lunes, 18 de abril de 2022
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Streaming en gRPC, parte I: Streaming unidireccional
José María Aguilar - Variables locales implicítamente tipadas en C#
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Announcing .NET 7 Preview 3
Jon Douglas - Nullable reference types in C# - Migrating to nullable reference types
Maarten Balliauw - Getting Disk information in Windows with C#
Bruno Sonnino - Reflected Image in C# with GDI and Unchecked Code
AdventureDriver - .NET Automatic Updates for Server Operating Systems
Jamshed Damkewala - Keeping up with .NET: learning about new features and APIs
Andrew Lock - Adding Alt Text To Twitter Images Using C#
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Warning on lower case type names in C# 11
Jared Parsons - Faster .NET development on Kubernetes with Skaffold
Salvatore Merone - Introducing Central Package Management
Jeff Kluge - Using the Roslyn APIs to Analyse a .NET Solution
Steve Gordon - Deep C# - Interface
Mike James - Discussing alternative memory management strategy for .NET
Mark Pelf - Dissecting AutoMapper Programming Horror
Jimmy Bogard - Ignoring JSON Key Casing and Numbers as Strings when Deserializing with System.Text.Json
Bryan Hogan
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- [Parte 8] ASP.NET Core: Integration Tests & [Parte 9] ASP.NET Core: Logging con Serilog
Isaac Ojeda - ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 3
Daniel Roth - Uploading multiple files using InputFile in Blazor
Gérald Barré - Blazor WebAssembly Cookie Authentication With Twitter & Microsoft Account & Google Account
Naveen Bommidi - How to access the HttpContext in .NET API
Davide Bellone - Download Multiple Files From Azure Blob Storage in ASP.NET Core
Code Maze - Returning HTTP 204 (No Content) from .NET Minimal API
Jeremy Clark - Blazor Component Callback from a RenderFragment Template
Graeme Grant - Deploy Web App to IIS with Zero Downtime in Visual Studio
Ahmed Hesham
Azure / Cloud
- Unlock cloud savings on the fly with autoscale on Azure
Diana Gao - Robust Messaging using Azure Service Bus
Monojit Datta - Update Your Azure Functions Table Storage Bindings
Mark Heath - AWS Lambda with .NET 6 - Serverless Computing
Mukesh Murugan - How to secure Azure Functions with Azure Active Directory B2C
Anuraj Parameswaran
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Monad laws
Mark Seemann - The complete guide to protecting your APIs with OAuth2
Dan Moore - Asynchronous Request-Response Pattern for Non-Blocking Workflows
Derek Comartin
- Announcing Entity Framework Core 7 (EF7) Preview 3
Jeremy Likness - How to Solve the Command or File Was Not Found EF Core Error
Code Maze
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- JavaScript: Cómo recibir y enviar archivos binarios con AJAX
José Manuel Alarcón - Preguntas de javascript para desarrolladores
Miguel Teherán - Use CSS.escape() to escape QuerySelectorAll()
Rick Strahl - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Cheat Sheet - 2022 Edition
PortSwigger - Boost Resource Loading With fetchpriority, a New Priority Hint
Adrian Bece - ECMAScript proposal “Change Array by copy”: four new non-destructive Array methods
Axel Rauschmayer - Understand Prototypes and Prototypal Inheritance—JavaScript
Ifeoma Imoh - JavaScript Escape Quotes
Jamil Hallal - Add a CSS Lens Flare to Photos for a Bright Touch
Shimin Zhang - One million broken web sites – and a way to prevent that
Christian Heilmann - Angular State Management with NgRx
Chameera Dulanga - Designing A Better Carousel UX
Vitaly Friedman - Accessible React Forms
Carl Rippon - JavaScript function composition: What’s the big deal?
James Sinclair - CSS Layers Tutorial: Real CSS Encapsulation
Johnny Simpson
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 9
Jordan Matthiesen - Introducing Syncfusion ASP.NET Core Template Studio for Visual Studio Code
Abishake Dakshinamoorthy - Git Credential Manager: authentication for everyone
Matthew John Cheetham - Supercharge your Git experience in VS
Taysser Gherfal - Dependabot alerts now surface if your code is calling a vulnerability
Erin Havens
Xamarin / .NET MAUI
- Reglas de validación para .NET MAUI
Luis Matos - .NET MAUI Release Candidate - Ready for cross-platform app development
David Ortinau - Replicating Foodora UI in .NET MAUI – Part 2
Andreas Nesheim - .NET MAUI – RC1 – BlazorWebView – Streamlined
Vijay Anand
- Now that computers have more than 4MB of memory, can we get seconds on the taskbar?
Raymond Chen - Thoughts On Markdown
Knut Melvær
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