch - Rate limiting in web applications - Concepts and approaches
Maarten Balliauw - Upload File using C# ASP.NET FileUpload Control
Sanjay M. - Adding validation to strongly typed configuration objects in .NET 6
Andrew Lock - ASP.NET Core Versioning: Minimal APIs
Stuart Blackler - The 2 secret endpoints I create in my .NET APIs
Davide Bellone - Creating a Generic Tree View Blazor Component
MJ Schanne - Using .NET 7's Blazor Custom Elements to render dynamic content
Jon Hilton - Introduction to WebApplicationFactory
Steven Giesel - Handling Custom 404 Page on GH Pages with Blazor WASM
Justin Yoo
Azure / Cloud
- Azure Firewall Basic now in preview
Mark Gakman - Deploy ASP.NET Core Web API to Amazon ECS - Dockerized Applications with AWS Fargate
Mukesh Murugan - Add Unit Tests To Your Azure Functions
Anuraj Parameswaran - Simple Dependency Injection for .NET Lambda Functions
Bryan Hogan - Control and automate planned maintenance for App Service Environment v3 part 2
Błażej Miśkiewicz
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- What is the Difference Between a DTO and a POCO?
Marko Hrnčić - CQRS facts and myths explained
Oskar Dudycz - Real Life TDD Example
Jeremy D. Miller - Problem-Solving Techniques: The Sniper vs the General
Jose Huerta - Demystifying software architecture patterns
Rahul Garg - The 10 Immutable Laws of Testing
Peter Vogel - How does the key exchange in HTTPS work?
Steven Giesel - What is Software Architecture?
Derek Comartin
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Advancing anomaly detection with AIOps—introducing AiDice
Mark Russinovich - Binary Classification Using PyTorch, Part 1: New Best Practices
James McCaffrey
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Pointer-events: deshabilita clics con CSS y sin JavaScript
Pablo Iglesias - CSP and javascript:void(0) links : Algorithms for the masses
Julian M. Bucknall - Detecting user (in)activity in Angular
Maciej & Code - Watch out what you expose with Angular Interceptors
Tim Deschryver - Everything You Need to Know About JavaScript Import Maps
Honeybadger Developer Blog - 5 Ways To Detect Mobile Browsers in JavaScript
Yang Zhou - 20+ Best Javascript Rich Text Editors (WYSIWYG) For Faster And Useful Development
Frontendin - A change to overflow on replaced elements in CSS
Chrome Developers - React Router vs. React Router DOM
Nishani Dissanayake - Easy Fluid Typography With clamp() Using Sass Functions
Brecht De Ruyte - The Missing Math Methods in JavaScript
Olivia Gibson - Virtual URL navigation using vanilla JavaScript
Pierre Bouillon - Generate and Download QR Code using Javascript
Mohdafzaal - How to Safely Share Your Email Address on a Website
Lorenzo Bonannella - Quick Tip: How to Use the Spread Operator in JavaScript
Dianne Pena - JavaScript unit testing frameworks in 2022: A comparison
Mohsen Taleb
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Deploying a Blazor Server-Side Application to Azure App Service Using GitHub Actions
A. Yohan Malshika - Comparing files in Visual Studio
Mads Kristensen - .NET Class Diagrams In JetBrains Rider with PlantUML
Khalid Abuhakmeh - AI Code completion is like cruise control – and that’s great news for bigger teams
Christian Heilmann
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Announcing the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit v1.3
Kym Phillpotts - Vibrations in .NET MAUI 💚
Leomaris Reyes - Full customizable Tabs for MAUI
Jean-Marie Alfonsi - Authentication for .NET MAUI Apps with MSAL.NET
Sameer Khandekar - Introducing the .NET MAUI Autocomplete Control
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan
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